A document which is backdated in order to obtain a more favorable legal result also is likely to be illegal. (from what I've read on this subreddit and my own experience) **THIS IS THE EMAIL YOU WANT. Earnings include wages, paid sick time, vacation pay, and holiday pay and can be deducted from your unemployment payments. The certifications are from BEFORE the program originally ended so please do not comment about how the program ended, that's has nothing to do with this particular situation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The CA EDD has also launched a New Online Portal that provides Unemployment Claim Status Information. Then emailed her . Cookie Notice Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request to backdate your claim to xx/xx/xx. If you want to contact your representative to hopefully get your claim expedited and increase your chances of receiving the holy email as soon as possible you can look up your district's representatives here. A community for California Residents who are on unemployment, or are seeking information about unemployment to ask questions and give advice. But, you may have good cause to refuse work if the wages, hours, or other working conditions are substantially less favorable than those for similar work in your area. I logged into Ui zonline and just found out of nowhere that thebweeks were waiting forr me to certify so i did. This moves you into the next stage toCertify for Benefits. Deposits usually land on my EDD Debit around 10-11pm on the same day that they show as "Paid" in UI Online, so I'm expecting all 8 payments to come through tonight. The first $25 or 25 percent of your income (whichever is greater) will not be deducted. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How do I backdate my unemployment claim in California? For more information, visitUnemployment Insurance Appeals. Youcertify for benefitsby providing us your eligibility every two weeks. We noticed some people answered Yes for the whole week, which would disqualify them for benefits. Benefit payments by check will take a few more days to arrive in the mail. Tip:The fastest way to apply is throughUI Online. If you chose to receive payments on a debit card, Bank of America will mail you a card once payments are available. Hi I backdated my claim and was able to certify and get my benefits without any issues. Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits > Claim Questions > Backdate the Effective Date of my Claim Due to COVID-19. I'm not sure your representatives can be of much help here but you can still try shooting them an email or a call and seeing what happens. I came across this via an article from CBS News Sacramento (https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/05/29/coronavirus-unemployment-edd-errors/); thought it might be helpful, esp. Jamie Lisse has been writing professionally since 1997. Im assuming i was APROVED for the backdate. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Filing is providing personal details and work. If you miss claiming benefits for a week during which you were unemployed, you can request credit for this week by secure message, fax or regular mail. The first $25 or 25 percent of your income (whichever is greater) will not be deducted. Reporting Wages While Certifying for Continued Benefits - Informational Only You may be able to work part-time and receive reduced Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Cant find what you are looking for? Any representative that has the ability to help you will have an option that specifically points towards state services or even more specfiically help with EDD services. Get information on layoff alternatives, preventing fraud, and more. If you served in the military, worked for a federal government agency, or worked in a state outside of California within the last 18 months, you mustreapply for a new claim by phone, mail, or fax. If you have a problem with them decreasing your weekly payout, I encourage you to just call the EDD and get in touch with a T2 representative to find out why and if they can do anything about it. 1a. Continue to certify for benefits, and we will notify you when your benefit weeks are processed. Why is my claim taking more time to process? I emphasize state elected officials, because these are state run programs, and many of the state elected officials really are able to help people often get through.. Two days after I certiy I get a message telling me there are weeks to certify. HELP THANK YOU. Step 3: Enter your Social Security number and create a PIN. Don't give up. Really odd. Been attempting this since June and dont want to mess it up. And did u do it online or through the phone.? All Rights Reserved. Press J to jump to the feed. Or if u are on UI, a tier 1 can back date you. Backdating encompasses a broad scope of conduct ranging from blatant fraud to the legitimate and common practice of executing a document after the event has already occurred. What does backdated payment mean? Can I still qualify for unemployment benefits if my EDD notice shows that I have $0 in benefits available? Press J to jump to the feed. Once your claim is reopened, you must certify every two weeks to receive benefits. I barely applied on 09/06 and requested mine backdated to march 15 and they did it . For a lot of others on the subreddit, the time to receive your email is usually 2-4 weeks generally. There's essentially a 3-part process for acquiring unemployment payments: Registering, Filing, Certifying. Step 3: Hopefully you've received your email by now. Certifying for unemployment insurance benefits is a critical step to receive your benefit payments. Yes. I'm wondering the same thing? Even if I e already gotten a few payments already? The fastest way to certify is in UI Online. It will ask you to select a sub-category. You must also submit theStandard Form 8,Notice to Federal Employees about Unemployment Insurance. What if you stand in line for hours at the unemployment office, and still dont get to talk to someone? In addition to that, the federal pandemic unemployment programs including that extra $600 a week are available to everyone who qualifies from the time that they become eligible, meaning you will get benefits retroactive to the day you lost your job. The next page (screenshot below) has you fill in contact information, SSN, birthdate, etc. If you did not get an email and have not filed an unemployment claim in the past several years, you will receive a letter in the mail with your EDD Customer Account Number. I contacted my representative Mike Morrell and Ramos. Backdating a claim over the phone is by far the fastest way to backdate your claim. They still are as long as you request it. See this page for additional unemployment resources and state specific UI pages. and at the bottom you can write a brief message with what date you are requesting, then click the Submit button. Unfortunately, I can't be of much help with phone interviews or appeals but what I can say is do NOT say you didn't think you qualified for unemployment for those previous weeks. I only saw the email after I had logged on. You can also correct the wages on the award notice and sendcopiesof your W-2, Form 1099, or a paycheck stub to the address on the front of the notice. The best way to request an investigation is tolog in to your UI Online accountand selectContact Us. