I appreciate you taking the time to do the write up. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Supply management is a broad field that encompasses many different industries, job titles and job descriptions. FM 100-22 contains information about the responsibilities of installation staffs. The Support Operations Officer is normally an experienced Major. Also, during drills, I set up a SPO tent, where I oversee the operations. Developing a prioritized adversary C2 target list based on high-value targets and HPTs (with the FSCOORD). Helping the company FSO adjust NGF, in the absence of a spotter. Posted 4:45:21 PM. SW AST 15R - Social Program Officer (SPO) Assistant Position Classification Social Worker Assistant R15 Union GEU Location Burnaby, BC V3J 1N3 CA Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B9 CA Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2S1 CA Multiple Locations, BC CA (Primary) New Westminster, BC V3M 6H8 CA Port Moody, BC V3H 5C9 CA Salary Range $53,673.52 - $60,707.45 annually Close . While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command specialized transportation units focused on supporting global operations. The one thing that may need to be added to the duties would be estimating costs or working within a budget.c. This SPO coordinates between the divisions units and support units. Recommending IO effects to influence adversary perceptions, decisions, and actions. This includes any command technical training within a staff member's field of interest. An aide-de-camp is authorized for general officers in designated positions. Planning, coordinating, and managing chemical and radiological survey and monitoring operations. Examples are qualitative evaluations of progress toward meeting programmed objectives and using resources to support the command's missions. Monitoring commercial accounts, including paying for supplies, equipment, and services procured to support the CSS BOS. Coordinating with interagency department engineers, such as the FBI engineer. Coordinating with the resource manager (RM) and finance officer on the financial aspects of contracting. Coordinating support of dislocated civilian operations with the G-5. Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution. When visiting subordinate units, staff members call on the subordinate unit commander to explain the visit's purpose. Developing plans and standby directives for procuring, using, and administering the civilian labor force and using local labor in foreign areas during emergencies (with other staff members). This practice allows commanders to focus on the overall operation. Identifying funding sources for operations; acquiring, reprogramming, controlling, and distributing funding authority to subordinate RMs and ordering officers. They may also earn additional compensation in the form of overtime. Equal Opportunity Advisor. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. Work is performed with some independence in accordance with established policies and procedures . The IG is responsible for advising the commander on the command's overall welfare and state of discipline. Developing the EA mission tasking based on the C2 target list, and issuing the EA target list. Remember, while it is great to write a TACSOP, the reality is that nobody is going to read it. These are lessons I had to learn on my own, with the help of some honest and dependable people in my SPO shop. D-63. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Establishing, operating, and supervising technical intelligence reporting procedures. Chuck, Thanks for the post and the great ideas. Minimizing civilian interference with operations. Coordinating the allocation of petroleum products to subordinate units. The G-6 (S-6) is responsible for IM, in coordination with the battle staff. Coordinating local procurement support with the G-1/AG for personnel, and with the G-4 for materiel and services. Force development and modernization includes-. Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), -Brigade Combat Team (Infantry, Armor, Stryker, Fires), -Division Transportation Officer (DTO) (KD), -Battalion Support Ops Officer (SPO) (KD), -White House Transportation Agency (WHTA). D-58. Determining qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements for new equipment and systems. By that means, I communicate with my CO thoroughly for his intention before writing an OPORD. Air Liaison Officer. D-71. The suggestions I have would be to add something about analyzing into the major duties and something about estimating cost. Coordinating with higher echelons, the G-4 (S-4), and the engineer coordinator (ENCOORD) to identify requirements for geospatial products, before deploying on an operation. Prioritizing the efforts of attached PSYOP forces. Corps and divisions are normally authorized an RM or comptroller. They also list special staff officers over which each coordinating staff officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility. Coordinating with the G-7 to ensure synchronization of PSYOP. Developing and educating the command on policies and procedures for protecting against the release of information detrimental to the mission, national security, and personal privacy. Commanders at all echelons, battalion through corps, are authorized or appoint an OPSEC officer. Recommending and coordinating assignments and personnel issues. Weekly I also sit down with A Co. and B Co. (separately) to be briefed on status. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3), G-2 (S-2), and ENCOORD to requisition cataloged topographic foundation data and existing mission-specific data sets from the Defense Logistics Agency. D-3. Casualty reporting, notification, and assistance. An AMDCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Coordinating with the G-1/AG (S-1) and the PM on transporting replacement personnel and EPWs. The IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer manage available networked means to collect, process, display, store, and disseminate RI needed to maintain and disseminate the COP. In order to meet a 1-7 there needs to be knowledge that is used to plan, schedule, and conduct projects. Transportation Officers are experts in the systems, vehicles and . Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) or Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), attached to a Movement Control Battalion (MCB). Air and missile defense coordinator (AMDCOORD). Lend Lease Group - Support Operations Officer Wyoming, WY, 02/2014 - 05/2014. Let's get started. Administering and monitoring the unit NCO development program and sergeant's time training. Archiving PD due to audit findings. Logistic Operations and Plans (General). Hospitalization support of sick, injured, or wounded soldiers. The ACOS, G-6 (S-6) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning command, control, communications, and computer operations (C4OPS). Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Performing other duties the commander prescribes, to include receiving and orienting newly assigned enlisted soldiers and helping inspect command activities and facilities. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. (Can be displayed on 88N ALC DA Form 1059) Graduate of 80 hour TC-AIMS II (Functional User) course taught/approved by the US Army Transportation School. Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. Maintaining and reporting radiation exposure and dose status, and coordinating with surgeon. Planning and controlling these engineer battlefield functions: Planning and coordinating with the G-3 (S-3) and FSCOORD on integrating obstacles and fires. Providing instruction to units, officials (friendly, HN civil, or HN military), and the population on identifying, planning, and implementing programs to support civilian populations and strengthen HN internal defense and development. Duties: Directly responsible for all activities and personnel engaged in field level maintenance which involves the repair of small arms, field artillery and armament weapon systems. Coordinating and planning for scatterable-mine use (with the ENCOORD). Supervision includes-. Performing staff supervision of activities and units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate support of the command. As a commitment to the well-being of every Soldier, the Army provides high-quality comprehensive health care coverage and life insurance. Planning community relations programs to gain and maintain public understanding and goodwill, and to support military operations. Thats what the Soldiers care about. Factor 9 Agree: Normal work environment.5. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. During operations, the COS must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. Preparing, maintaining, and updating IM estimates, plans, and orders (per the CIMP). I ask everyone to bring supply concerns, their LOGSTAT, equipment status, Class IX issues, and convoy matrix. Supervising the command's historical activities. Developing a program for dental support of humanitarian and civil action operations. Classification Review: This position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code in conformance with standard published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. The Ministry of Children and Family Developmen Coordinating IO elements and related activities for the COS (XO). D-74. Classification standard series 0346b. An SJA serves commanders exercising general-court-martial convening authority. Personal staff officers also may work under the supervision of the COS (XO). Coordinating HN support with the G-5 (S-5). D-44. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Providing intelligence support to targeting, to include participating in targeting meetings, developing targets, planning target acquisition, and tracking high-payoff targets (HPTs). Dislocated civilian and straggler control. Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. Planning, coordinating, and supervising exercises. Time off is an important part of a Soldier's life and well-being, which is why full-time Soldiers receive 30 days paid vacation, weekends, national holidays, and sick days annually. The PSYOP officer is responsible for synchronizing PSYOP operations with those of other IO elements and echelons. Activities, and impacts upon the successful accomplishment of the commands mission. Evaluating collection reporting and intelligence. Providing information on the status of AMD systems, air and missile attack early warning radars, and ADA ammunition on hand. Provide directives to the Shop Officer concerning maintenance priorities. Coordinating with the PM to control civilian traffic in the AO. Monitoring the sanitation of food storage facilities and equipment. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to current operations include-, D-82. View job listing details and apply now. Establishing INFOSYS to develop the COP (with the staff). Motor transportation organic to or allocated for headquarters use. D-24. This section addresses the specific duties of each special staff officer. Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. They do this case-by-case, depending on the commander's guidance or the nature of the task. ), D-94. Humanitarian civil assistance and disaster relief. The noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the 17th CSSB's Kandahar SPO transportation cell, who was the liaison and subject matter expert for the MCT and the RSY, was sent to the RSY to assess and . Providing technical advice and recommendations on mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), troop-safety criteria, operational exposure guidance, NBC reconnaissance, smoke operations, biological warfare defense measures, and mitigating techniques. Analyzing personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements. Assisting all staff sections with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for performing IM functions within and between staff sections. Coordinating and monitoring the collection and distribution of excess, surplus, and salvage supplies and equipment. Theyve held many jobs within a Brigade Support Battalion and they know the capabilities and skills of their unit and its personnel. Mission:To expedite, coordinate, and supervise transportation support of units, cargo, and personnel into, through, and out of air or water ports, or assigned geographical areas. That SPO is responsible for handing all the logistics issues within the battalion (maneuver). Their duties include checking in regularly with probationers, using various monitoring techniques and serving as intermediaries between offenders and judges. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. Marine Liaison Team Commander. A PM is authorized at corps and divisions. Other intelligence support includes-, D-54. Briefings may be attended by organizational commanders and/or high ranking officials of units involved in training. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). (IDM provides a managed flow of RI based on the commander's priorities). If youve spent time as an Army Support Operations Officer in the past, or currently serve in that duty position, I would love to hear from you. A PAO is authorized at corps, divisions, and major support commands. The support operations officer or materiel officer provides technical supervision for the CSS mission of the support command and is the key interface between the supported unit and support command. Staffs collect, process, store, display, and disseminate information that flows continuously into their headquarters. An EWO is authorized at corps and divisions. Policies and procedures to enhance force capabilities. Supporting linguist requirements, to include consolidating linguist requirements and establishing priorities for using linguists. Staff Planning and Supervision. The AVCOORD is the senior aviation officer in the force and the commander of an aviation unit supporting it. Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. D-40. Before you can become a Soldier, you'll first need to complete a form of Basic TrainingBasic Combat Training for enlisted Soldiers and the Basic Officer Leadership Course for Army Officers, as well as any additional training your job may require. As an Adult Probation Officer, you are responsible for a broad range of duties that include working with diverse community partners delivering numerous services within the community, ensuring that a multi-disciplinary approach is applied in complex cases and balanced with the maintenance of community safety. Coordinating, planning, and directing information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the forward-most fighting platforms. Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to IM include-. Im not sure whether or not this is a determining factor of deciding on a 2-4 or a 2-3.4. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the staff weather officer. Developing annual non-OPTEMPO requirements. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. Within their fields of interest, staff members fulfill the following specific IM tasks and activities: D-14. Allocating organic and supporting resources to support PSYOP efforts. However, the Support Operations Officer manages the external logistics and makes sure the Support Battalion supports the Brigade with the required medical, supply, and maintenance support. Assessing the effects of offensive and defensive IO throughout the operations process; recommending IO adjustments as required. Assessing and recommending news, entertainment, and information needs of soldiers and home station audiences. Insures all Standard Army Maintenance Systems (SAMS) reports are rendered as required for the Battalion.Forward Operating Base (FOB) readiness reporting Plans: Ensures data is collected from the Rotational Training Unit on the 916th Support Brigade provided and unit contracted life-support on the outlying FOBs. Transmitting advance notification of impending immediate airlift requirements. Valid conclusions are relevant to the topic, objective, and supported by data. Within each maneuver brigade there is one Brigade Support Battalion (formerly called a Forward Support Battalion) that provides logistics to the brigade. Preparing training guidance for the commander's approval. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). Facilitating the dynamic retasking of space-based assets to support current and future operations. Additional duties include Unit Movement Officer and Logistics Readiness Officer. Disseminating air defense ROE, weapons control status, and air defense warnings to subordinate units. Ensuring that special staff officers or sections have personnel, logistics, facilities, and proper support. Policy files of the commander and higher headquarters. The Program Security Officer, or PSO is the government security professional responsible for all aspects of the program's security. The OPS SGM and XO both own staff duty operations and the staff duty roster. Requesting support for higher and adjacent command intelligence collection, processing, and production. Commanders assign a single staff officer responsibility for preparing and publishing plans and orders. D-22. Coordinating with and providing direction to other staff elements about issues and information. They handle all the logistical requests and plan and coordinate support missions done by the FSC for the maneuver battalion. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). In the absence of a senior military officer (SPO), serves as the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations Officer. Manage the SAMS-2 box and SARRS-2 STAMIS. Developing and recommending a planned or programmed force structure. D-12. Assignment:To Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Motor Transportation Battalion or a CSSB. We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. The ACOS, G-4 exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the transportation officer. Staffs prepare and issue plans and orders to execute their commanders' decisions, coordinating all necessary details. Supervising the implementation of RM policies. Your Army salary is just one part of the total compensation Soldiers earn. ), D-96. Staff members prepare a variety of written communications-particularly at division level and above, where operations rely primarily on written directives, reports, orders, and studies. The ALO is responsible for coordinating aerospace assets and operations, such as close air support (CAS), air interdiction, air reconnaissance, airlift, and joint suppression of enemy air defenses. Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Terminal Battalion. Advising the commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of theater, strategic, national, and commercial space assets. The intelligence cycle is an example of such a process. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. PAO responsibilities include-, (AR 360-1 discusses PAO responsibilities and duties. All staff members assess training requirements within their fields of interest across the command. Transportation officers are our Armys deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. Historian. Developing and implementing the commander's religious support program. Developing, maintaining, and revising troop lists. Verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents ( with the ENCOORD ) commander on the capabilities,,... 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