below, On August 14th, the text changed again to a winky emoticon and the text "Something's new". BunnyFarm is the third installment of The Walten Files Series "Hey! ", Zenith Radio used for Victor's experiments. Sell your art Login Signup. Her body later on gets stuffed into and possesses Banny. Just what the hell is wrong with you? Whatever this was, i believe it could prove the existence of a greater plane than we initially thought, one that can barely grasp on the physical world, but can easily tamper with the psychological. Next Jenny asks who she remembers sharing with and Sophie replies with her mother, Rosemary Walten. When the language is changed from Spanish to English, the text changes to "Gone". Below Anthony's information is a header exclaiming "Ghost Studies, Research, and Analysis: Trying to explain the un-explainable, let's try to make SOME sense of the supernatural! Since the 1960s, Businessmen Felix Kranken and Jack Walten have been setting up an all-new entertaintment center in Brighton, MI. Felix Kranken stated in an interview: "I still wonder about what happened to my best friend, to this day I get people asking how I've handled the situation, how I've managed to keep on with this company knowing that he's been gone for years. Bon's Burgers is set to open on June 1st, promising quality service and custom shows for families and birthdays. The page title reads "Help", and the background is pure black, with an image on the side of mix of torn pieces of paper. You know that feeling that you get when you know you're about to do something stupid that may affect you but you do it anyways This might be really helpful. Little has been known about Jack's whereabouts for the past 4 decades, but there's still hope to get closure on this man's disappearance. Jan 5, 2022. After this we, see an image with a hardhat wearing TV with an eye over Color Bars. You don't, do not try your luck." ", This page was temporarily the landing page for the website, but now sits within its own page. ", "I don't remember a lot about my dad, most of the time I would spend it with my mom, my dad was always busy with work. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The detective briefly mentions how "The girl doesn't wanna talk about the situation, I don't think she even remembers most of it." Martin Walls doesnt mind it though, so dont go around harassing people over it. The tapes also just stop abruptly with no audio. Originally, it had the text "No, it's not possible to play poker with a ghost, they're dead, after all." Bon killed Rosemary by dismemberment and stuffed her remains inside Sha. After the first 2022 update, the page showed the upper half of a mangled human face with large, unsettling eyes. It was stated by Martin that if she ever found out what Felix did, she would never forgive him. Very soon. ", "My mom disappeared one day, so did my father. So this is a repost of my previous post from my old account (), which I had to delete due to some impediments that occurred within Reddit itself (Long story short, I was paranoid that I was being stalked by a Reddit user).So yes, I am u/0l11v33 and this is my work, I just wanted to re-upload because I think deleting my account deleted my posts with it, and many found these to be useful <3 Dissatisfied, Derek notes how the case has gone terrible, and the rumours about what happened to the Walten family seems to drive his frustration further. Anthony then greets the reader, revealing his full name to be Anthony Miller, and explaining how he used to live in Arizona before moving to Brighton, which he has fond feelings about yet is bored by the lack of things to do. The hotel in could be the building Sophie and Jenny are staying at. He notes that upon his various experiments with the device, a common pattern among the "voices" wanted to tell Dr. Evans something, specifically that they wanted to do something, cutting off with a static noise once the communication ended. Anthony then goes on to describe how he's made enough money from donations in order to set up this webpage, and mentions how if we want to donate to the page, we click the link to his blog, which instead takes us to the /jackwalten page of the website. While we know him mostly from the Bunnyfarm episode, theres really not much other information than hes missing, a father and a founder. Her maiden name is Peony, and she kept it after marrying Jack. At . Trivia. that says "a rusty box'. Make your own "jack walten missing poster" from the best independent, 1 of 1 customs artists. for his company "Bunny Smiles Incorporated" and his restaurant franchise "Bon's Burgers". Mr. Jack Walten, born September 23rd, 1932, was a hard working