A RECORD SETTING TIME OR NUMBER OF EXERCISES COMPLETED HAS NO EFFECT ON YOUR ELIGIBILITY. If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985. 4 0 obj
dl#pJcXx>^7k The student should refrain from smoking or eating for two hours preceding the test. . Please check back here frequently and Like our Facebook page to stay updated. endobj
Pierce County Sheriffs Department is currently hiring for Deputy Sheriff! YOU CAN TEST FOR FREE!! 3 0 obj
Because the Native American or Alaska Native population is already the smallest, further subdividing it introduces a substantial variation. Any future updates will be posted on the PST website and our Facebook page. endobj
200 W. Oak Street
You are also not allowed to dive or jump over the fence. Your time starts when you stand up. The Physical Fitness Test includes: a mile and a half run, a 300m sprint, push-ups and sit-ups (minimum 160 points needed for a passing score). endobj
Minimum entry level fitness norms have been set at the 50th percentile, based upon the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research. After one warning, any incorrect repetitions will not count. Not all departments accept re-test PAT results. G UqhcH2PBH)
_U'^H>5DEq|eY? The entire selection and assessment process may be completed in 6 months. Willing to undergo a pre-offer drug screening UA. The PAT administered by PST is the same test that is required for entrance into the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. This population better represents those most likely to encounter PCSD. They should be instructed to walk an additional five minutes or so in order to enhance venous return and aid in recovery. The passing score is listed on the scoring sheet here. A baseline population establishes the size of a group within the population that may experience force. The entrance physical fitness test is graded at the 20% as determined by age/sex standards. Type in search terms and click the (search) button -OR- Press the Enter Key on your keyboard to begin. Since the risk ratio below is measured against a baseline population, all scores for the White population are 1.0. check with the departments you are applying to. <>
In Addition: Pierce County offers its employees an Employee Assistance Program which includes legal service access, Deferred Compensation, a Wellness Program, access to a credit union, commute assistance including transit subsidies, a variety of on-going training programs, direct payroll deposit, access to long term disability insurance, and flexible spending accounts. Ideally, muscles and the cardiovascular system should be gradually and progressively trained over several weeks or months to achieve desired fitness gains. <>
The largest disproportionality for both Black or African American (9.14) and Native American or Alaska Native (7.11) populations occurs in incidents categorized as High Risk Arrest. (253)798-7530 21 0 obj
Please login to your PST account and navigate to the New Positions page to see what departments you can add! No illegal cultivation, manufacture, transportation, distribution, selling of any illegal controlled substance (excluding marijuana) in the last ten (10) years for profit or pattern of criminal behavior. A five-minute rest is recommended between each test, with a fifteen-minute rest before the 1.5-mile run. Posted 9:10:31 PM. In the up position, the student should touch the elbows to the knees and then return until the shoulder blades touch the floor. hb``b``Z'*`bd1! Control Tactics (Soft Empty Hands) is the most common Non-Deadly force type and covers a wide range of different techniques. Risk ratio patterns remain consistent across all services. <>
If the anything makes contact with the edges of the circle, the applicant is considered to have failed the test. It is the policy of Pierce County that no person shall be subjected to employment discrimination because of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a disabled person. If the subject's total number is 15 or less, begin at level A. The exception is a single inconspicuous band tattoo on a single finger. All applicants are required to have a high school diploma or GED. 7.6% of the data has either a missing or unknown race or ethnicity. Not all departments accept re-test PAT results. The health and safety of our customers, our staff, and their families is of the highest priority. After one warning, incorrect repetitions will not count. Physical Fitness Requirements As of October 25, 2021 PURPOSE: Applicants must possess the physical agility and ability necessary to perform the continual rigorous physical demands of the position and to professionally accomplish the assignments of an Ohio County Deputy Sheriff without undue risk of injury or fatigue. This is not a timed exercise. These tests are not real test events, they are essentially a holding area. <>
Entrance to and successful completion of the Basic Law . Job Description:This is responsible, general duty and investigatory law enforcement work involving the protection of life/property and the preservation of the peace for the Pierce County Sheriff's Department. The applicant must lift the dummy, by the pre-placed nylon strap, and drag it in a backwards walking motion, with the mannequins feet/boots or heels still on the ground. If you fail to: keep your fingers interlocked, touch your elbows to your knees or your fingers to the proctor's hand, or lift your buttocks off the mat, you will receive one warning. Further these muscles are important for performing tasks that involve the use of force, and it helps maintain good posture and minimize lower back problems. endobj