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ive recently received the backdate. You can still apply for UI by phone, mail, or fax. I found out I was approved when I logged onto UI Online to check and it said I had weeks to certify. You can access your UI Online account to certify for benefits. Note: You will receive important claim information in the mail about two weeks after you apply. But what if you cant file right away? 2.86K subscribers How to backdate an Unemployment Claim in California. If I'm working part time, how do I answer the questions, Do you expect to return to work for a former employer? and Do you have a date to start work?, If Im working part time, how do I answer the question, What is your last date worked?. For example, if you earned $75 in a week, we will deduct $50 from your weekly payment because the first $25 does not apply. To start certifying for benefits: Note:If you have a Pandemic Unemployment Assistance or Federal-State Extended Duration claim, you can only certify online or by mail. What should I do? Will new unemployment benefits be retroactive? For details, including how to request an investigation, refer toStep 1 in Unemployment Claims. Log in to your UI Online accountto check for updates. For more information, refer to theunemployment benefit calculator. 2a. Or its still in the process of trying robget approved i received the email yesterday morning and am getting anxious amd all and havent seen any changes to my UI portal . I didnt receivw any letter jn the makl yet. I called edd today and they told me that they are working on it, to try calling at the end of the week if nothing changes. If the IRS determines you are owed a refund on the unemployment tax break, it will automatically correct your return and send a refund without any additional action from your end. After you complete Step 1, you must certify for your first benefit payment. The reason I did not apply for unemployment earlier was because I had been looking for other jobs and I had to unfortunately stop due to the coronavirus. The request to backdate your claim effective date has been submitted. Understand your role and responsibilities in making sure thatcertifying your benefitsis reported accurately, and that you receive the correct amount. If you returned to work part-time or earned money, you must report that income when you certify. Fox 19: Ohioans Receiving Retroactive Unemployment Benefits ; Washington Employment Security Department: Frequently Asked Questions About Unemployment Benefits - March 29, 2011 ; Oncle: California Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1253.3 ; Writer. She recently had a client receive $18,000 in a lump sum, after not getting any unemployment checks for five months. How do I reopen a claim for unemployment? Follow instructions to certify for your benefits. Congratulations! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Official Unemployment Insurance Claimant Handbooks for each of the 50 states. Negligence is not a valid reason for not applying earlier. The following are some reasons an unemployment claim can take longer to process: The best way to reopen a claim is by logging in to yourBenefits Program Online account and using UI Online. Privacy Policy. I did not request to back date until approximately 4-5 weeks after beginning to receive payments. If you dont meet this requirement, we will follow up with you to see if youre eligible. You have 10 calendar days from the mail date to send us two forms of identity documents from the list ofAcceptable Documents for Identity Verification (DE 1326CD) (PDF). It took the EDD 3 days to look at and approve my claim and allow me to certify for all my weeks. You will need to reopen your unemployment claim. Does anyone have an idea on what I should do? Can I collect disability and unemployment benefits at the same time? For more information, reviewTop Nine Reasons Your Document May Get Rejected(PDF). I just didnt want it to mess up anything on my claims or account? You get a confirmation # and typically-vague/confusing message from EDD: "Our volume is very high due to the high demand for our services. Note: If you believe that you aremisclassified as an independent contractor, we encourage you to apply for benefits, and we will determine your eligibility. While UI and PUA both offer financial assistance to workers who are out of work or have less work, PUA has specific restrictions that may limit its benefits and coverage (for example, your unemployment must be a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How to apply. We appreciate your patience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you return to work full time, you will no longer be eligible for unemployment benefits. For those still struggling to get through, what we have been suggesting, and what I think is actually working for folks, is if they contact their local state, elected official, Salk said. Your donation today powers the independent journalism that you rely on. For help with the ID.me verification process, you can: Timing is important. What mistakes can I avoid when I certify so my payments arent delayed? Thats giving people advice that they cant follow.. Cookie Notice How do I get missed weeks of unemployment? You will be notified of the date and time by mail and will receive sample questions we may ask. This includes your benefit payments and when its time to certify for your next two weeks of benefits. 