2. Some even want to move to these states because the hunting is so good. This 2021 article in the Greenville Sun quoted the states wildlife resource agency as estimating 900,000 white-tailed deer in the state. White-tailed deer are generalists, thriving in a variety of habitat types. Deer hunting in the state is an important tool to raise money for wildlife management and land acquisition. In Tennessee, they are classified as a species . In Vermont they also prefer the valley areas that have a mix of forest and fields. However in parts of their range, populations have adapted to prairie and savanna land (such as Texas, Arizona and Mexico), tropical or subtropical forests in Central America, and mountain grassland in the Andes of South America. Deer hunting is a huge sport in the state, and the 2020-21 season saw a whopping 435,180 deer harvested, one of the largest in the country. As part of the states deer management plan, the state is divided up into numbered permit areas, each with their own deer population goal. Deer Per Square Mile: 9.4 As you can see, populations drop drastically from the No. White-tailed deer population in Pennsylvania has been 1.4-1.5 million for the last few years. Insurance provider State Farm estimated there were. I hunted in Ohio for the first time this season. Tennessee hunters harvested 159,879 deer in the state this hunting season. The TWRA page states that the deer population has expanded from just a few counties in eastern Tennessee during the 1940s to being present in all 95 counties state-wide today. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Site by Gray Loon. In Tennessee, white-tailed deer are found throughout the entire State. They like to win big. QDM is generally defined by three principles; Although the State does not argue the importance and legitimacy of all three practices, QDM can not be practiced on a statewide basis since it is impossible for the Agency to provide optimum habitat statewide due to the expanse and physiographic variability of the land. They consider the population stable. You can find blacktail deer in western Oregon, whitetail deer in northeastern Oregon and mule deer east of the Cascade range. The main noticeable difference between the mule deer and the white-tailed deer are ear size, tails, and antlers. While populations often have good and bad years, the state feels its time to step in and try to improve the situation. It also says hunters harvest a whopping 280,000 deer each year, on average. Illinois Department of Natural Resources: deer hunting information. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. Indiana Department of Natural Resources: White-tailed Deer History & Biology. Hemorrhagic disease has not been found to be a danger to humans. Perhaps number one among these challenges are the problems caused by the stabilization and/or reduction in the numbers of hunters. The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats: In 2008, the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) developed a map of white-tailed deer density with information obtained from state wildlife agencies. The white-tailed deer is Tennessee's most popular big game animal. It is the Agencys belief that hunting opportunities should be as liberal as possible without having a negative impact on the herd; therefore, more restrictive regulations should not be adopted unless it is the will of the majority of the hunting public. Montana has a large population of two types of deer, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. California Department Fish and Wildlife: Deer Harvest Requirements. The map contains information from 2001 to 2005, with noticeable changes since the development of the first deer density map made by QDMA in 2001. On average in North America, males weigh 150-300 pounds and females weigh 88 198 pounds. White-tailed deer are even found in urban and suburban areas. White-tailed deer prefer the more agricultural and upland areas of the state, whereas the sika deer prefer marshes and forested wetlands. The mule deer working group estimates the 2021 mule deer population at 330,700. Hunting is the number one cause of mortality for adult white-tailed deer in many parts of their range, including Tennessee. Theres a lot more interesting history you can in Colorados Mule Deer Story. Adult ticks have been associated with transmission of R. parkeri to humans.. About This Map Those that dont could be even lower than the average. This is mainly white-tailed deer however there is a small population of mule deer in the state also, about 1,750 3,000. Thus far they report that the harvest has not met the numbers they want, and the state is continuing to work on management strategies. Like other deer species they grow new antlers each spring and shed them during the winter. The .gov means its official. While statewide estimates are gained mainly through harvest data, in 2021 a thermal imaging drone was flown over Arlington in efforts to gain more accurate data. Iowas first conservation law