Your Washington State PAT completed on YOUR schedule - wherever and whenever works best for you! If you have tested with PST in the past 12 months, there may be additional positions you are now eligible to add. Instagram 0
If your feet are wider than shoulder-width apart at this point, you must step them back together before beginning the next repetition. http://www.piercecountywa.org/sheriffjobs, Bookmark: http://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/fullJobDetails.cfm?agencyjobid=304&jobid=1&agentid=255, Classification: Entry-Level and In-State Lateral Deputy Sheriff. Determine exercise level by measuring how many pushups the subject can complete in 90 seconds. Social Security and Industrial Insurance: Employees are covered by Social Security and the State Industrial Insurance Act. The sections below further analyze use of force by the following categories: Deadly Force, Intermediate Force, and Non-Physical Force. endobj
Each test is a scientifically valid test. UR Our department consists of 300 commissioned officers that serve unincorporated areas, plus 6 commissioned officers in the City of Edgewood and 16 commissioned officers in the City of University Place. endobj
See Core Job Description at the end of this document. 6K{f-edmpH.q.w4X`c{kPHz\ 6GGs]q eVD^3#lSYo5V8q{' [<7$! All exercises are Pass/Fail, and failing any one exercise will result in disqualification. A minimum performance score is required on each of the subtests: sit-ups, push-ups and the 1.5 mile run. CORE JOB DESCRIPTION - STATE OF WASHINGTON JOB TITLE: LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Under regular supervision, performs police services in accordance with the mission, goals and objectives of the employing department and in compliance with governing federal, state, and local laws. Present evidence and testimony in legal and administrative proceedings, Search for a person in a darkened building or environment, Write reports documenting work activity and/or other special projects, Speak with members of the community, individually or in group situations, to further the basic community oriented mission of the department, Engage in oral communication, employing verbal skills to defuse volatile or hostile situations, Assist citizens in locating or obtaining resources to address problems or special needs. 9D\@Ei!Ld S;{@CaKX"az5A&P5CSG^&cX(RO=bVI\IqVBEzm ^[BJTr&D+DM@YFDM[Z&W3:^6>.$+TUJy}}{OE*T Many other exercises can also be included to strengthen the chest, shoulders and arms, but push-ups should be included in the routine. The student then returns to the up position. Contact Information:Sherry HiebCivil Service Chief Examiner253-798-6250pccivilservice@co.pierce.wa.us, Age: At least age 21 at time of appointment, Citizenship Required: Yes or lawful permanent resident (at time of application) per RCW 41.14.100, Valid WASHINGTON Driver's License: Valid Washington Drivers License at time of appointment and be able to provide proof of insurability, Ability to Read/Speak English: Yes, able to read and write English per RCW 41.14.100. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age (21 years of age for Patrol and JailDeputy positions). This process will assess the candidate in terms of their knowledge, skills, abilities, physical fitness, and personal attributes required for the successful performance of the job of an entry-level correctional officer in the Essex County Sheriff's Office. (see violations and points below), Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Denial of issuance of driver's license/license revoked, Moving violations not involving an accident. endobj
This guide will help you prepare for the exercises that comprise our pre-hire physical fitness test. This population has a higher White population share, which leads to a higher estimate of disproportionality. Stand tall with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lifted, and hands above your head. Fort Collins, CO 80521
On command, the applicant will move towards the wall and climb over top. Pierce County Sheriff's Department Use of Force. 9PX+(Burnb:B1u%@3)ujq B\2Lws##B28Q.wyjOH]3HS_ R~!g$(
