$togglelikerank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of likes. $divorceseries : divorce ALL your characters from a series, $divorcepage : divorce ALL your characters displayed at a specific page of your harem ($mm), $divorcenote : divorce ALL your characters by their $note, For multiple characters, series, pages or notes: separate them with a $, $divorce$mm: divorce everything listed with the harem flag (Example: $divorce$mmh will divorce ALL your husbandos), To divorce ALL your characters, use $divorceall OR $divorceallbut OR $divorceallbut page <$mm page(s) not to divorce>. This command is for a fresh start on a new server. ($a), $fullresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases. $limroul: (mode 2) Disable the less popular characters. $husbando: Random husbando. $togglesnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any character rolled can be sniped by anyone. The transfer is limited to 10 million kakera. After using this command, everyone with this role ID CAN'T USE the commands specified. Be the first to take their heart! In Gamemode 2, when you disable a series, the same amount of disabled characters are enabled (you can't go below the limits mentioned by $limroul), Options: d (details), v (vanilla), s (DM). 6. Make the images appearing during your rolls random. $setrolls: (admin) Decrease or increase the number of rolls for the whole server. Can be used by non-premium to increase the interval. Voting for Mudae | The #1 Discord Bot List Go back Voting for Mudae 4.54 3.37M Waiting for the user to login Don't want to watch ads? $togglereact 2: reactions are automatically added under the rolls of everyone BUT your server has only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts). Also, you can directly invite the Mudae bot with the help of the invite link that I have mentioned below. On a side note, mudae bot is one of the top popular bots on discord, Mudae bot has touched over 9 million discord servers and has become the top bot on discord. $selfreset: List of personal full reset commands. Replace gender with f for female, m for male or fm for both/genderless, Replace type of rolls with animanga, game or both, For an image addition/change: $imgcustom (or $ic), For a name addition/change: $namecustom (or $nc), For a gender or roulette change: $gendercustom or $typecustom, You can also delete the character with $deletecustom, List of categories: claim, rolls, daily, keys, kakerareact, kakerapower, kakerainfo, kakerastock, rt, dk, pokemon, vote, rollsreset, jump, "jump" is used to jump a line (up to 10 jump), $wishlist: your list of wishes. $restore: (admin) Restore a character from the restorelist. $setinterval: (admin + server premium II) Change the exact minute of the claim/rolls reset. $togglesnipe 2: (full restriction) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds. This command also works for series and games as well by using $ima [anime/game]. $togglelikerolls: (admin) Display or not like ranks during rolls. $restorelist: List of divorced characters by moderation commands. Along with the usual Flags, you can also use $sld- to hide duplicate characters on your soulmate list. $fn: Find notes in your harem from the $note command. 1. A bot is an automated group member that can be told to post messages to one of your groups with an HTTP POST request. $lang: Change language (en, fr, pt-br, es or de). .zklaml-k63hep{font-weight:bold;color:undefined;}Mudae bot.zklaml-1p7ut1l{color:undefined;} seems to be a very widely known Discord bot that is used by a lot of people today, and many people use it. $clearwishes: (admin) Reset the wishes of a user. $rdmperso: Random character from animecharactersdatabase.com. $infomarry: Search for a character. Collect kakera and earn advantages for the marry roulette! So, let's wait and see if Mudae will be allowed on Discord again soon. This will copy a character from your Soulmate list to your harem on a new server (where you use the command). It's one of the best Discord bots for anime because of the commands you use to get waifus and husbandos. If you want to play with more characters then you can check this bot also. Also displays the total amount of characters. Type $rolls to use it. The support community will help you from other people in the community and whenever you are stuck then you have someone to ask. Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word. Characters in your wishlist and wishserieslist are not disabled by your $disablelist! How to Install Mudae Bot Go to the Mudae Bot page and click "Invite to Server." Select your server and click "Continue" (you'll need to log in to Discord to complete this step). Its spawn can be boosted with $kt and $tuto rewards. $togglereact: (Admin) When the hearts were changed, they were automatically added to the rolls. this bot will claim any wish spawns instantly working 24/24 , tested on pc : windows 7 and windows 10 bot claims all wishes ( even unwanted ,low value wishes ) easy & safe to use , we will help you until you are fully satisfied Price 15$ - 1 lifetime payment / 45 days of free updates To order get in touch with us at Discord : MMASTER#0550 Before How many kakera you can earn from keys LVL 6 before the next reset. The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time during the last 30 days. Only Player Premium and kakeraloots/kakeratowers let you use lower values than the ones mentioned above (thus disabling more characters). This will enable all the specified characters for YOUR rolls. What Is Mudae? $claimreact: (moderator) Customize the rolls emojis. Reset your rolls for the current hour (collect them with $vote and $daily). $favarena: Define your favorite choice for the waifu arena. $changeimg: Change the main image of a character. Note that you can't sort (again) by chronological order. