amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; By exploring birthstones and other gems, and with an understanding of your Vedic astrology, you can improve upon the conditions related to each category (house) in your chart. (Dec. 16, 2014), Pegg, David. They carry other peoples birthstones (even though they are your kids), but still. Pearl is worn to calm a restless mind and to control anger. First of all, you should make sure that your birthstone is hard enough to be worn on a daily basis and thats when the Mohs hardness scale comes in hand. Attributes: Vitality, Harmony, Kingliness, Emotional Intelligence, Empress Power, Passion, Lust, Sexuality, Enthusiasm, Success, Integrity, Loyalty, Red. Contrary to diamonds, Opals are smooth and must be thoroughly worn and washed. This majestic stone can also be used for cellular disorders, regulating our glands, and calming our anxieties. As an Amazon Associate I also earn from qualifying purchases. There is no definitive answer to this question as it is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of birthstone you are wearing, your personal beliefs and the way you interpret the meaning of wearing another birthstone. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Sapphire come in exotic colors like blues, pinks, yellows, greens, oranges and even purple. Fortunately, lore provides remedies for many of particular stones' baleful influences, leaving us free to wear our favorite bijous without fear that we are attracting harm to ourselves. Tradition says we can ward off evil, enchant our lives, and ease depression when we wear or carry a peridot stone. 8 Best Throat Chakra Stones & Crystals (Balancing & Healing). :). If you choose not to consult an expert, you might get fooled by a fake birthstone. Advertisement. This position is the best way to bring out the healing properties of this mystical stone. Accentuate those blues, greens, reds, yellows, pinks and purples. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; An opal will lose its luster after the original owner passes away. .For instance, in the past, wearing a different birthstone other than the one designated to your birth month was believed to bring the wearer bad luck. Discover the Powers & Secrets of Gemstones. Every persons chart is unique and every stone has a unique impact on each of those houses. Astral stones vary from culture to culture and religion-to-religion There is no central authority that dictates which stones belong to which months. One cause of the development of the superstition may be because opals are a weaker and damage-prone stone. This is why its vital to get your Vedic astrology reading from a talented, intuitive professional. In fact, astrological gemstones have been worn globally for hundreds of years, and for Indians, it is almost a way of life, even today. If you're wondering how to choose your birthstone and what factors to consider, we are here to help. Opal is the birthstone for October, and if you were born in this month, you should consider yourself very lucky indeed. Your email address will not be published. They feel that this spiritual jewelry is a positive energy charge. Garnets are said to represent strength and courage, and are thought to bring good luck to those who wear them.February Amethyst February: Amethyst For that matter, so do diamonds (diamonds are probably the worst). Additionally, they are also alleged to cause psychic visions. By being aware of your chart, you can improve the value that gemstones have in your life. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. Wearing opal as a jewelry stone is a relatively modern practice. No pitty, just trying to find a reasonable priced raw opal. The turquoise stone aids in the absorption of nutrients enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body. Besides jewelry, birthstones or the colors symbolizing the stones show up in many other types of gifts and keepsakes making birthday shopping easy and fun. Improvement yes, magic no. Libra (Sept 23 Oct 23): Chrysolite (Peridot) and Aventurine, While there are some similarities with the above list, here is the list, March: Bloodstone, Aquamarine, Red Jesper, September: Moonstone, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, October: Opal, Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Moonstone, November: Topaz, Yellow Sapphire, Golden Citrine, Tigers eye, December: Ruby, Turquoise, and Blue Zircon, Sun: Ruby, Garnet, Red Spinel, Rhodolite, Rubellite, Red Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Mercury: Emerald, Peridot, Green Agate, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz, Citrine, Yellow Zircon, Yellow Tourmaline, Citrine, Venus: Diamond, White Sapphire, Clear or White Zircon, White Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Phenakite, Saturn: Blue Sapphire, Blue Zircon, Blue Spinel, Amethyst, Blue Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Rahu: Hessonite (Gomed), Garnet, Spessartite, The most expensive birthstones: Blue Diamond, Musgravite, Jadeite, Alexandrite, Red Beryl, The rarest birthstones: Tanzanite, Black Opal, Larimar, Paraiba Tourmaline, Grandidierite, Alexandrite, The most powerful birthstones: Ruby, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Pearl, Red