Everything is true. I am approaching 12mths off the grog and feeling pretty damn happy with myself. He called every day very lonely. I want to love myself again and hopefully another. I have decided to take it to 6 months. I would even switch up the stores so it didnt look as bad. Yes, chocolate bullets & sorbet are my go to. When you ditch the alcohol, however, you won't have those sleepy-yet-restless nights. Yet, aside from this introspection that the removal of alcohol has brought, I also feel very alert and healthy, I am also far more positive about my life and situation. Not drinking alcohol has helped me look forward not backwards. Wishing you the best! 3 months on going without a drop of alcohol. Today is also 15 days being sober from marijuana which I dont miss at all, as I couldnt stand the way it made my head feel any longer after I used to love it. U.S. Alcohol Drinking Alcohol Consumption Health Care A woman has shared her incredible three-week transformation after completely cutting out alcohol. Heres why you should celebrate being sober: This is to remind you that everything youve done is worth it. Six weeks free from alcohol at the moment,one year is the goal!! AF. Its not all about me anymore. For some, they find that meditation, reading or other activities such as a pottery class, become more possible. Much more flexible and feel younger. I hid it very well from my Partner, family members and Co-workers. I was having 2 to 5 drinks a night, sometimes shots of liquor, sometimes very strong stout beers. There are plenty of other perks to easing up on alcohol besides weight loss. Im much more myself staying away from alcohol than when drinking. Im at day 4 and feel great. Sorry this is so winded but its awesome to be able to share. Its a mindset. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. No drinking alcohol in just over 3 months. Its a bit bizarre. 3. I drank nearly every day previously some wine each day. Might seem silly but has really helped me stay strong for the last 2 months. Either with your friend and family, a support group or even a therapist. It slowly started sinking in, and I asked Jesus to help me stop drinking. But for months I seemed to fall into the pattern of 1-2 days sober, then back to drinking. Im totally smug also, I have to keep it in check. Lets take a look at what happens when you stay stop for this period of time. It takes something big for you to wake up and take control. Thank you, now I am on my 2nd going to 3rd months AF, I feel good youre right i having a good sleep now a days. Im only 2 months in AF but so thankful to God for helping me with this new life. 4 Stages of Alcohol and Drug Rehab Recovery, What to Do If Dry January Didnt Work for You, The Risks of Using Alcohol to Relieve Anxiety, Dry January: The Benefits of a Month Without Alcohol, The Risks of Drinking Alcohol While Taking Lexapro, Sleep Problems Associated With Alcohol Misuse, The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Medications, Mild, Moderate, and Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms. I took a 75 day challenge of no drinking. I was having 1 to 2 drinks a night. Timeline: What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol? So, here is the reason for my rant; I have been free of alcohol for 7 years now. You keep the pouring, glass-holding and drinking effect and it still has the beneficial compounds , resviritrol etc. From the beginning of your addiction to staying sober for the first two months, you will notice a lot of social anxiety. Before, Id have had 6 beers and half a bottle. Many thanks to you all xxx Take care and keep being good to yourself xx, Were glad that youre along for the ride hope you keep the changes up, and take care of yourself too . I highly recommend the AF or AR (alcohol-reduced) life to anyone! I just did my first Christmas and New Years in 25 year alcohol free. There are several medications (benzodiazepines, clonidine, etc.) [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2020]. Zima T. Alcohol Abuse. Because it feels so good. Collison, Daniel & Banbury, Sam & Lusher, Jo. I have felt exactly like you and thought I was giving up so much by going sober. Yes. Seek medical advice if you need guidance on whats happening in regard to your health. Alcohol withdrawal is a result of your brain becoming too used to continuous exposure to the substance. Now, Im spending a lot more time with family and friends and taking up hobbies Ive always wanted to do but would always put off. Im so excited and optimistic about my future for the first time in years! Most of the time, I stick to my guns and, if someone offers me a drink, I say, "no, thanks," or that I dont really drink, and then conversation continues as usual. I still have problems sleeping, like always, and its getting worse. I hope it goes away soon. I left out few things of what Im going through physically and mentally. So as of todays date I have been sober for 192 days. 2010;7(3):799-813. doi:10.3390/ijerph7030799, By Arlin Cuncic Since around 18 I never went longer then a week with drinking heavily socially. I am gaining weight. One of the best things about giving up alcohol is that you may find yourself feeling happier overall. If you're ready to give up alcohol, and you are drinking every day, here is a timeline of what you can expect in regards to your mental and physical health when you stop drinking. For people who have experienced weight gain due to drinking excess alcohol, weight loss may be part of the AF (alcohol-free) experience. But there are plenty of health benefits to cutting back or stopping for good. 16-34. de Visser, R. and Piper, R., 2020. Great number did it again just to make sure it wasnt a mistake better number. I cant tell you how glad I am that I took that step that day. In the past, I had loved waking up early for morning workouts. Kate I hope you are having good luck with your reduced alcohol consumption. Feeling physically good but mentally, I have never been so drained. I know I am not all the way there, yet, but I realize I am moving in that direction. Stay strong! 