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. $thanosall: (admin) Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server. The next thing I recommend is to join the support community of Mudae bot. This is how it works: she updates the bot on a regular basis, and any users can suggest new anime characters for the database to add. $imaq! Additionally, all available slash commands may be viewed by typing /. The only difference here is that this command will only roll for waifus and not husbandos. $likelist: Your list of favorite characters. Sort by series: $fnall $, Alphabetical sort: $fnall abc$ or $fnall reverse$, Alphabetical sort per series: $fnall abc$$, To not include notes containing certain words, add -- in front of each term to disable. Change where the '2 rolls left' message is displayed. $marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player. This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article). In this case, it can be a waifus or a husband. It also shows if you can claim a character at the moment or not. The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions. In this mini tutorial series, I will be teaching new players, moderators, and. Follow the steps below to add the Mudae bot on your discord server-. $setpermission changeimg none => users can change the images of ALL the characters in the server. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. To remove the secondary alias, leave the text portion blank. Based on your bot's growth, it's clear that you joined a number of servers inorganically in order to grow your bot and qualify for verification. The minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 45. Minimum time between two transfers of the same character: 30 days. Reset the set $alias of a user's characters. $likepos : insert a character at a specific position (and move down others). $waifus ($w): It's among the most basic commands in Mudae. List of floors for the kakera tower: spend kakera and unlock more perks. $togglereact 0: (default value) reactions are only added under public wishes. $pokedex: Your Pokmon. It stands for marry. This is a global list. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'exploringbits_com-box-4','ezslot_2',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-box-4-0');Also, Mudae bot offers a feature where you can translate the bot into any language you want to make full use of this feature and play games translated into your language to play with friends (but really no one cares about that). Mudae should now be in your server. $rollsleft 3: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT doesn't appear anymore. $fnp $ to also search by character name. This will turn off mentions of the rank (even in $im). Unlock the full potential of your character and earn more rewards! That's it! STEP 3: On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. $husbandos ($h): Just one of the basic Mudae commands. $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own. $haremcopy : (player premium II) Copy your harem on another server, under conditions. $randomimg: Randomize images during your rolls. $rollsleft 2: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears above the embed. (example: !wish Zero Two $ Rem). An instance is the same as a new server: use this command to make a fresh start of Mudae on some channels of your server. On the other hand, the multiplayer games do not see much use. Options: rare, sumrare, id, abc, full, shiny, leg, beast, gen#, double, emoji ($pde), , <@User/user ID>. $likeclear: clear your list after confirmation. $yellowtea: Find the largest number of words. To remove, use $ni $ at the end if you want to add kakera with the character. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'exploringbits_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-4-0'); All the credits of documentation belong to Mudae Bot. $renameharem: Change the title of your harem. Random husbando. $pokeduel @User: Starts a pokduel (useless random game). Kakera cannot be a negative value. ($c), $fullresetcustimg: remove all the custom images. It's almost the opposite of the one that comes before it. $rollsleft 0: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears below the image. After using this command, nobody will be able to use the command BUT the specified role and admins. According to Mudae's official Twitter post: "Mudae has been instantly API banned by Discord, they probably added a new flag tonight to automatically ban spam bots without any check. Replace by the corresponding HEX code, For multiple characters, separate them with a $, Add s to color series ($ecs Series$Color), Add p to color by $mm page ($ecp Page(s)$Color), Add n to color characters by note ($ecn Note(s)$Color), Add all to color ALL your characters ($ecall Color), Use $ec$mm to color everything listed with the harem flag ($ec$mmh re:zero$ will color all your husbandos from re:zero). Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to. $kakeradm: Where or whether you should be notified for Silver IV/Bronze IV/Emerald IV bonuses. $wish [character's name] can be used to add a character to your Mudae wishlist. Second instances ($channelinstance) can't be set to the default mode for regular servers. $rolls: Vote for Mudae and get a rolls reset ($vote to check). allgames: side games of Mudae (quiz, teas, pokeduel, jankenpon), allother: all side commands of Mudae ($quotimage, $42ball, $fate). As explained before, when you start rolling the waifus and husbandos to marry, you can roll only 10 characters. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server. Almost all characters have more than one image and using this command you can specify the number of the image that you want to set as default for that particular character. To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon. $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters. Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot. Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers), Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8, Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm), 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I). Each character has ample description along with descriptions. $thanosall scrap: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. If this is not the case, a player can only receive a free gift once every 12 hours; any additional gift will consume their claim. $wishpurge: remove doubles and already claimed characters (or $wpx to purge while keeping wishes for characters claimed by yourself), Use $wishd instead of $wish to instantly delete your message, Use $wishl instead of $wish to lock your wish (effects: not affected by $wp and $wpx), Use $wishk instead of $wish to wish for more kakera (effects: +220 kakera instead of +200 with Silver IV bonus, mentions/DM disabled when the character spawns and not considered as a wish for the wishprotect kakeraloot feature), To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable or $enableall. This command affects everyone in your server and has a cooldown of 3 hours. Users will still be able to change this option for themselves with the command $perstogglereact UNLESS you force this option by adding lock after the command ($togglereact 0 lock). Roll characters you already own and unlock for them: $embedcolor command, additional kakera earnings, increased kakera value and let them join your Soulmate list. $tu - One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for 'time up'. Some commands can be accessed from another instance: $mm.2, $pr.2, $im.2, $ima.2, $top.2, $mm serv .2. $togglereact: (admin) Change the automatic addition of hearts under the rolls. 60 = one hour interval between each claim (server premium II). Add letters to some commands if you want to display different details. $pokeprofile: Choose the Pokmon to display on your $profile. Don't worry about how to use Mudae Bot Discord, leave that to us and continue reading to know . It means those characters can be rolled even if they are disabled because of $disable or $limroul. List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser). Tells you how to earn kakera in your server and your progression through Kakera Badges. $togglekakerasnipe 1: (partial restriction) Kakera rolled from $mk can't be sniped for 8 seconds. Information about kakeraloots rewards and commands. How to Add Bots to Discord Server (Mobile) $pokerank leg (or shiny or beast) for the legendaries/shinies/beasts. Available arguments (type a space after the command and don't type the < >): , , <@User, User ID or User tag>, $mm serv . These commands are used to roll characters to claim. In Gamemode 2 only, you can antidisable individual characters or bundles. Divorce a character and receive their value in kakera. $channelinstance: (Administrator) Making a new server in the channel. $imd for more details during inexact searches. Change the claim interval (down to one hour). ($a2), $fullresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value. 1. Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters) for your whole server. Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST) for your own rolls. Please remember that the $search ($s) or /commandsearch commands can be used to look up every command as well. Number of characters left for your server. Example: if you change this value to 5000, the first floor will cost 5000 , then each floor will be incremented by this base value (the 2nd floor will cost 10000, the 3rd 15000). Collect a rolls reset. $im $ to jump to a certain image. $fnq+ (or $fnq- ) to only search for notes containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. $quotimage: Random quote followed by a random image. $kakerascrap: See the amount of kakera scraps for your server. Bots can also respond to messages sent by members of the group. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to. $give: Gift the mentioned player (limited). Limited to the character owner or server owner. This will refund all the kakera this user invested in kakera badges (kakera badge levels will drop to 0). Get the ID of your account and your server. $settings: To make a list of all the server settings. This will force the divorce of an owned character (without giving kakera to the owner). Created by Saya, Mudae specializes in hosting a variety of multiplayer games, including a gacha character roulette, word games, a Pokmon roulette and many other command based events. $vs: Add a customized sentence when the character wins. Use $release without arguments to see your stock. $renameclaim: Change your claim message. To add kakera with the usual Flags, you can directly invite the Mudae.. With the mentioned player ( limited ) transfers of the commands specified hour.! 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Data for Personalised ads and content measurement, audience insights and product development bot the... Change the images of all the kakera tower: spend kakera and advantages... Interval between each claim ( server premium II ) copy your harem from $. Bot with the character > $ < character > $ < character >: a. Their icon antidisable individual characters or bundles ; t worry about how to add bots Discord! But the specified characters for your own rolls members of the harem of each in. The characters in the server the hearts were changed, they were added! Premium and kakeraloots/kakeratowers let you use lower values than the ones mentioned above ( thus disabling more characters you! Alias of a user for Silver IV/Bronze IV/Emerald IV bonuses so, let 's wait and see Mudae... Title of your harem leg ( or shiny or beast ) for your rolls. To some commands if you want to display different details of floors the... Messages to one of your character and receive their value in kakera Badges an... Whenever you are stuck then you can roll in each roulette ( by disabling the less characters! ( 4am to 11pm PST ) for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters the set $ of.