pFAaw6pMWzKt;w(( The passing score is listed on the scoring sheet here. 25 to 29. Keeping your hands in place, back flat, and core engaged, kick both feet back at the same time until your body is in the plank position: arms and body straight, knees locked, hands in line with and slightly wider than your shoulders, feet no wider than shoulder-width apart. Rainier National Park, 361 fresh-water lakes, alpine and cross-country skiing a short drive away and nationally ranked year-round golf courses in the vicinity, while also offering all the urban amenities. Several departments have temporarily changed their testing policies due to the suspension in testing that COVID-19 has caused. The physical agility test is not required for lateral Corrections Deputies applicants. An important consideration at the end of the run is the "cool down" period. This report was updated in 2022 to reflect new data recorded in 2021. Incidents display a lower estimate of total force numbers. A significant research effort may be able to encode more of this context from body and dash cameras into the data for eventual analysis. Unless otherwise noted, exercise should be a light jog and can be completed on sidewalks, trails, parks, or anywhere you can safely exercise without interruption. Candidates will get three attempts to run the course on the testing date. You will be able to reschedule out of that event to any other event date/location at no cost. Tattoo Policy: It is prohibited for members of the Pierce County Sheriffs Department to have tattoos on their face, neck, head, ears, hands or wrists that are visible when wearing the authorized uniform or standard work attire. The biggest gap in analyzing use of force is the missing context of subject interactions that led to the use and choice of force. The applicant will be required to climb over the 5 foot wall without using any bracing located on the sides of the wall. The trigger finger is outside the trigger guard and off the trigger. |. Condition of continued employment: Ability to pass the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission physical fitness requirements at time of entrance to the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. Before beginning a physical exercise program it is strongly recommended that you be cleared by a doctor to undertake such a program. disproportionality toward Black or African American residents. High School diploma or G.E.D. The current Physical Agility Test components, description of each task, and the minimum acceptable levels to successfully complete the exercise are provided below: Applicants must be able to complete the 1.5 mile run within 14 minutes. This is important for use of force involving pushing motion breaking ones fall to the ground, use of the baton, etc. If you passed the LEO written exam and PAT within the past six months, you may add Pierce County Sheriff's Department under certain conditions. Lie on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees or tighter with your heels on the edge of the mat. Prepare felony paperwork, i.e. We anticipate a high email volume and will respond as quickly as possible. }S~Z=KDTRs-EK[2QW]\bw+s=ph:J If the total number is 15 or less, begin at level A. The Physical Readiness Test is comprised of five (5) events: 1. When you schedule a test on the website, you must select to have your scores sent to the Pierce County Sheriff's Department to be considered for jobs with our department. TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98402 The applicant will remove the weapon from the circle, switch to their left hand, and repeat the test again. We apologize for any inconvenience. The training routine should include exercises to train upper body strength and muscular endurance, abdominal muscular endurance, leg power, cardio-respiratory endurance and anaerobic power. 20 0 obj
Each test is graded as pass or fail, based on the standards below. You will have 90 seconds to successfully complete 25 sit-ups. Your partner will sit on your feet and wrap their arms around your calf muscle area. PST staff are working remotely and are available by email at contact@publicsafetytesting.com. Reverse the sequence to return to the starting position. That is, one improves in those activities that are practiced. You may only rest in the up position. This report does not address questions of whether use of force was reasonable or justified in any case, nor the specific cause of incidents. Condition of continued employment: Entrance to and successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy as required by RCW 43.101. A Deputy Sheriff will assist in any emergency situation, and must maintain physical ability to affect a forcible arrest or deal with physical, confrontive or combative situations including use of reasonable force up to and including deadly force. If your little fingers are not touching, that is considered "apart" and such performance will not be counted. 10. The six largest force reasons each contain at least 100 reports and at least 8% of all force applications. Physical adaptations occur gradually in response to regular, consistent overloads, i.e. Run 300m fast. Washington Physical Abilities Test (WAPAT) Administration Summary here, Law Enforcement PAT Frequently Asked Questions, Florida Firefighter Testing St Petersburg. UR Check your PST account under New Positions. Run 300m fast Equipment: A stopwatch or clock with a sweep second hand; an indoor or outdoor track or another suitable running area measured to 1.5 miles; testing forms to record data. Applicants must demonstrate they possess an efficient cardiovascular and respiratory system, adequate levels of muscular strength, flexibility and endurance by their successful completion of the physical agility test in which they meet or exceed the physical fitness standards approved by the Department. The Academy has very high standards utilizing solid discipline requirements with an emphasis on physical conditioning. PASS / FAIL. Condition of continued employment: Entrance to and successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy as required by RCW 43.101. Must be a United States citizen and ability to read and write the English language as required by RCW 41.14.100. DO NOT OVER EXERT YOURSELF ON ANY ONE EXERCISE AS IT MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO COMPLETE THE OTHER EXERCISES. endobj
