Colette. Thank-you Darby for providing such a detailed and well-researched translation and commentary for Je taime moi non plus. 2019. Still a very sexy and stimulating song even at my age!! WE are music: 64 HZ (Ephrin Toro). Its not hard to imagine what the means in the context of physical love. Your email address will not be published. tes-vous certain(e) daimer votre partenaire? l'amour physique est sans issue je vais et je viens entre tes reins je vais et je viens et je me retiens non ! Cette phrase dment lintention libertine prte la chanson. When Universal Music made their back catalogue available for download, the Brigitte Bardot version was the third most popular download. Depuis cette chanson qui a t un vrai succs en 1969, lexpression je taime moi non plus est entre dans le langage courant. Et donc vous ne vous engagez pas vraiment dans lhistoire pour ne pas souffrir ? The rocking quality of the melody (rocking back and forth) always reminded me of the rocking of a boat on the water as well. Le consentement soumis ne sera utilis que pour le traitement des donnes provenant de ce site web. Years before no one told me I wish I knew. With the waves. [34], The song's title was used, partly in French and partly in Russian, as the title of Russian singer Eva Polna's Je T'aime ( ), " " (ya tebya tozhe nyet) meaning "I (dont love) you either". In this case it seems to be saying that this love making is without a result/outcome in the sense that they arent trying to have a child, this is simply making love for its own sake. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. He did, after all, write it when Brigitte Bardot asked him to write the most beautiful love song. Gainsbourg described the music as being very pure, and indeed the organ sounds almost like a church organ. There were rumours that Gainsbourg and Birkin (and Bardot for that matter) had recorded live sex and used it for the heavy breathing parts of the song a rumour both Birkin and Gainsbourg denied. Te rejoins- je t'aime je t'aime. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je . Im glad that you enjoyed the translation! Se retenir de rire = holding back laughter). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The reasons: 1. Pourtant on s'aime toujours Alors comment remettre son couple sur les bons rails et retrouver la complicit et les rires qui nous ont fait tomber amoureux ? I would still love to know what was being thought of when the phrase moi non plus was penned but your interpretation is very thought provoking. What an intense background story, use of words, and just ultimate beauty: union of man and woman, yin an yang, divinity. At first glance, the vocabulary is very simple. good as it played. Jane and Serge apparently remained friends for life although of course they shared a child so maybe Jane had more incentive to keep things on good terms. Proposer les paroles, Proposer une correction des paroles de "Je T'aime Moi Non Plus", Socit des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique, chants des supporters de l'quipe de France. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The duet reached number one in the UK, the first foreign language song to do so, and number two in Ireland, but was banned . He said: Picasso is Spanish, me too. Je viens vous demander quelque chose de dlicat, rpondis-je. Japprcie forcment cet article puisque lAmour est un sujet de rflexion qui me passionne Je me permets de rajouter quil faut tre extrmement prudent avec les relations entre aims (quelles soient dorigine familiales, amicales ou amoureuses) lorsquelles sont du type fusionnel car elles aboutissent inluctablement des crises de type explosive, voire hystrique. An irresolute/unresolved wave.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I think it lives on because like Serge said, it truly was a love song. Ce genre de relation tient plus de la passion amoureuse que de lamour vrai. He sadly passed away last year 2020 and this song brings him back to me. On se veut et on se fuit. "Paranoid" reflects a feeling Black Sabbath bass player Geezer Butler often felt after using drugs. The guy who comes in and goes out, like the waves, whereas the woman is a desert island (with the double entendre) that remains constant. The lyrics are commonly thought to refer to the taboo of sex without love, and were delivered in a breathy, suggestive style. Une nouvelle histoire d'amour commence. Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web! I can try to find time to finish it for the site. Et si lautre vous fait subir la mme chose, il souffre probablement du mme manque de confiance. It is funny I have known of this song for such a long time and accidentally re-discovered it while listening to other music just clicking on the reference. For the album, see Jane Birkin Serge Gainsbourg. Le single est interdit la vente dans certains pays, tandis que la maison de disques de Gainsbourg, Philips, prfre remplacer le titre sur l'album dont il est extrait par La Chanson de Slogan[9]. Dans ce cas, lexpression voque les hauts et les bas rythmant le couple : on saime mais on se dispute, parfois mme on se fait du mal. This is a song celebrating love-making. The rawness of song is beautiful. Yes it is a wonderful song isnt it? [5], The song was a commercial success throughout Europe selling 3 million by October 1969. [37][38] In a note to Neil Bogart, producer A. J. Cervantes (son of politician Alfonso J. Cervantes), who previously worked for Casablanca Records, suggested an idea of Donna Summer recording the song. System wont accept my subscription due to it being linked to a new blog I set up that does not have the same email that I sent in my comment with here. Sauf que dans votre cas, a continue depuis longtemps. .) Une nouvelle histoire d'amour commence. Great insight on this song. The title was inspired by a Salvador Dal comment: "Picasso is Spanish, me too. Have you ever considered Bonnie and Clyde by Bardot and Gainsbourg? Toutefois, linfidlit se glisse dans la ralit sous diffrentes formes:, Qui se ressemble sassemble ou les opposs sattirent selon vous? The first time I heard it, I listened to it over and over again because I feel its quite unique. En effet cela provient de la privation dintimit puisque dans ces cas il est occult le besoin de respecter la libert de chacun (par manque de confiance en soi ou par jalousie ou lenvie de dominer voire manipuler lautre etc ) A problem with his eyes gave Jackson Browne the idea for "Doctor My Eyes," which became a song about a man whose mental health suffers when he sees the world for what it really is. I don't know what all the fuss was about. Moi non plus. France Dimanche said the "groans, sighs, and Bardot's little cries of pleasure [give] the impression you're listening to two people making love". [30] (The group's name "sounds nice" actually represents the two words Paul McCartney said when he heard this instrumental cover of the song). Lamour est trop destructeur, trop fragile et trop dsquilibr pour apaiser le cur et tranquilliser lesprit. Trs choqu, le quotidien Il Giornale d'Italia crit dans ses colonnes: En l'espace de trois ou quatre minutes, Gainsbourg et Jane Birkin mettent autant de soupirs, de plaintes et de grognements qu'un troupeau d'lphants en train de s'accoupler. They released it in 1986. The tune is played at the end of train rides, the end of school days, and when malls are about to close. Thank you for the analysis. In late 1967 Bridgitte Bardot was enduring a difficult period in her marriage when Serge Gainsbourg became infatuated with her. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. [8], Birkin said in 2004 that, "It wasn't a rude song at all. Tu vas et tu viens. After a disappointing, witless date with Bardot, the next day, she "phoned and demanded as a penance"[2][3] that he write, for her, "the most beautiful love song he could imagine" and that night he wrote "Je t'aime" and "Bonnie and Clyde". Depuis quelque temps, vous sentez votre conjoint chang?, Trs satisfait des diffrentes explications qui permettent de comprendre aisment la nature de chacune des relations dans laquelle nous nous trouvons un moment ou un autre. So once again, thank you! As a song which evokes the passion of the act of love it remains a unique masterpiece. My daughter was born the night that was playing, and probably conceived when it was playing. L'orchestre est enregistr Londres, le duo est nouveau enregistr Paris et dans le mme studio. [38] The SummerMoroder rendition was produced by Moroder and Pete Bellotte. French Lyrics Translations WordPress Theme by Darby. Hi Rick, Dan, I like the idea behind your blog so much Im thinking of doing the same thing now and then on my own blog. The lyrical subtleties were lost on late-1960s Brits. Im glad that you enjoyed it. Ah s'tonna le roi belge. Entre vous a a t lecoup de foudre. A 1989 track by Kenny G, "Going Home," is the unofficial national closing song in China. "Je vais" is the first-person singular form of aller (to go). Yes this is a wonderful song isnt it? Il sagit plus dun jeu que damour. "L'amour physique est sans issue" ("Physical love is hopeless" [Gainsbourg sings 'sensationnel' in another version), "Je t'aime, moi non plus" is translated as "I love you me not anymore" in the Pet Shop Boys' version. Jouer au je taime moi non plus est un moyen de vrifier que lautre vous aime toujours ou pas. As he is inside of you. Its amazing the power that music has to transport us back to an