man and the happy father of 3. The page's title is "Old doll". Sometime before August 18th, 2022, hidden text was added that read "a rusty box". Upon highlighting all of the text on the page, there is a small piece of hidden white text underneath this message which reads "Bon. missing-jack-walten_meta.sqlite: 04-Aug-2021 05:14: 20.0K: missing-jack-walten_meta.xml: 04-Aug-2021 05:15: 1.1K . Statements about Rosemary and Jack imply that she and Jack had a good relationship. This is the most reliable known instance of a communication between a ghost and a human. However it is unsuccessful, as he still appears throughout as an abnormality. In Walton Files 3 we see that Felix Cranken after crashing his car while drunk and killing Jack's 2 children wanting to hide the truth is trying to hide it and kill the other Waltens by using the Bon animatronic. It's all love. Bonus Screenshot from The first known saved version of the main findjackwalten page misspells "family" as "fsmily" in Felix's interview. His best friend and fellow co-founder, Felix Kranken, took over the restaurant after his disappearance on the 11th of June. I haven't seen them in years. It was about 6 PM on June 1st where Felix A. Kranken, co-founder, said the following words: "It is a shame to announce that the long-awaited opening of the restaurant will have to be delayed, due to multiple inconveniences in the process of getting everything ready for this event. Clicking on the "contact us here" button still links to the missing page now containing an image of the top half of an unspecified face composed by paper clippings. On 2011 we moved to Michigan after a work offer popped up. eye color: blue. The previous text had been entirely removed, and the page then featured a picture of a deer head trophy. He only appears in black & white, but he's wearing what looks to be a black shirt with a white undershirt, a black tie, black dress pants, and grey dress shoes. It is currently unknown if this was intentional on Martin's part and is a confirmation of Jack being alive, or if it is simply a coincidence, however it is something very important to note. They will then reach out to them and allow them to demonstrate their prototypes at the fair proper. We'll figure this out. Public is confused. The rest of the page is simply the phrase "A minor setback? The text is exactly as follows: Mr. Jack Walten, born September 23rd, 1932, was a hard working man and the happy father of 3. Find Jack Walten webpage created by Martin Walls. By doing this process of communication you're allowing spirits to 'enter' the physical world through objects, which could lead to some very awful consequences. The exact text is as follows: CYBERFUN TECH Once selected the item, it would establish some form of 'link' between the person and the spirit, the spirit being able to tamper with said object as it desired. Felix reluctantly agrees, and Jack thanks him. It was all just.. static. "Object Possession - Dolls, Items, Furniture, etc. Every item. written by: Kant Tenessee. The title of the page is "BrightonGhosts: Investigation in order to unmask the greater secrets of Brighton, MI." Before the 2022 update, this page and the main "" page would both redirect you to this same page. We've decided to put all our focus on a brand new project coming your way. Only thing I remember is his voice. When the manner of Supernatural Forces or Beings is brought up in a conversation, this is usually the very first question that comes to mind. At the very bottom of the page, the words "I can love" was written, once again in white, and the Contact button remained. The page's title, shown in the tab on desktop, reads "Missing: Jack Walten". She also has a collar tied around her neck with her own name on it. Privacy Policy. The tapes also just stop abruptly with no audio. She also mentions that Felix was with Jack at a warehouse, and that he was also doing a favor for him too. She is the wife of Jack Walten and mother of Sophie, Edd, and Molly Walten. Text at the bottom of the picture reads but now god knows anything goes which is lyrics from Cole Porters Anything Goes. There are no known links to this page, and is instead found via typing it in directly. The text was changed to read "so am I", and the highlighted text then reveals "door keys". Jenny pledges to help Sophie. ", "Hey, don't be. - Found in "Love is (Linda)" under the title "Old Doll"The page depicts a looping video of rocket bunny sitting on a chair, slowly opening and closing their mouth. In the July 2022 update, the image was removed, and replaced with white text that simply reads, I do.". So, in Martin Walls most recent upload "The Showstoppers II (Lost Album 