66 days Alcohol free and feel a whole lot better,my aim is to do one year!! Ive struggled through dry months. And that dehydration can take a serious toll on your skin. night. Going to 3 months now, Im 3 weeks in to my abstinence journey. Took me many years to realize that it does NOT make anything better. Hi. A bottle a night of red wine slowly became almost 2 bottles everyday. Feel great with all the listed benefits experienced. Unfortunately, you can't completely avoid withdrawal symptoms, but you can reduce their severity by weaning yourself off gradually. Ive lost nearly 50 pounds, Im sleeping great, I work out daily and all around feel terrific. This will help keep away from negative emotions and using alcohol and booze as a coping mechanism from stress and depression. The pandemic hit and started beinge drinking for 3,4, even five days straight. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I stopped drinking in October last year. Im way less social though. I think I will change up my lifestyle a bit after this full 12 months going AF and switch to 1 week of drinking with 1 month off and see how it goes. My intial motivation for change was a photograph that my daughter took of me huddled up on a cold outdoor patio, sipping on a pint of lager. Not being able to walk was the last straw. Youve made it to 6 months! My biggest regret is that I didnt do this years ago. I lost weight, then gained weight, now Im losing again. Alcoholism makes your body full of toxins and dependent, causing a lot of harm to it. But its still come down quite a bit vs day one. Hi, this feels very strange,, I dont do social media so never get involved in chats. Every time I have gone AF Ive had terrible sleeps for the first week then I have the greatest and deepest sleeps ever. At this stage your risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease and several cancers starts to reduce (, World Cancer Research Fund, 2007; Roerecke et al., 2017). Rewarded myself after 11 days with no alcohol. Other than that Ive been feeling great and trusting in God and living one day at a time.. Hi everyone. my diet has been so much better, my face is no longer red and puffy, Im losing weight like crazy, and my relationships have significantly improved. You may also start sleeping better and feeling more clear-headed as your nervous system readjusts to the absence of alcohol. But it was fun. If alcahol is controlling you and you need to change it, plan ahead, write it all down, do some research and be kind to yourself. Hello, Im 3 months AF in a few days. Twenty weeks in and not missing the hangovers one little bit. I can look forward now with hope and can actually make a go of things. I have noticed a huge difference in my sleep (also no more hangovers!!!) One thing, for sure. Here are some of the most common effects of giving up alcohol. Fed up with drinking but dont know how to stop it. I am 97 days AF and since day 40-50 i havent had a single craving for red wine or beer. Look better. 28 days in to what I now believe will be my freedom. The cravings, they get less powerful and less often but still come, at least for me. I didnt like the dependency I had on drinking beer. You can opt-out at any time. Well, this week it includes Friday, and maybe Monday since its a Holiday that sort of thing. I will continue, though, although maybe not permanently. My skin is better and eyes clearer, Ive lost a lot of weight. If you look back at family pictures, Im always holding a can of beer. and may take longer to resolve. Berens says. Does tapering work and will you have a seizure? I have just hit the one month into my three. Now, there are a lot of things that happen in between these 6 months, from changes and improvement in mental health to ones physical health. This helps a lot to get back into the society and improve relationships with friends and at work. Sometimes almost both. Im awaiting a good colonoskopi now in 2 weeks, liver values are not that good, iron is bad and the iron deposits are sky high. He hid it well from all of us. It is nice to read all the comments and be able to relate. I feel great, no more flare-up, better sleep, weight loss and better eating habits, although the craving for chocolate and ice cream increased. I skip margaritas, rum and Cokes, or anything else thats overloaded with sugar. I laughed I went over my former wine buddys house today and we went for ice cream. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Im 46 and it I might be going through peri-menopause. Your notes show that these changes have happened for some of you. (2016). Alcohol is a toxin that can damage your liver. I drank to forget the bad memories, then i realized drinking made me remember the bad/sad things . This is because alcohol is a costly habit, so giving it up can free up some extra cash. I like the way I feel. She adds that, after having a few drinks, your body doesn't get a chance to reach the deep sleep (a.k.a. Anam AK, Insogna K. Update on Osteoporosis Screening and Management. But I love me some gummy bears and chocolate! Hang in there my friend, its hard. I sleep better, look better, am enjoying meditation and exercise, am nicer to be around (Im told) and go to bed counting my blessings and looking for ways to be a better person in a difficult world. Stepping into month 5 and I am feeling great. First time on this website and really enjoyed reading comments from everyone. If you drink regularly, your brain will start to compensate by producing stimulating chemicals, according to Harvard Health. Good luck xxx. Ive not had a drink for only a week, but Im so impressed by the changes I see already that Im looking forward to how I feel in the months to come. Im so thankful and humble to have reached this milestone. Im a health care worker. Its a con, and you have been railroaded and (you) arent that stupid. We are individuals and responsible for ourselves, yet I quite regret the normalization of binge drinking and it acceptance in the UKs culture. You can show up everyday for your life God bless! Badly and very slowly. Staying alcohol free for 6 months gives your body and mind enough time to heal from the damage alcohol does to it. So why continue the lie? Today is 60 days for me and I feel worse than ever. 7 nights a week. I have been drinking most of my life, my 30s and early 40s were destroyed by my drinking. Inflammatory issues such as arthritic hands & feet feel In case you were wondering, I dont feel like Im missing out on anything by drinking alcohol so rarely. Weight loss occurred and bloating went away. I was terrified that I would never last sober but I am taking everyday as they come. I was a daily drinker for 12 years working in hospitality and managing bars. Thanks to god n mom . I have lost 15 pounds and I now get more of a reward from knowing Im healthier and the cravings have subsided. Your social anxiety might peak in this time. You can beat this thing and when you do, your body can forgive you. And I hated the fact that I was normalising drinking for them. I started drinking at age 15. Also, does having the occasional (one beer a month) subvert the benefits of what you outlined in your article? Seeing the struggles and challenges faced by other people will remind you how far youve come, how miserable being addicted felt like and why you need to only go forward. Not good. I stayed the course, kept eating better, kept trying to workout more and abstained. I am just NOW putting the sugar down. I did plenty of stupid things during those first drinking sessions. Had been binge drinking for almost 2 decades although i have always been sports oriented. WOW hallelujah moment. I quit drinking beer and wine due to personal health scare. About 2 years ago I relayed my query to my GP and he told me to not take it so seriously. Fortunately I am not overweight so a few extra chocolates wont hurt. For a lot of reasons you will feel a little low because the toxins are starting to leave your body and you will see the lack of serotonin or the happy chemicals. I am 7 months sober now. Rather, I feel like it actually helps me have a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and my body. I would definitely go see a different doctor for a second opinion. For the past five years, Ive tried to keep my drinks to fewer than 7 a day. We felt alone and turned to drink. Wine is my poison. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2020]. You are doing great things! No groups just lifestyle change and personal accountability. Still working on the energy thing and thankfully my memory is improving. Good luck to all on this journey! Id tried before but Ive never been as successful as I have been this time. It is easy to stop, but hard to quit 4ever when you are single. Life is beautiful without alcohol. How did you go Sue? It was my first Christmas & New Years without alcohol since I was a teenager, Im 46, and it was easier than I thought. A really helpful article, thank you. The first 6 months to an year of sober living is going to be challenging and will test your patience at a lot of points. I have been mostly AF for 6 months now I had a glass of wine a month ago and another the month prior to that. When you stop drinking, symptoms of alcohol withdrawing may pop up as early as six hours after the last drink. I am too. I have been sober (alcohol & tranquilizers) for over 40 years, but today is THE critical day. The hangovers are horrible the next day and i have bad anxiety. Thats never been me. I like to drink the majority of the day on Saturday and Sunday. Beach equipment is provided during the Beach facilitys hours of operation. Stick with it, go for a walk, think of how far you have come and the life you can have. Quitting is so worth it! I was a daily drinker, some weeks drinking more than a half gallon of rum and more than a handful of beers. I urge anyone trying to stop drinking to stick at it. Health and clear mind is my priority now. Is very very difficult to start off with but gets better with time as the body starts to heal itself. My husband still drinks everyday but for me the benefits outweigh the initial buzz feeling. I seem to have so much more time. It worked for me. 12 pounds shed, seems to have leveled off. Literally everyday 12 beers no worries!!!. Youve also reduced your overall risk of having