6/23/2020 - Holy crap, this appears to have actually WORKED. The callback list for applicants is four to six weeks at this point. Some examples of good cause include having no childcare (and you have tried other options including asking for a different work schedule), being over 65, or having aserious health condition (PDF). Retroactive benefits (or back pay) is legally required to be made by state unemployment departments for all eligible weeks under the PUA and PEUC programs. Regular state UI doesnt have these restrictions. No someone called me because I emailed my state senator and they contacted edd on my behalf and then someone from edd called my I had to do it like that. 2b. Individuals can file backdated claims for previous eligible weeks beginning today and the first payment will arrive within one week or less. Through it all, Marketplace is here for you. Visit Ask EDD to request to backdate your claim if you think it has the wrong start date. she asked what my issues were and fixed my account right then and there my claim had got backdated barely on 10/12 I got the email way back on 9/21 that you got and on 10/12 my weeks were finally available i certified yesterday . When I certified my (5) claims I marked i didn't look for fue to COVID-19 Pandemic. Stay Strong man. The president of the United States has declared COVID-19 a national disaster, but at this time there has been no Disaster Unemployment Assistance declaration. Other State programsYou may qualify for other State programs to help cover food, housing, and healthcare expenses. If you believe our record of your wages isnt accurate, you can contact us to investigate. You should receive an email that looks like this. They were not able to handle the huge volume of claims that they have to process now because it all came right at once.. The statement also says, "This is a priority workload item for us and should not take several weeks to complete.". If you are able and available to work, answer No to this question. How long does unemployment last during Covid? Just send another claim with a later date that fits your circumstances. If you are not available or willing to accept suitable work, you could be disqualified for benefits, unless you have good cause. If you miss filing your weekly claims for more than two weeks, the weekly claim filing system will no longer recognize you. We rely on your financial support to keep making that possible. Let us know you are still eligible to receive unemployment. View our list of requirements to file a claim. If you file your weekly claim online, you may file on any day of the week following the Saturday of the week you are claiming. It took roughly 3-4 days after i put in the request via Ask EDD website. They emailed me about 10 days after messaging them, said to expect something in the mail, within 24-48 hours all my past weeks were available to file claims. UI Onlineis the best way to file your claim. If it has been more than 30 days, you canreopen an unemployment claimonline, by phone, or by mail. I submitted a backdate 3 days ago havent received a response yetIm hoping I get one before PUA is over. to make something effective from a date earlier than the present date: They agreed that the pay increase would be backdated to July. So today I just got my backdate approved and I can certify for all my weeks. I really need to back date mine but if I do This will this mess up any of my weekly claim Ive already filled and will It mess up anything on my account? Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8am 12pm. In your UI Online account, select Contact Us to request a change. Members. Seeing these post makes me wish I lived in California lol. Visit Ask EDD unemployment benefits page to request to backdate your claim if you think it has the wrong start date. Your district's House Representative can't do anything for you regarding your UI so don't bother contacting them. To find your benefit year end date,log in to UI OnlineSMand view yourClaim Summary. As of yesterday 10/4/2021, it is no longer possible for someone to just discover PUA and file a backdated claim to Dec 2020. Select unemployment insurance benefits. If you scroll to the bottom of the article, there's a 6/1 update from EDD describing "another process that claimants can use for requesting a revision in their claim start date." Which Is More Stable Thiophene Or Pyridine? Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits, then Claim Questions, then Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim Due to COVID-19. Use the paper Unemployment Insurance Application. It will ask you to select a sub-category. If you go back to work part time, you must report earnings when youcertify for benefits. It may have helped that when I emailed my representatives, I mentioned that the reason I had not applied previously for those weeks is because "I had been looking for a job and unfortunately, I had to stop due to the coronavirus and the lockdown taking place. When you get laid off, you are supposed to file for unemployment as soon as possible, according to Department of Labor guidelines. I will update if anything happens! Many more have tried, unsuccessfully. Lawmakers a bill that requires EDD to. If prompted, enter your EDD Customer Account Number you received in the mail to complete registration in UI Online. What if as has happened to millions of people over the last few months you call and call and call, and cant get through, or the website crashes, or you dont have a computer? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. and our Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits, then Claims Questions, then Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim Due to COVID-19. We will contact you only if we need additional information. Within 24-48 hours from that they were approved/ paid out. This date falls out of the backdating parameters. Complete this step inUI Onlineor respond to theRequest for Identity Verification(DE 1326C) mailed to you. Luckily, we're in an election year so they will hustle hard just to get your vote. If your card has expired, a new card will automatically be sent to you once funds are available. If your employer shuts down operations or reduces hours for workers while you are on your disability claim, you can apply for unemployment benefits at that time. Although backdating can be either legitimate or improper, it is often misunderstood and associated with wrongdoing. Qualify Register and Apply Certify Manage Know Your Options Find out if you qualify for unemployment and learn about the compensation and benefits you could receive. I'm going to show you how to do that. Some have given up, Unemployment benefits have not resumed for many Americans, Months into pandemic, many still not getting unemployment, Young, newly unemployed, and facing the COVID-19 recession, When it comes to filing for unemployment, heres what you can control, Many are still waiting for unemployment, months later, Thousands of federal works file unemployment claims, Your donation today powers the independent journalism that you rely on, Confident in the economy or not, American consumers are going out, Why the U.S. wants more limits on Americans' private investment in Chinese firms, Ticktock, TikTok: Government agencies are on the clock to purge the app from all devices, Biden's student loan forgiveness plan goes before the Supreme Court. Days, you must report earnings when youcertify for benefitsby providing us your every... Dont meet this requirement, we will follow up with you to see if youre eligible submitted. 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