era. So you can see quite clearly that Serge is talking about holding himself back in a physical sense. French-Speaking Artists, Albums, and Track Lists,, Tous les Mmes Lyrics & Translation / Stromae, Dernire Danse Lyrics & Translation Indila, Stromae Formidable Lyrics and English Translation. [10][12] Gainsbourg claimed it was an "anti-fuck" song about the desperation and impossibility of physical love. Ce sont deux personnes qui saiment mais qui ne parviennent pas se le montrer autrement que par la souffrance quelles sinfligent. Je taime mais je ne sais pas te le dire. Tu maimes mais je ne sais pas te comprendre. For the first time in my life, I write a love song and its taken badly. He began a passionate love affair with Birkin, who was 18 years his junior, and asked her to record the song with him. Paroles Serge Gainsbourg
I still love to listen to it, but I only discovered it a few years ago (shortly before I posted this translation). Notre patience nexiste, Vous avez fait quelque chose que vous regrettez et vous souhaitez vous excuser auprs de votre copine ? I would like to add one thought to moi non plus. En 1966, Serge Gainsbourg compose la musique de la scne de bal pour le film Les Curs verts ralis par Edouard Luntz[1]. Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens. I love this song ! Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Cerca nuovi amici. Impossible de penser cette expression sans fredonner la clbre chanson de Serge Gainsbourg et Jane Birkin. Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour, tu es la vague Moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je t'aime, oh . Il est impossible de faire des projets, de construire, davoir confiance. Cet amour absolu donne limpression de ne pas pouvoir se passer de lautre. "Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus Lyrics." On se cherche et on se repousse. Une nouvelle histoire damour commence. This is further emphasized by the wave imagery. "[15] When Gainsbourg went to Jamaica to record with Sly and Robbie, they initially did not get on well. Je t'aime moi non plus is a duet song made famous by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Yes it is a beautiful song in its own way! Sur la couverture d'origine figurait la mention Interdit aux moins de 21ans. Translating it was my great pleasure. I Never heard a French song! It stayed on the UK chart for 31 weeks. Je dois avouer que je trouve sa dmarche trs courageuse et positive. Ive seen a lot of euphemisms like loins and back in translations. Le disque sort en fvrier 1969. He asked everybody". No one has celebrated love in this way since John Donne. PS: it was on a beachy context that I used to listen to it all the time during summer vacations (it was on every playlist there). Ps. Moi non plus. and, French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the songs popularity and controversy after the jump. [19] It was re-released in the UK in late 1974 on the Atlantic Records subsidiary Antic Records and charted again peaking at No. Pour connatre les raisons pour lesquelles ils estiment avoir un intrt lgitime ou pour s'opposer ce traitement de donnes, utilisez le lien de la liste des fournisseurs ci-dessous. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue. , Great translation, thoughtful and insightful analysis and historical context. Soit elle a compris quil ne fallait pas saisir le Je taime au sens dune vraie dclaration. @PierreSerne @brunorebelle Article 1 : Procde au scrutin secret l'lection d'un.e conseiller.e de territoire remplaant M. Wandrille JUMEAUX au sein du conseil de territoire de l'tablissement public territorial Est Ensemble. Hes using her! La couverture est modifie lors de la commercialisation du disque sous le label Fontana la place de celui de Philips. I get the feeling that the woman would *always* be there for the guy, but the guy wouldnt (necessarily) be there for her. Officiellement rendu son auteur, Gainsbourg en confie l'exploitation Disc AZ[9]. [18] Mercury Records, the US distributor, faced criticism that the song was "obscene" and there was limited airplay, limiting US sales to around 150,000. Vous jouez aux montagnes russes avec son cur. However nue normally translates as naked or nude or bare. So when Jane says you are the wave, and Im the desert/bare/naked island she is again evoking that motion of waves breaking against the shore, coming in and pulling out and coming in again. Well-Researched translation and analysis of the songs popularity and controversy after the jump a! N'T a rude song at all aime je t & # x27 tonna. Trouve sa dmarche trs courageuse et positive the desperation and impossibility of physical love aime moi plus. 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