an injury or accident (Alcohol & Drug Foundation, 2020). And am still trying not to drink its a struggle when most of my friends go out 3 x a night in our small town what should I be doing Ive been drinking lots of water with lemon and only 1 coffee per day I dont eat junk food at all. It matters that you did. ~ Cassandra Clare. I feel clear and optimistic for the first time in 20+ years. Keep going yall! Im 61 years old and Im 4 years post-last drop of Wine, 2 years post spirits and 4 months post Beer. Some people find that their self-esteem improves and ability to be self-compassionate also increases (Collison et al., 2016). I stopped drinking 3 months ago. By Professor David Nutt. Eating candy is better than ingesting alcohol, and your body will adjust. Things I normally wouldnt spend the money on but since I wasnt buying alcohol I was saving money. I think giving up drinking is an incredibly hard choice to make (until youve got no other option). Good luck.. Not going back, Its been a month now and l havent had a beer or smoked a joint. This pandemic really helped me. Ok, so far I do not feel as elated, but I have started to dance at outings which is huge. After two years of that my PCP called me in to have more blood work done because my liver enzymes were triple what they shouldve been. "Most likely, people who care about you will be supportive and encourage your efforts to stay sober," says Kennedy. It has caused me to do and say things that have fractured my family unit. The effect of a reduction in alcohol consumption on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ive been sober minded for 3 months and delivered for life. If you only indulge occasionally, withdrawal won't have as big of an impact, but your body will still detox from the booze. My head is still in a fog which it has been for years. I am on day 78. I almost lost my job and my girlfriend. 30 days today. So I decided not to plan and every morning I woke up I asked for help to god to make this day an drink free one, and before I fell asleep Id say thank you for your help. Very encouraging to read the messages here and know it can be done. If you're a heavy drinker, you're at an increased risk of developing certain diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Always here for a chat. I guess its a comfort and one that I know I need to change. Improved sleep overall health liver has chance to be healthy. Really encourging to read all the replies. Take care. Ive saved money (or rather spent it on other things). They did dialysis and tried to save him. I saw a comment of 40 years sober and I hope to be able to say that myself one day. After sometime with that routine I developed terrible anxiety hangovers Which led me to drinking in the mornings. For people who have experienced weight gain due to drinking excess alcohol, weight loss may be part of the AF (alcohol-free) experience. Sweets, especially ice cream was a real problem in the beginning. Id subsist on veggies and tofu in an attempt to make up for my late-night habits. I am definitely brighter, but sleep is not till about 7am, even with going to bed at 11pm and taking tablets for sleeping. getting support from my wife and family. I have almost reversed my diabetes and my liver is back to normal. Cant sleep much at night but sleep late in mornings. Almost 3 months off alcohol now. I think that was my rock bottom and I knew my life needed to change immediately. So many of you have focused long and hard for your own betterment. By now the paint has dried and you can return to your miserable life knowing that your blood pressure has gone down by an unspecified amount. I haveso many questions I need answered related to health. I need to do this!! I was a first class wine lover and looked forward to my first glass after getting home from work. 1 month alcohol free. Im fitter from being able to walk and cycle more often and further without fading and I know deep within that Im far more contented than I have been for a long time. Drinking is so normalized and is a part of British culture. Good luck to all. Smugness yes it is there! Going on 4 months with the exception of a small glass of wine at Thanksgiving and one on Christmas. I slept much better when I drank. Meditation is known to bring peace and harmony to mind and keep negative emotions at bay. I am still fun to be around the drink did not make me funny/fun I did! i am off it 10 months the weight fell off me at first too very fast. 2 years is a long time. Binge drinking every weekend with a day or two during the week every week probably 4-8 drinks min per sitting. I will have a blood test to find out in the near future. Diminished anxiety. . My doc told me that I had better reduce the intake or be prepared to develop cirrhosis like another patient of hers did as a result of continued alcohol abuse. Thanks for this article. GOD is always watching. Smug Club too. Need to keep my feet on the path! At first, when I went to a party and someone offered me a drink that was already poured, Id take it, say thanks, and hand the drink off to a friend. I suffered a tragedy that no parent should suffer, which I used to justify my drinking. To personal health scare saw a comment of 40 years sober and i now more... Resources, see our National Helpline Database money on but since i wasnt alcohol... Year alcohol free and feel a whole lot better, my 30s and early 40s were destroyed my... 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