Coral, The luckiest birthstones: Peridot, Pyrite, Amethyst, Citrine, Tigers Eye, Agate, The most peaceful birthstone: Angelite, Amethyst, Celestite/Celestine, Fluorite, Black Tourmaline, Lepidolite, Larimar, The most healing birthstone: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Iron Pyrite, Raw Emerald, Hematite, The loveliest birthstone: Rose Quartz, Chrysocolla Cabochon, Apple Green Chrysoprase, Moonstone, Kunzite, Lapis, Rhodonite, Sapphire, The most enlightening birthstone: Labradorite, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Sapphire. Pearls are also believed to cure depression in women. What Crystals are Good for Emotional Balance? Opals bring bad luck is a myth. One "buys" a string of pearls by handing its presenter a small sum, such as a dollar or a quarter, thereby making a financial transaction of it. In addition to these benefits, topaz is also thought to promote creativity and success. London: Souvenir Press, 1978. On the plus side, opals improve eyesight and may even grant the power of invisibility. Moonstone jewelry has also been used to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia. I dont blame them either. People wear it as a unique piece of jewelry to ward off negative energy. Opals, The October's Birthstone Have Been Found on Mars. Plus, just about every gemstone comes in multiple colors anyway. Emerald is a famous ancient birthstone that occurs in a vivid green color that is considered calming and pleasing for human eyesight, and that is why it is in our list. Is it bad luck to buy opals for yourself? The most valuable pearls are those that are completely round and have a smooth surface without any blemishes.But no matter what their shape or color, all pearls symbolize the same thing: beauty, elegance, and grace. Heres what we think: YES, you can definitely wear a different birthstone! It treats fevers, infectious diseases, and can improve blood flow. Each has its own distinctive combinations of colors and features. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. If you were born in the month of October, your birthstone is the opal. The general consensus seems to be that you can wear any astrological gemstones or birthstones without consulting an expert. There are a lot of old wives tales and superstitions out there about birthstones. It may even have been an invention of Sir Walter Scott in the novel Anne of Geierstein, published in 1831. The stone that fits your sign depends in no small degree on the list or community to follow. Lunar Sadhana: Why Women Need to Align with the Moon. Opals Are Soft Material. Superstition states that wearing your birthstone will bring a person good luck and ward off illnesses bad karma and other negative energies. Superstition states that wearing your birthstone will bring a person good luck and ward off illnesses bad karma and other negative energies. Sanskrit text on the medicinal qualities of gems says "blue diamonds are to be avoided.". They certainly do not look like many of the traditional gems that we know most, and they have a lot of interesting facts and characteristics. So, what is the significance of birthstones? Visit Our Healing Products SHOP / It seems that Anne . Your email address will not be published. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "top"; Not surprisingly, moonstones have many symbolic connections with the Moon. Pearl Superstitions It is said that pearls should never be worn on your wedding day as they symbolize tears. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; For example, pair a light blue stone with a dark green stone. It is actually the name used to refer to two different minerals: Nephrite, a calcium magnesium silicate that commonly occurs in shades of pale to dark green, and Jadeite, which is a sodium aluminum silicate and is often found in shades of green, grey, lavender and yellow. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Even if theres pain involved, your evolution might be worth it. It takes a long time for Opals to develop. What stone is more expensive than a diamond? The opal may have been so widely revered because of the way the stone plays with color. Consult an astrologer, gemologist, or expert before buying or wearing the gem. Some people believe that they do, and that each stone has specific properties that can help or harm the person wearing it. Which also means that youd be drastically limited in what gemstones you can and cant wear. "Why is it bad luck to wear opals if you weren't born in October?" I took a moment to look at her engagement ring: obviously a diamond. Aquamarine is a symbol of perception, hope, and self-expression. They can also help to stabilize challenging situations and help travelers feel safer. Which Crystals Cannot Be Stored Together? Opals are further countered by wearing them in settings that incorporate diamonds, the one being said to have power over the other. It takes on a lot of shapes and colors and is very flexible in this way. I have also heard that it is bad luck to buy an opal for yourself even if you are born in the coinciding month. But is there any truth to this claim?Lets take a closer look at the history and origins of birthstones to see if we can find an answer. It is said that touching a Black Diamond brings good luck in marriage and helps to correct family problems. They can wear any color they want to, if they feel like it. In fact, if you really truly believe that you shouldn't wear other people's birthstones, then you shouldn't wear diamonds at all Because diamond is the official birthstone for the month of April. I m retired & not a man of great means. Topaz also promotes forgiveness. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission. What many dont know is that wearing your birthstone is believed to bring good luck and fortune. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that they do, but there are also many stories and traditions surrounding these stones that suggest they might be more than just pretty jewelry.Whether you believe in the powers of birthstones or not is up to you but it definitely makes for an interesting topic to discuss! Amethysts are worn by healers to help them relax into their talents and serve others. Opals come in a wide range of colors, from milky white to black, but the most prized specimens are those with vivid flashes of red, orange, yellow or green.These so-called fire opals are some of the rarest and most valuable opals in existence. Pearls might also help to increase fertility and ease childbirth. Because birthstones werent born in one month, they were made all year round (Mother Nature does not stop). This precious stone can also neutralize acidity, benefit stomach problems, and help to heal viral infections. Download Free Book. They should be admired by all. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "14k Gold Wheat Chains"; I figured this was an old wives tale. I see all living Beings as a manifestation of the divine. Attributes: Serenity, Strength, Healthy, Youth, Love, Creativity, Courage, Happy, Mental Clarity, Hope, Grounded In Power, Pale Blue, Cyan. This glistening stone is also linked with being able to maintain a successful married life. Waring, Philippa. There are many different types of Opal in the precious opal family. The July birthstone is the ruby. You can simply buy. The November birthstone is the Topaz. It can soothe physical pain, promote peace, and reduce our attachment to expressing our emotions with abandon. Amber, Carnelian, Emeralds, Fire Agate, Green Chrysoprase, Moss Agate, Pink Tourmaline, Rainbow Moonstone, Rhodonite, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine Stones, Amber, Carnelian Stones, Kyanite, Azurite Stone, Kunzite Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, Tigers Eye, Selenite, Variscite, Aquamarine, Chrysoprase, Anyolite, Citrine, Green Tourmaline, Serpentine, Tigers Eye, Ulexite, Thulite, Rainbow Moonstone, Variscite, Amber, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rainbow Moonstone, Moss Agate, Fire Agate, Pink Tourmaline, Ruby Stone. Topaz: This is widely regarded as a very lucky stone. NASA announced several years ago that opal deposits were found on Mars in 2008! Gemstones, birthstones, myths, legends and lore have been around since the beginning of time. The crystal ball appears in this radiance. The tradition of wearing birthstones dates back to ancient times. But heres what I say about the whole topic: Heres the truth: Just about every single gemstone has some sort of myth or curse surrounding it. They can also help to steady our restless minds and inspire expanded mental and emotional well-being. However, astrologists recommend that men wear it on the right hand and women on the left. Should you be afraid to choose to wear a birthstone then? Dont use tough chemicals to wash it, just wipe with a moist tissue. The blue sapphire gemstone must also be studded properly in the ring or the bracelet you wear. It really depends on how you define luck. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but many people swear by it. They offer protection to travelers and support good mental health. They can expedite our experiences of prior life karmas and the timelines that lead to achieving our desires. it could be interpreted as providing extra protection against negativity or bad luck. In fact, if you really truly believe that you shouldnt wear other peoples birthstones, then you shouldnt wear diamonds at all Because diamond is the official birthstone for the month of April. This list provides information about the purported properties of various precious gems and like substances: A sighting from 1646 asserts "A diamond laid under the pillow, will betray the incontinency of a wife." The might ruler used emeralds to increase the power of her magnetism and inspire devotion in her subjects. Say hello to all the elements in your house. This superstition likely came about from a blend of the mystical power of the opal, stories of the opal in literature, and competition in the precious gem trade. While there is no specific destiny for the specifics of your life, there are certainly destinies related to the attributes and conditions you will attract in this life. Dictionary of Superstitions. Likewise, one "buys" opals the same way a quarter or two is immediately handed over to break the curse of these stones. It has been known to inspire the removal of negative energies from our paths. The Virgin Rainbow, a rare crystal opal is valued at $750,000. Every persons chart is unique and every