came around in 1856, restricting what time of year deer could be hunted. The deer herd in middle and west Tennessee has reached the point in some areas where management efforts are focused at slowing or stabilizing herd growth, and sometimes reducing the overall size of the herd. The male white-tailed deer will grow a new set of antlers every year. I could not find an exact count that was more recent, however based on estimated deer harvest numbers the total population in Florida as of 2019 may be closer to 550,000. Deer Harvesting Rates Determining the Best Counties This map below is a comparison between the counties in Tennessee with the highest deer population density and the highest harvest rates. A spring 2020 estimate put their population at about 1,200. Virginia DWR: deer hunting regulations and seasons. Late spring to fall, they consume grasses, blackberries, apples, fireweed, pearly everlasting, forbs, salmonberry, salal, and maple. They also said that a significant portion of that population was found in east Tennessee. Also, their numbers can fluctuate quite a bit based on how severe the winters are from year to year. White-tailed deer are mainly found in the Black Hills, Bighorn Basin and Riverton regions. Tennessee. White-tailed deer dominate Texas, being found in 252 out of 254 counties across the state with an estimated population of 5.3 million. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources: deer hunting resources. Based on hunting data the white-tailed deer population in 2017 was about 135,000. Although hunter numbers have declined slightly since their peak of 242,000 in 1999, they have remained relatively stable since the turn of the century, averaging 217,400 deer hunters per year. I was blessed to take a beautiful 8-point buck. However the accompanying article states estimates are likely conservative. 2. Long story short, conservation and advances in wildlife management brought the deer back. White-tailed deer in Florida tend to be a little smaller than in other states, due in part to the warm climate. Click here for more information on deer hunting in Iowa. Providing Central Access to USDAs Open Research Data, POLYGON ((-97.79296785593 49.08969639239, -93.39843660593 28.528552436928, -89.35546785593 29.604028198331, -84.7265625 29.840643899834, -83.3203125 28.921631282421, -81.26953035593 24.599077513253, -80.068359375 25.562265014427, -79.33593660593 26.50203882611, -81.09374910593 30.970072870503, -75.29296785593 35.668007004069, -74.00390625 39.504040705584, -69.873046875 41.640078384679, -70.048828125 43.389081939117, -67.03124910593 45.3922778262, -67.91015535593 47.57059587168, -82.49999910593 42.481820059448, -84.60937410593 46.974255311628, -88.30078035593 48.627099373266)). According to this article in the Washington Times Herald, as of 2020 the white-tailed deer population in Indiana was estimated at 680,000. Texans like to win. The first archery-only season lasts through Oct. 30. While deer are not naturally found in Hawaii, an invasive species has taken over in the last 150 years, the Axis deer. Here is my WAG. It made our list of top meat hunting states and is one of the top producers of Booner bucks. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: white-tailed deer overview. Mule deer make up the largest portion of the population and 95% of the annual deer harvested. TWRA does not warrant or make any representations as to the accuracy of the content of the map, and TWRA is not liable for any improper or incorrect use of this map or for any direct or indirect damages suffered related to the use of this map. 6 to 7 spot. Mule deer are primarily found in the badlands alongside the Little Missouri River. White-tailed deer density estimates across the eastern United States, 2008. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation: deer hunting resources. For many years deer hunting wasnt allowed in the state in efforts to allow the population to recover from the overhunting of the 1700s and early 180os. A 2021 estimate puts mule deer at a population of between 90,000 130,000. With 18.4 deer per square mile, its hard to argue against its validity. The white-tailed deer is the most common game species in the state today, however hunting was banned between 1841 and 1954 to allow the population to rebound after a huge decline in the early to mid 1800s. The Data Repository for University of Minnesota (DRUM), National Agricultural Library Thesaurus Term, White-tailed deer density estimates across the eastern United States, 2008. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: White-tailed deer in Maine. Click here to learn more on deer hunting in Illinois. Copy-Paste or input your values into our Excel template. Deer also eat hard masts such as acorns, fruits (soft mast), and herbaceous plants based on seasonal availability. Download a map ofA.E.D.C Wildlife Management Area, Information aboutLand Between the Lakes Wildlife Management Area, To order a color Wildlife Management Area map click here: WMA Color Map Order Form, CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW INTERACTIVE MAP, Go to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Males are larger than females. Pull up a seat and join us. Theyre pretty appealing. Texas: 5.5 million Texas is home to around 225,000 mule deer and millions of white-tail deer. As the population grew, the demand for market hunting increased and deer were hunted in greater and greater numbers. Digitized white-tailed deer densities for the continental United States. This includes flowers, grass, tree and shrub fruits, nuts, acorns, berries and lichen. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: deer hunting information and regulations. Thing have come a long way from the first post-conservation deer estimate of 500-700 deer in 1936. No, thats not at the top. It is every users responsibility to know the land ownership of and regulations pertaining to the area which he or she intends to use for recreational purposes. When too many deer are in one environment, they can be a detriment by not allowing plants to grow to maturity or even completely wiping out a species of plant from an ecosystem. In response to the growing popularity of quality deer management (QDM), the Agency has continually researched QDM initiatives. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission starting putting limits on hunting in 1916 to try and turn the tide, with an estimated 2,000 deer remaining in the state. The .gov means its official. Estimated Number of Hunters by Species. They are only found in the Florida keys and are an endangered species. The lowest estimate in the state came around 1931, when Virginia was down to just 25,000 deer after over 100 years of hunting and habitat loss. As conservation efforts increased, deer restocking programs helped bring in just over 4,000 deer from other states between 1928 and 1992. QDMA Whitetail Report, 2009. All males and some females have a tuft of modified feathers on the chest called a beard. Public Hunting Information; Leftover Tier 2 and Waterfowl Quota Hunt Permit Drawings; Manner & Means . There are eight accepted subspecies in the U.S., including the two black-tailed species. The state reports that in areas where hunting is allowed and accessible, deer numbers are well balanced. Some deer may survive and recover from the disease, but many die and are often found in or near water. A comparison of buck age structure from annual deer harvest suggests that the Tennessee deer herd compares favorably with those states with more restrictive buck regulations. This coupled with careful management clearly has allowed deer in Mississippi to make an impressive comeback. For example, deer have the potential to cause damage to crops and other ornamental plants. We have 6 members and if each of us take 3 deer per year, that would be more than half the population. White-tailed Deer Hunting Units Unit A Unit A includes Bradley, Carter, Hamilton, Hawkins, Johnson, Knox, Loudon, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Rhea, Roane, and Sullivan counties. There are many legal ways summarized here to control this immensely destructive pest. Now, being a plains state, theres a lot of open ground in Oklahoma. After the breeding season is over males will shed their antlers during the winter. Deer can be found from sea level to high elevations in the mountains. Florida Coastal White-tailed Deer (panhandle and northwestern portion of the state), Florida White-tailed Deer (northwestern, central and southern portion of the state). As we progress into the future, the Agency faces a number of challenges in its deer management program. Surprise you? Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency: deer hunting guide. Studies of mule deer populations have shown that they have been recorded as eating nearly 800 different plant species. Digitized white-tailed deer densities for the continental United States This data publication includes vector digital data files containing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) densities during 1982, 1994-1999, and 2001-2005 in the continental United States. Other states have deer and elk populations too, but some also have moose, mule deer and other big game cervids that sportsmen travel out of state to hunt. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks: deer hunting information. New Hampshire Fish & Game: Deer Hunting in New Hampshire. Damage to landscape overpopulation of deer in the suburbs makes them more and more apt to use your flower beds and gardens as a snack station. Advertisement The region as a whole had a harvest of 20,546 deer. Go here for more on deer hunting in Oklahoma. Plant them closer to your house, and put a border around them of stronger smelling plants such as lavender, mint or garlic. Columbian weigh between 88 180 pounds. Tennessee Age Dependency 62.9 Age Dependency Ratio 26.6 Old Age Dependency Ratio 36.3 Child Dependency Ratio Tennessee Sex Ratio Tennessee Population by Age Show Source The white-tailed deer found in Arizona belongs to the subspecies called Coues. Columbia Black-tailed deer (Northern California and Pacific Northwest). SET OPTIONS. In 2017 the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division reported an estimated population of 1.27 million. For both species females are smaller than the males. (dataset) Hanberry, Brice B.; Hanberry, Phillip (2023). The state manages land to focus on quantity of deer in some areas, and quality of deer in others. Newborn deer, or fawns, have white spots on their coats that help camouflage them in the forest. Iowa finds itself at No. A 2018 estimate puts the white-tailed deer estimate around 18,000 for Rhode Island. (2016). I have seen some debate on this but at the time of writing this article the consensus is that black-tailed deer are a subspecies of the mule deer. States with the Highest Deer Density. Hunting controls, restocking and improved habitat brought the deer population up to about 17,000 by 1965. Like many other states, deer and other large game in Iowa was hunted to near extinction by the early 1800s. General Info. It is important they have access to both the cover provided by the forest and the grazing in open areas and along the forest edge. This has rebounded from the estimated 10,000 deer in 1900. This flash can alert other deer that danger has been spotted, and is known as flagging. This is due in part to lack of predators and changes in land use (less mature forest, more transition zones). One of the things that makes white-tailed deer so widespread is their ability to adapt to many environments. These viruses are transmitted through a biting fly or midge in the genusCulicoides. The whitetails that come of out this state both the quantity and quality are nothing short of amazing. White-tailed deer belong to the order of artiodactyla and familyCervidae and may live up to 12 years in the wild, although they rarely reach anything over seven years of age. Colorado Parks & Wildlife: Big Game Hunting. The estimated population total today is 427,500 mule deer and white-tailed deer. Population estimates for recent years put the white-tailed deer numbers around 850,000 1 million. And while Minnesota isn't what it used to be, it still does well and cranks out good harvest numbers each year. The distribution of hunted deer is about 60% mule deer and 40% Coues deer. Click here for more information on deer hunting in Minnesota. By 2000 the deer population in the state was estimated at 1.75 million. The states fish and game page describes mule deer as boom and bust, meaning their populations can vary quite a bit year to year based on environmental conditions such as drought. Alternatively, yearling males disperse away from their mother; which is thought to prevent inbreeding. Recent estimates indicate about 80,000 to 100,000 mule deer, and 10,000 to 15,000 Coues and other white-tailed deer. There is also a small population of black-tailed deer on the island of Kauai that were introduced from Oregon in 1961. A total of 159,962 deer were harvested. Antlers remain on the bucks until after the breeding season, when they are shed. The Agency's white-tailed deer program began in the 1940's with the initiation of deer restoration activities. Enough that the Fish & Game Department created a pamphlet outlining why too much food assistance from humans is problematic for people and deer alike. The farmland sites contain 4 major outliers: Indian Creek, Killdeer Plains, Lake La Su An, and Deer Creek, which all have estimated densities of over 100 deer per square mile. It was sometimes an up and down battle for the deer, but things really began to improve in the early 1970s when management of deer was turned over from the state legislature to the department of natural resources. They are most populous on the western Great Plains, in the Rocky Mountains, the southwestern states, and on the west coast of North America. However world-wide there are 26 known subspecies, with 17 of those occurring in the U.S. Idaho Fish & Game: Deer Hunting information. While overall population is down from the peak years of the mid to late 1990s, density of deer still remains a problem in many suburban parts of the state. They were essential as a source of food, clothing, tool materials and currency for Native Americans and European settlers. During this time anyone could hunt deer and they were often a life line, providing meat and skin to the early settlers. A 2021 article in the Press Herald quoted a state biologist as saying the 2019 whitetail deer population estimate was 230,000 250,000 and that today the numbers are likely closer to 280,000 300,000. White-tailed deer are classified as the species Odocoileus virginianus, the Virginia white-tailed deer. According to this article in the Des Moines Register, the states estimate for whitetail deer population in 2020 was 445,000. However, I truly expected to see Kansas higher on the list since it is in fact a draw state in comparison to Oklahomas over-the-counter status. They will spend the summer in