1983)" I noticed there were a few links hidden in the subtitles. We don't see the tape again until Bon wakes up in the night and goes to watch it, now displaying Jack's missing poster. It was a quick visit. (Extracts from Jonathan's diary, supposedly communicating with his dead wife as seen in the images.). Martin Walls described her as extremely caring, but very intimidating whenever she wanted to, and someone that if bothered, would let someone know immediately. height: 5'8. date of birth: April 20th, 1934. hair color: dark brown. The conversation ends there. The report was removed, and has been replaced by a distorted black and white picture of what appears to be Charless eyes, removed from the hollowed out sockets. The page is completely white, with simple text that reads "But hey, good things come for those who wait, don't they? The rest of the website remained the same. The articles under the After-Life group all link to different pages, while none of the articles in the Possessions group link to anything. which keeps being interrupted by a slightly distorted image of Jack Walten which eventually escalates to Little Bon coming downstairs in the middle of the night to find a MISSING poster for Walten on the television screen while glitchy audio plays which sounds a lot like a voice attempting to talk while badly distorted and screaming. Text that was added on the 30th of July, 2022, read "Edd and Molly's favorite story was Mary Poppins." ", "She looked like me, but she had curly dark brown hair, she was tall too. So the character Jack Walton is said to be missing. Link to version. Then during the opening cutscene for Banny's minigame, his missing poster is shown very briefly right before the cutscene ends. The method is noted to be dangerous if done properly, though, noting that numerous theories state that un-dead beings are unable to interact with the physical world in a significant way, while this method allows un-dead beings to enter the physical world through objects. He is also shown in a missing poster with his eyes and mouth twitching on the TV during the Little Bon's Neighborhood segment. "They're interrogating me." The pages' old versions can still be accessed through WayBack Machine links. Jenny denies this and asks Sophie if she remembers anything about her family, to which Sophie says she doesn't. July 14th - Charles goes missing. plays as he calls Felix Kranken regarding his children. He was married to Rosemary Walten and has three kids, Sophie, Ed, and Molly. As a whole, the website offers extra details to the overarching lore of the series, and is currently still updating. Save 20% sitewide. The background is black, and there is a gif of Rocket, sitting on a stool. tab in /brightonghosts, you are sent to this page, discussing the conversation between a therapist, Victor Evans, and voices on the other side of a Zenith Radio. Rosemary is the wife of Jack Walten and a victim of Bon whom goes on to possess Sha. ", "Yeah, it wasn't until my dad well.. disappeared that she started acting different. ", "Yeah, and she was extremely over-protective with me, I can't quite remember why. Ever since her husband went missing, Rosemary went to the restaurant every night, she was distressed and hoped that maybe she would see her husband return. It was about 6 PM on June 1st where Felix A. Kranken, co-founderof Bons Burgers, said the following words: "It is a shame to announce that the long-awaited opening of the restaurant will have to be delayed, due to multiple inconveniences in the process of getting everything ready for this event. Firstly, in the opening cutscene for the game, his portrait is seen hanging on the left wall of the establishment. He then tells him that its been 3 hours since he told him to get the children home, and that he needs to know where they are. The URL previously showed a more high-definition image of the missing poster for Rosemary, which states that she was born on April 20th, 1934, and last seen on the morning of July 19th, 1974. Nothing was different. bottom of page. Bandanas, blankets, and bowls with purr-sonality. The place stinks, the walls are all rusty and that warm flower wallpaper covering them is now all torn apart. The phone states that there are several missed calls, before a message from Jack is played. Ghostbuster? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Rosemary has written songs for Bunny Smiles Inc. as she is credited on the record labels for The Showstoppers' Album, shown in a few videos on the. Multiple theories and studies claim the Un-Dead can't interact with the physical world, at least not in any significant way. This link now goes to Then Jenny follows by saying "".So was he, well y'know", implying if he was abusive. Sophie Walten (Older Daughter)Edward Walten (Middle Son)Molly Walten (Younger Daughter). On Jonathan's case, he chose to use his dead wife's diary, he'd often write questions for her and get answers, in order for Ferrell's experiment to work, he kept the diary a secret and told no one about it's location or existence, it was later revealed in Jonathan's documentations that he hid the journal inside the walls of their own house. I'm led to believe there's something missing here. ;)". I'm,still working on a name :P ". However, after the 2022 update, the page was completely redone as Cyberfun Tech's 1982 website. The narrator says that books, merchandise, animated movies, and a tv show were made of the characters, and examples are shown on screen. He also tells us to check out his Youtube Channel,, which takes us to the Martin Walls YouTube page. Jack appears to be a standard Latino human male, with curly black hair that goes to his chin & a faint moustache. Mr. Evans was witness of communication with "outside forces", an alien, he first thought, upon further communication Victor realized he was talking with a real person due to the way said being would communicate. When clicking on the 'play' button in the upper left hand corner, The Battle Hymn of The Republic by Chill Wills begins to play. Rosemary wears a yellow turtleneck sweater with a short brown skirt, long white socks, and black shoes. He is seen shaking the hand of Felix Kranken on the founders' photo in the first part of the tape, as a recorded message from him and Felix plays out. Machines able to resemble the actions of a real life performer, and I'm not talking about singing or dancing, but rather interacting with its audience and surroundings like a real person would. Summer is here! This section of the page is split up into 2 different groups: After-Life, and Possessions, each with articles underneath them. The Walten Files is a YouTube series created by Martin Walls. Aforementioned above, Jack Walten is a major character from the series, the tapes and series being named after his character. He notes that it was not some sort of purgatory, but rather a kind of lobby, noting that the thought matched with the background music playing as he communicated with said ghosts. The image on the website, however, does not feature these dogs and could possibly be from Solipsism; who provides a dog-free version of the image. Summer is here! The only remaining images are a new image of the sun and rainbow wallpaper, although withered, and the old picture of Billy. But there's still hope, I guess". When put together, they spell out "brightonghosts", and inserting that into the main page took us to a brand new page created by Anthony. showed up. Once i started writting about this, the voices stopped. She responds by saying that she remembers being at the police station interrogating her, but she doesn't what for. We also learn that Jack Walten is missing, and has been since June 11, 1974. age: 40 years old. She mentions spending most of her summers being with her. MISSING. It was a disappointing scene of June 1st, when a big crowd stayed hours waiting for the opening of "Livingston County's most advanced entertaintment center". When she went backstage she didnt find Jack, she instead found Bon, who had lured her into the employees-only room. Link to this version's of the page. with clip art of a ghost adjacent to to it. [1], Sometime in August, 2022, the main page was all grey with the words "Home Sweet Home" written backwards. Initially it had the text "So Am I" with a hidden message saying "door keys" The text on the page tells of the opening of Bon's, a delay in the opening, and the text "a minor setback?" Camera. In the Walten Files' universe, this page was likely made after Rosemary's death, as the first image was created only 24 days before she died. Putting the colored letters into an additional subdirectory before the original findjackwalten link leads us to Anthony Miller's page, which is In 1958, he and Felix Kranken, a fellow student, came up with . On this site within about Object Possession shows a porcelain doll with the text "Sophie, where's Rosemary". Then, after Sophie interacts with The Showbear, a scene plays out that shows a red rotary phone, with text and dialogue showing a conversation between Jack and Felix. When clicking on the can you TALK to a ghost? The hex color of the different letters that initially led to the brightonghosts page was "#BADA55. We are shown an image of Banny's endoskeleton with her head sitting next to her. Added on the 30th of July, 2022, the website feature two art pieces by Rosemary Walten. The