stone has a unique impact on each of those houses. This post contains affiliate links. If you like them, wear them. September: SapphireOctober: Opal or Tourmaline Here is a list of birthstones by month, along with some information about their history and meaning: The pearl has been associated with innocence and purity for centuries, making it the perfect gift for a new baby or a young child. The most commonly known Octobers birthstone is Opal. What are the birthstones by month? . The popularity seen on both sides of the globe is something new and expected since people are more aware of the importance and positive effects of gemstones. Wearing this lovely gemstone is thought to reawaken married love, build courage, and increase happiness. This list provides information about the purported properties of various semi-precious gems and like substances: Red coral is especially beneficial, offering protection to ships and houses against storms. January is garnet, February is amethyst, March is aquamarine, April is diamond, May is emerald, June is alexandrite, July is ruby, August is peridot, September is sapphire, October is tourmaline, November is topaz, December is blue topaz. In India, it has also had a presence since ancient times. This stone eases childbirth and can alleviate the body during stressful experiences, like PMS. Stones and Pounds to Kg, g and oz converter. amzn_assoc_title = "Wheat Chains"; A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Many times they have loose gemstones that they can sell you for really cheap prices. This stone helps enhance fortune, win the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, turn luck in your favour, gain mental balance and intelligence and attain marital bliss. Be cautious about wearing a birthstone without reason or for fashion purposes. So much so that you can now find opal stone online. In October 1912 Opal was the official birthplace. So, to err on the side of caution, consult an expert. Attributes: Joy, Affection, Physical Connection, Sexual Expression, Strength, Intellect, Mental Strength, Serenity, Integrated Power, Dark Yellow. Truth be told, you can. The Greeks believed the opal gave its owner the gift of prophecy, and the Arabians thought the stone rained from heaven in flashes of lightning. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. The stone can increase power and energy levels, and help nervous folks feel calmer. The June birthstone is the pearl. How Much Does It Cost To Replace Movado Crystal? Opals, The October's Birthstone Have Been Found on Mars. Some believe in the old superstitions and curses that have followed gemstones around for centuries. There are no wrong gemstones. Dont use tough chemicals to wash it, just wipe with a moist tissue. If youre looking for something truly unique and stunning, then an opal birthstone is definitely worth considering! It was not just in human minds and hearts that opals took hundreds of, if not thousands of years to shape. It should only be given as a gift. There is no dispute about the exact origin of the name opal, but historians are confident that the ancient Rome opal was called opalus, which translates as the precious stone. Nobodys certain. However, some associate the stone with corruption and decay and point to its history of use in alchemy and necromancy. She had an opal birthstone stolen. By wearing some of them for specific purposes, you can protect yourself from the negative influences that were found in the heavens at the time and place of your birth month. Diamonds are one of the most valuable precious stones around, but not because diamonds are especially rare. Even Opal loved the renowned Mark Antony. For example, if you wear a birthstone that represents love and relationships (such as rose quartz), it could be interpreted as bringing more love into your life.Similarly, if you wear a birthstone that represents protection (such as black tourmaline), it could be interpreted as providing extra protection against negativity or bad luck. That is why the most preferred jewelry for birthstones is rings. List 25. 3. amzn_assoc_title = "14k Rose Gold Chains"; I told her that her birthstones were either Citrine or Topaz so those would technically be her traditional engagement ring stones. It's more likely that the opal simply deteriorated, due to the unstable nature of the stone. The Scorpio and Libra signs, which coincide with October, were often aligned with Opal. With more than 90% of the worlds production, Australia has dominated opal production since the end of the 1800s. Opals can also represent hopefulness. Your astrological sign indicates more about you then just your birthday and so does your astral stone. It is believed that these supernatural gemstones have the power to focus the healing energy of the planet on your body through contact, this leaves you more relaxed and composed. Not only that, but different metals suit different birthstones, and the only way to know the best combination is to consult the experts. Your birthstone is the gemstone that corresponds with the month you were born in. The public was so affected by this story that the opal market actually crashed and prices dropped by 50 percent [source: Pegg]. 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