higher elevations, then travel down to lower elevations during the winter. Seems to me (statistically) the place would eventually be hunted out. Our density there is 19.1 deer per square mile post-hunt (C.I = 15.0 24.5, C.V. = 0.124) if you're interested. By 1990 the population had grown to 250,000. It is estimated by 1925 only about 400 deer remained. Everyone wants to hunt there. May 20, 2010 #4 B Boone 58 Well-Known Member Joined Jun 23, 2004 Messages 15,991 Location Food Plot lol! From 1940 to 1985 over 9,000 deer were released into various counties and wildlife management areas of Tennessee. Bear Harvest Report. Mule deer are the most populous with a 2020 estimate of 85,000-100,000 mule deer in Arizona. The second most challenging aspect results from the lack of communication between the Agency and hunters. mile. But it is a really solid figure. The Oklahoman reports the estimated deer population today at around 750,000. Arizona is home to two main types of deer, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. TWRA has made a reasonable effort to assure the accuracy of the map; nevertheless, some information contained therein may not be accurate. 2021 seemed to show a higher-than-usual occurrence of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), but at the time of writing this article is is unclear if it will significantly impact the states overall deer population. This number can drift up and down depending on the severity of the winter and how many harsh or mild winters there may be in a row. Deer farms also regularly transport deer across state lines, which has been shown to be a method CWD can spread in other captive deer herds. And their 15.3-deer-per-sqare-mile rating ranks them at No. Conversely, buck fawns only have small bony growths, which do not protrude through the skin, during the fall and winter after their birth. The overall size, length, and branches on antlers depends on how well-fed the deer is, how old it is, and some is just genetics. It may be that monitoring of this species separate from overall deer in the state has not yet been established. Wyoming Game & Fish Department: Deer Hunting. And while Minnesota isnt what it used to be, it still does well and cranks out good harvest numbers each year. Digitization of white-tailed deer densities during 1982 in the United States. Estimated Hunter-days by Species. The estimated all-time low whitetail deer population numbers in Louisiana was about 20,000 in 1925. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, http://dx.doi.org/10.13020/D6G014. They also state the greatest density of deer can be found in Rockingham, Hillsborough and Cheshire counties, as well as along the Connecticut River Valley in Grafton County. The 2021 estimate for mule deer is 249,691. portion of LBL have increased to two deer, only one antlered and by any means (gun, muzzleloader, or archery). Transmits: Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis, a form of spotted fever. They may occasionally eat small animals like mice or birds, but it isnt very common. The top of their tail is brown, but the underside is very fluffy and white. Missouris white-tailed deer population sits at about 1.4 million. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Other deer related concerns in the state include Lyme disease and deer-vehicle collisions, which are taken to account in the states management practices. The tail is straight and black on top with white underneath. They have made most of this information available online at Minnesota DNR Deer Populations & Goals. Three of those are abundant enough to hunt, the white-tailed deer, mule deer and black-tailed deer. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission: deer hunting information. While there is no one fail safe solution to keep them away, here are a few top tips. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. There is some concern that in the long run, they may outcompete the native mule deer. March 1, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, February 24, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. A small population has also been introduced on the island of Kaui, Hawaii. Georgia Wildlife Resources Division: deer hunting information. That said, dont take anything away from Kansas, because it continues to be one of the best states in the entire country. The Coues deer are most commonly found in the southeastern mountains but also up through the Mogollon Rim and White Mountains. Unlike white-tailed deer, some mule deer are migratory. I definitely expected it to rank much higher on this list. However, at an application level, density analysis can provide valuable insight into natural and social phenomena. Total deer killed in a county (wilkinson) (1644) divided by the # of total land square miles (452) in that county ,taking into account that the total legal reported harvest should be 35% of the total deer killed and another 5% for road kill,predation. Hunting is now an important part in keeping populations managed in the state, especially to help reduce populations in urban areas. Minnesota only harbors 9.4 deer per square mile. The Kansas DWP reports that white tailed numbers have increased dramatically in the last 20 years. This state isnt what it once was. Click here for more information on deer hunting in Kentucky. Walters, Brian F.; Woodall, Christopher W.; Russell, Matthew B.. (2016). Deer rely on young forest and forest edge habitat. However, these are the states the biggest, most mature deer come out of. Unfortunately that number decreased in 2001 due to the slight decline in hunter numbers. The lower deer density is also reflected in lower harvest numbers just as is the case in Region 3. Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks: deer hunting information. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. Pennsylvania Game Commission: hunting and trapping resource page. These outside sources sometimes do not give the proper information, or even worse, feed hunters misguided, commercially based information which does not pertain to statewide management. Market hunting decimated the states population by the late 1800s. (Estimates & Examples), Bobcat Population by State (Estimates & Facts), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Maryland white-tailed deer management plan, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks site, 2017-2023 South Dakota white-tailed and mule deer management plan, 2021 Range-Wide Status of Black-tailed and Mule Deer, 12 Types of Animals With a Long Tail (with Pictures), 4 Types of Water Snakes in Iowa (With Pictures), 5 Water Snakes in South Carolina (Pictures), 460,420 (black-tailed and mule deer combined), 427,500 (combined white-tail and mule deer), central to eastern Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New England and Nova Scotia, Key deer / Florida Keys white-tailed deer, Florida keys, mainly from Sugarloaf Key to Bahia Honda Key, Coues white-tailed deer / Arizona white-tailed deer / fantail deer, Arizona and parts of New Mexico into Mexico, Dakota white-tailed deer / northern plains white-tailed deer, western and central Canada, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, North & South Dakota and western Minnesota, Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County South Carolina, south-central Oregon and southern Washington/northern Oregon border, U.S. central plains including Texas panhandle, parts of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge, McIntosh county Georgia, Rocky Mountains white-tailed deer / northwestern white-tailed deer, western Canada and northern Rocky Mountains, Gulf coast of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida, Virginia white-tailed deer / southern white-tailed deer, Pacific Northwest and northern California, southeastern coastal Alaska, south central Alaska, coastal British Columbia, California mule deer (Westside of Sierra Nevada down to south coast), Desert/burro mule deer (southwest California, northwest Mexico and Arizona), Southern mule deer (Southernmost California and Baja California), Rocky Mountain mule deer (Northwest California, western and central North America), Inyo mule deer (Sierra Nevada, California). Estimated Number of Hunters and Trappers of Furbearers. QDMA Whitetail Report, 2009. The site is secure. The white-tailed deer is native to North America, Central America and parts of South America. Deer in the suburbs are well-known for eating the nice flowers and shrubs youve spent time planting in your yard. The Agencys deer management program has achieved an 82% approval rate utilizing this philosophy (University of Tennessee 2004). Mule deer are native to the state, and the white-tailed deer were introduced by Idaho Fish & Game in the 1950s to present more hunting opportunities. But one thing is for sure, hunters wont mind seeing as many deer as the land can healthily support. Taken to account in the mountains and Black on top with white underneath, tool materials currency... Response to the warm climate deer as the land can healthily support populations in. South America population at about 1.4 million population of 1.27 million to raise for. 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The demand for market hunting decimated the states population by the late 1800s states management.! For Rhode island be hunted out will shed their antlers tennessee deer density map the winter also said that significant... Article states estimates are likely conservative, mint or garlic in just over deer... The place would eventually be hunted out progress into the future, the mule deer in the Des Register... At 330,700 Odocoileus virginianus, the Agency 's white-tailed deer dominate Texas, being found in Tennessee! During this time anyone could hunt deer and they were essential as a whole had a harvest of 20,546.! Make up the largest portion of that population was found in the Florida keys and are often found in and... Improve the situation low whitetail deer population up to about 17,000 by 1965 it does!