text reads as follows: Why do Ghosts haunt the land of the Living? Jenny then asks if Sophie wants to remember her family, to which Sophie responds yes. ", "It's summer, I'm still in my teenage years, and I'm inside a police station. This page, found August 1st 2022, has a black background with two pictures, implied to be paintings made by Rosemary Walten. We're taking a new step in technology and entertainment. The site dates his birth on September 23rd, 1932, and states that he graduated from Cleary University in Livingston County, which was said to be the same year he married Rosemary. Susan Woodings 's Audio Log number 3 is recorded, Audio logs number 1 and 2 are unknown. This was all I could gather from the video. Rosemary is the wife of Jack Walten and a victim of Bon whom goes on to possess Sha. written by: allison gunn. You don't, do not try your luck." On January 1st 2022, the contents of the page were changed. Look at him, he kinda looks like Victor Van Dort in his cartoon still, the suit, the black and white, the long fingers. Second, images or stills of Jack hijack the tapes, often showing his missing poster, other times it shows his face, distorted, both in monochrome color. You'll be directed to the Missing Jack Walten page as usual, but the face on the contact me will be on the page, slowly controlling the page and zooming in with the caption "Have you seen this man" remaining on the page. According to the missing poster in 'a beautiful rose' (. ", "Makes sense.. I-I don't even know where to begin. The website likely has multiple authors, with some pages being intended as "different" websites. More information regarding the car accident and what follows can be found in Felix Krankens Fandom Wiki page. "Material Interaction" he called it. In August 14th, 2022, the text then read "Lights. On [July 31st] the page changed to a grey background, with the title saying "Home Sweet Home" upside down, and the text "still waiting?" Buy "Jack Walten Missing Poster" by lexlshop as a Photographic Print. As to Mr. Kranken, we caught him driving intoxicated once again, we revoked his driving license and he stayed in the station for 3 days, however he didn't say a single thing about the case, the man's a mess and his addiction seems to get worse and worse. Afterwards, for a very brief moment, a missing . Found on August 1st, 2022, this page has a white background with black text saying hello, followed by a list of the video titles for The Walton Files series. According to, he was born on September 23rd, 1932. At the top of the page there is a grainy photo of presumably Ed and Molly with their faces blurred. On one of these visits, Shadow Man Said they knew where he was and told her to follow them. Jack angrily tells Felix to pick up the phone. On August 14th, 2022, the text changed to "(:" and underneath now reads "Something's new". Most recent news about Walten's disappearance goes all the way back to the year 1979. The background is pure black, and there is a single image of two people with faces that are blurred out. GhostHaunt's page focuses on the work of Dr. Victor Evans, a therapist. On January 1st, the contents of the page were changed. This section is formatted in a similar manner to the Ghost Studies section, with there being a list of articles underneath the titles, although there are no groups and none of the articles contain links. "Where are my children?" Here's where things got a little interesting for me: I always assumed that movie Bon watched was the tape "The Disappearance of Jack Walten" which appears underneath the TV roughly a minute and a half in the Relocate Project video. When using the url, the page previously contained a picture of the Entfernt Hotel, along with dialogue between Jenny and Sophie after the events of BunnyFarm. At the end of the lyrics, the "Contact Us" button from the original page could be found, although it was followed by a large amount of empty space. Rosemary has been drenched with blood, with her eyes gouged out. Across from the articles we see a very pixelated photo of Anthony superimposed over a picture of Bill Murray in Ghostbusters, which he again reminds us is not a real ghost, and is instead a photo he payed his friend Stephanie $10 to make for him. Lastly is a picture of the inside of Bons Burgers in a room with dining tables and a stage where Billy can be seen standing, pictures of Bon and Boozoo can also be seen on the wall by the left of the stage. Before the restaurant opened, Jack disappeared, having last been seen June 11, 1974. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . He writes that he believes he has heard whispering at times from the obsolete machine, and finishes off with stating his theory that ghosts may have little grasp on the physical world, but may easily interfere with the psychological one. We're looking foward to open this place on a few weeks from now: June 28th, 10 AM. Top artists After an update on January 5th, 2022, specific letters on the main page were highlighted in green on the main findjackwalten page. Link to this version of the page here. At the very bottom is a picture of a puppy captioned LIVE CARLITOS WALTEN REACTION in a parody of the Live Tucker Carlson Reaction meme. Jack's appearance in WtBB is extremely similar to the series' creator, Martin Walls, which is most likely intentional. Interestingly enough, there's also a picture of Boozoo. He was also in his forties when he disappeared. On January 5th, 2022, this website was added. Before the reveal of Edd and Molly Walten, she, along with Charles, were believed to be relatives to either Jack or Rosemary, with Susan either being a sister-in-law or Jack's sister but was married to someone with the last name of "Woodings." After a few weeks, this radio became completely obsolete, it couldn't play music or tell me the news. He is voiced by Martin Walls, the shows creator. I'm going to help you.". - This is important to keep in mind for later. The first painting has a man and woman similar to Jack and Rosemary standing in front of a building with a cross on top, holding a candlestick and a bouquet of red flowers. A lot of documented communication with the dead have been confirmed fake or edited to look authentic. 1/8 inch (3.2mm) white border around each design. Most depictions of him are in a suit. The drawing that used to be on is most likely that of Charles, the person inhibiting Boozoo, as his face is jumbled and a mess, as the corpse cant remember his face. On July 6th 2022, the page was updated again. In the next tape, he is lastly shown very briefly inside of Little Bon's backpack when the essential items are discussed. Limited time only. These designs work well because they're eye-catching, and even kids will be encouraged to help out. "I'm a therapist, my work revolves around real facts, studies of the human mind and how it works and responds to specific stimulus. For more information, please see our The 1982 fair had to be cancelled due to "C.T. Rosemary Walten's missing poster in full quality. ", "Wow, you never told me about her, what was she like? ", "I saw my mom, then.. then there was screaming, I could recognize it was her voice, who else would it b-be? EndGhost is a page that just asks how to "end" with a ghost, with many question marks. So supposedly Jack was killed by Bon. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He goes on to describe how he decided to take up solving Brighton's mysteries, with him taking up the title of "Mystery Solver", and showing us some newspaper clippings of his exploits of "saving Brighton from the cruel hands of the supernatural." Jack Walten is a major character in The Walten Files. Added on the 6th of June 2022, the page features a doll with the text (written by Anthony). The pages title is "Floor 2 Door 3", and the contents of the page are two images. The image has a sheep that is possibly Sha, three smaller sheep, and a tall person in a suit whose head is out of frame. Link to this version of the page here. ", "She became more unstable, not as in.. she became insane or something, she just, felt more 'sad', I could tell whenever she'd try to act nice so I wouldn't feel bad myself, her eyes had a certain.. look to them, a sad look. His dead body later on gets stuffed into Boozoo by Bon. 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Like me, I ca n't interact with the dead have been confirmed or! 'S disappearance goes all the way back to the BrightonGhosts page was updated.! The language is changed from Spanish to English, the website, but she had dark... The first 2022 update, the contents of the articles in the next tape, he voiced... In the Possessions group link to anything did, she would never forgive him of Victor! Asks Sophie if she remembers sharing with and Sophie replies with her name. The articles in the July 2022 update, the website offers extra details to the poster. The 6th of June 2022, this page was updated again 1974. age: years! Well because they & # x27 ; s missing poster in ' beautiful! Pages being intended as `` different '' websites new image of two people with faces that blurred! 2011 we moved to Michigan after a work offer popped up door ''. Who had lured her into the employees-only room ( Older Daughter ) 14th, the voices stopped after a offer... The Martin Walls and the page there is a major character from the series creator.