Long pants, long sleeve shirts, and towel are required for the swim portion of the test. Pre-hire Physical Fitness Test Video LCSO Human Resources (970) 498-5550 sheriff-hr@co.larimer.co.us Per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Larimer County will provide a reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with a disability who need assistance. <>
We will continue to evaluate developments and make changes to this policy as necessary. Applicants will receive an email invitation to complete a County application in order to be placed on the Civil Service employment register. We anticipate a high email volume and will respond as quickly as possible. Several new pieces of legislation were passed in the 2021 session, with a broad impact on stops and interventions, tactics available, and reporting methods. 24 and under. closely resembles the risk ratio of force as a whole. Applicants are strongly encouraged to begin preparing for this portion of the screening process by practicing each of the exercises. If you do not pass your PAT, you are eligible to retest all events on another day. x] XMnViBL3ey.2tq]S9SH%%BhNHvN9 B"T@B$ <>
When bringing your feet back in, they may be either together or up to slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Any resting must be done in the up position. 19 0 obj
Different force categories show different patterns, but overall force use rose 2016-2018, and fell 2019-2021. To sign up for this placeholder event, select the June 15, 2020 test date in your category (police, fire, 911 dispatch, corrections, etc.). |, **Lateral Candidates DO NOT need to test with National Testing Network. Collect evidence and property from crime scenes, Fill out forms to document chain of custody of evidence, Record location of physical evidence at scene. Tacoma, WA. Applicants for the position of Deputy Sheriff will be tested based on the following components, but not necessarily in this order: Applicants must successfully complete each of the six items listed above to advance to the swim test. Services can be arranged with at least seven business days' notice. Check the department requirements on this site or check with the departments you are applying to. Recommended by theLaw and Justice Public Review Committee, and produced at the direction of the Criminal Justice work group, this report focuses on demographic proportionality in use of force by the Pierce County Sheriffs Department. Determine exercise level by measuring how many sit-ups the subject can complete in 90 seconds. Continue to Website, 2023 Public Safety Testing, Inc., All Rights Reserved, Read how PST is optimizing for the future, Pre-Employment Testing / Screening Services. P* T!J*DBPH( B"T@B$ Full-Time. Proper preparation is critical. INTRODUCTION The Validated Physical Ability Test (VPAT) is designed to evaluate applicants' capabilities in relation to the physical demands of the Academy and the Patrol Deputy position. Unless otherwise specied, this report focuses on use of physical force. Your hands must touch the ground before you kick your feet back into the plank position. Hourly. Yes, required, Will be carefully reviewed on a case by case basis, Ability to Read & Write the English Language, Distance: Correctable to 20/20 in the better eye and not less than 20/40 in the worst eye, We consider the highest score received within the past one year. During the administration of the test, the students can be informed of their lap times. endobj
Valid Washington State driver's license at time of appointment and be able to provide proof of insurability. Convicted felons or individuals with recent drug use cannot be considered for employment. Applicants interested in joining our team can sign up for FREE! Seize contraband, weapons and stolen property from suspects, Request verification of warrants before execution, Inspect patrol vehicle for weapons and contraband (e.g., before and after prisoner transport), Pull person out of vehicle who is resisting arrest, Break up fights between two or more persons, Draw weapon to protect self or third party, Fire weapon in nighttime combat (not including training), Fire weapon in daytime combat (not including training), Fire a weapon in dark environment with flashlight in one hand, Stop vehicles to investigate, warn or arrest occupants, Engage in high speed pursuit driving in congested area, Engage in high speed response driving in congested area, Engage in high speed response driving off road, Engage in high speed pursuit driving on open road, Engage in high speed response driving on open road, Operate police vehicle on ice covered road, Operate police vehicle on snow covered road, Take mentally deranged persons into custody for their own protection, Administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Apply basic first aid to control bleeding, Apply basic aid to unresponsive \ unconscious person, Apply basic first aid to treat for heart attack, Talk with persons attempting to commit suicide to get them to delay or stop their attempt, Use protective gear to prevent contact with infectious diseases. Non-lethal weapons or tools (140.8 per year), Strikes (Hard Empty Hands) (78.3 per year), Asian or Pacific Islander and Hispanic or Latinx populations show very similar rates of Intermediate Force to the White population. The test time will end when both the applicant and the feet of the mannequin dummy cross the designated finish line. If you plan on taking the Frontline National/Deputy Sheriff written exam for Deputy Sheriff in another state, and that state or testing location does not offer the Physical Abilities Test (PAT) required for Washington State, please contact Civil Service atpccivilservice@piercecountywa.govto discuss options for the PAT. Any provisions contained herein may be modified and/or revoked without notice. Maintain regular, predictable and punctual attendance during regularly scheduled work hours at assigned worksites. Sick leave: Employees receive six days of sick leave upon completion of 13 pay cycles (approximately six months). All interested applicants must complete an application and successfully pass the written and physical fitness tests administered by NTN (. Dental: Choice of dental programs which include orthodontic coverage for the employee and dependents. We are in regular communication with our public safety agency partners, assessing alternatives to the traditional testing model and our testing policies. If several students run at once, their individual times at the finish can be called out and recorded later. The student starts by lying on the back, knees bent, heels flat on the floor, hands folded across the chest touching the shoulders. As the largest category of physical force incidents, Non-Deadly Force most Test . View the Washington Physical Abilities Test (WAPAT) Administration Summary here. endobj
23 0 obj
The following program is progressive to allow the body time to adapt and build up. If you have tested with PST in the past 12 months, there may be additional positions you are now eligible to add. This connection provides the opportunity to analyze the relationships force use has on the rest of the criminal justice system, including arrest, charging, and eventual plea and sentencing outcomes. x[[oF~0/1sU8RIU(N
iw};}f/;EeYC>'MYnyrNf={[62^\,BPFBo0fgPcL.E?EdYdO9x~~9?;.'@. Candidates for the position of police officer/deputy sheriff/trooper must successfully complete the following Physical Ability Test (PAT) . 14 0 obj
To assess the overall general physical capabilities of an applicant and establish a baseline in performing specific functions performed by Deputy Sheriffs. Pierce County Sheriffs Department - Deputy Sheriff, Website <>
Control Tactics (Soft Empty Hands) (309 per year). $32.44 - $49.60 Hourly. OTHER JOB REQUIREMENTS Entry Level Applicants: Ability to successfully complete Pierce County Sheriff's Department background investigation. You must do this before you take the test. (f`Tf`Hfvgc,aQ!>A [ 13 0 R]
If significant or severe soreness exists, the subject exercised too hard and therefore should not perform any exercise, other than stretching, that stresses the affected area until all soreness has disappeared completely. %PDF-1.5
Applicants will begin standing ten feet from the wall. The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is currently accepting applications for Entry Level Deputy Sheriff. Approximately 75% of force records match up to an incident in Pierce County's criminal justice database. **Lateral Candidates DO NOT need to test with National Testing Network. Retirement: Pierce County employees participate in one of the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems plans. The Physical Agility Test consists of three basic tests. If you fail to: kick both feet out or in at the same time, keep your body in a straight line in the plank position, or return to a straight standing position with hands raised above the head, you will receive one warning. Notify the Chief Examiner at (253) 798-6250, at least one week prior to the need. COVID-19 Info COVID Dashboard Weather Alerts Red Flag Warning. The Physical Ability Test score for each portion of the test (push-ups, sit-ups and squat thrusts) is recorded on the individual participants sheet. Veterans scoring criteria will be granted in accordance with RCW 41.04. Proportionality is analyzed across five racial and ethnic groups: View the updated report below, or download a printable version of the original 2016-2020 report, The dataset analyzed in the report is available, The dataset used in this report contains all uses of force reported by the Pierce County Sheriff's Department from 2016-2021. Covid-19 has caused from the wall Sheriff, website < > if the subject can complete 90! Summary here, Law Enforcement Academy their families is of the highest pierce county sheriff physical fitness test requirements graded at the end of wall... Attendance during regularly scheduled work hours at assigned worksites Flag warning % as determined age/sex! 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pierce county sheriff physical fitness test requirements