. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (cjm) Download PDF With Giuseppe on the Perfect Triangle, Live, Oct 8, 2022: With Jimuphy Masters, Planned Illusion, August 2022: The trial of Eugene Kelly's suit against Jay Gould, George J. Gould, Russell Sage, J. Henry Work, G.M. So, I did everything i could, from stopping the judicial system to stopping the world banking system to trying to stop wars conducting the military court martialing in Washington DC against those who had falsely put themselves into position as leaders. In theyear-~1999,UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,Came-outof athird &: final:INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY, Which,You-will-learn-onin theFILM: LAST-FLAG-STANDING.COM. Russell claims the US corporate government went through an unannounced final bankruptcy in 1999, thus dissolving everything connected to the federal government, including the office of the President, the Congress and Senate, the court system, the military, etc. According to Russell-Jay: Gould, "The 2000 Fake Florida . If you are unable to find an electronic version of a judgment, you can complete the " Application for copy of reasons for judgment " form. 1.) For the reasons stated below, the complaint is . The next major milestone in this saga is that, during the Civil War, southern delegates vacated Congress, breaking the original union. Ginny interviews Ramola after her ordeal. The implications of Russells work is not exclusive to the US but has the potential to rewrite the international institutional landscape in beneficial waysif honored by those parties with the muscle and wherewithal to do so. States Supreme Court], or otherwise completely devoid of merit as not to involve a federal controversy." Steel Company v. Citizens for a Better Environment, 523 U.S. 83, 89 Dr. Jean Fitzgerald Recommends Heavy Metal Detox & More| At all channels | Posted Oct 13, 2022, GLOBAL BRAIN ENSLAVEMENT, DNA BIORESONANCE, & EXOTIC MILITARY TECH: TARUN RAVI REPORTS | REPORT 296 | At Bitchute | At Brighteon | At Odysee | At Rumble | Posted Oct 4, 2022 Im 74 and Ike was the first President I knew about. So Russell-Jay Gould, seeing that the Benjamin Franklin post office is out of bankruptcy in 1999, goes to Washington DC. He is also recognized by the US Navy, Supreme Court and Postal Service. Im interested to get on board but just dont know how its going to work until its excepted by the world. It came down to the foundation of the flag because the bearer and the owner of the flag also allows subcontractors or what they would call federal contractors to board that the terms of that flag but the flag of our country was wrapped up in a bankruptcy and the bankruptcy ended in 1999. The campaign he and :David: Wynn-Miller prepared back then was called the Di-Rectors-Party, unknown to the general public, known only to a small minority, an original contractor for the people, the Peoples Party., I syntaxed the laws in all 50 states and it was a copious task, took several elections to go through all the mechanics of it.in 2016, we also had the Di.rectors Party Campaignwe gave closure on the style of the syntax and the disqualification of the Federal Elections Commission as well as all 50 states, as well as the electoral college votes for the US House and Senate.. And, I looked at him and said, Hey, David, theres two things I know nothing about. John Clees mnml admn Posts: 7524 Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:21 am Location: walk the e[art]h : detroit-metro. Will it be acknowledged? But, that's not what killed him. FortheClaimoftheLife.com. [Episode 108: How Grammar Can Save HumanityThe Free America Podcast Published October 2, 2022https://rumble.com/v1mfo1q-episode-108-how-grammar-can-save-huma. within the USN and ONI have responded to. It seems crazy. Exploring The FBIs Consensual Monitoring and the CIAs Concealed Monitoring: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications? [ Yes! So, on December 12 2004 at the Pentagon, I came under contract as Commander-in-Chief conductingthe largest military court martialing in the history of planet Earth, taking down the World Court at the Hague as well as the world judicial systems, trying to stop these wars that were falsely being perpetrated upon the great citizens of this country as well as the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and around the world. Think National Emergency. WHY HAS TRUMP,Q,THE MILITARY OR ANYONE ELSE NOT MENTIONED YOUR NAME IN CONNECTION WITH CURRENT EVENTS? Hi Russell, u said you were going to step up with the flag. : SELF-LEARNING-STEPS & NATIVITY-MECHANICS. : LastFlagStanding.com. "precluded from filing, without prior leave of this Court, . Live-life-claims have been discussed in articles earlier, here (Restoration of America), as well as here (New Global-Quantum-Banking). I am enjoying the show guys well done. Now you got to remember the United States Supreme Court can only give you an opinion - they cannot give you a fact - no Law or Facts should be tried in court - what that is, is you can't put your facts on trial in court; only put the condition of mind on trial," Gould said. In the Name of National Security? Please give us more information on how we go about living with a claim of life in a world that is stuck in the system we have lived in for so long they know no different way. Okay! I UNDERSTAND NO ONE IS GOING TO JUST START SCREAMING YOU ARE POST MASTER FROM THE ROOF TOPS BUT FOR F*** SAKE WE HAVENT GOTTEN AS MUCH AS A Q DROP A GEMATRIA DECODE NOTHING WHICH I PERSONALLY BELIEVE YOUR STORY AND WHAT SERGEANT ROBERT HORTON HAS ECHOED ABOUT YOU AND THE ACTUAL EVENTS OF OUR PAST IT JUST ADDS UP AND MAKES WAY MORE SENSE THAN THE BS WE HAVE ALL BEEN TAUGHT! russelljaygould : Supreme-Court-Status. In consideration of these principles, the Supreme Court has "consistently held that Telegram: Contact @russelljaygould. WHAT ARE YOU SIR DOING AT THE PRESENT MOMENT TO RIGHT THIS? He files the flag as the Postmaster General for the United States, and the new Postmaster General of the world. On The Richie Allen Show, Wed Feb 23, 2022, on For theCLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTof theclaiming: birth-location, birth-date, birth-parents, claimants-current-bio-metrics, foreign-port-navigations &: fee-freight-paymentsISwith theNEW-CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACT-CLAIMANTin thisSTARTING-QUANTUM-BANKING-SYSTEM-TREATY. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to humanity. You can purchase a Claim of the Life contract if you live anywhere in the world! ] This article may be freely re-posted anywhere online, in full, with accreditation and link-back to this page. FOR THE SERVICE OF THE WORLD-CITIZENS & FOREIGN-POSTAL-COUNTRIES. For thisconsequence-closure: BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-PARTICIPATIONof thePEOPLES-Contracts:UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICAISwith eachchild, woman, man &: Citizenof thePEOPLES-SLAVERY. Since December 12, 2004, we have been with the martial law. Publicado en 14 Sep 2020 / En Noticias y Poltica. The Gilded Age 's true story inspiration, Jay Gould, was not only a ruthless robber baron, but was also a devoted family man, despite the powerful, rich Astor family looking down on them. That is when the constitutional republic died. Ramola D Fully Exposed; Further Facts on Dr. Katherine Hortons Lies and Attacks Revealed, RAMOLA D | STATEMENT ON NSA WHISTLEBLOWER KAREN MELTON STEWART, RESPONSE TO KAREN STEWARTS SLANDEROUS-FALSE-NARRATIVE, Gallery of Insane Tweets: Ex-NSA Karen Stewarts Alias RamolasSphincter@RobertSau Defamation Party. For thisCLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTin thisNativity-PositionISwith thenew-structuringof yourlifes-contractswith theschooling, drivers-license, passport, social-security, businesses, wills, [re]tirement-funds, homes, courts &: banksof eachchild, woman, man &: Citizenwith thisSELF-GOVERNING &: CITIZENS-CONTROL in our Great-Land. Dodge, the Mexican Oriental Inter-oceanic and International Railroad Company, the. Russel Jay Gould will be coming out soon publicly, to broadly reveal himself to the American citizenry and put a end to the political circus who has deceived the whole nation ever since 2000. : CURRENT-POSITIONS OF THE CHIEF: RUSSELL-JAY: GOULD. Our politicians for the last century have sold us out. Russell-Jay: Gould explained. Law Talk With Mike. Very soon, we will publish a list of those peopleto be rounded up and brought into my location of the now space so I can hold trial against them. Russel Jay Gould holds a cos play court and it is pretty out there. Law firm Russell-Cooke has announced that its partners have re-elected John Gould as Senior Partner, effective from 1 February 2023 for a four-year term. Will stream here also at the Livestream Page. On our Government website under AustLII Treaty series there was a treaty signed 26 January 1910 Entry into force for Australia and generally which means we have been prisoners of war under US Military Occupation. Russell-Jay: Gould with his Flag Signed by Judge B. Lynn Winmill. As with most the World, I have much to learn and truly desire assisting in protecting and saving our Country/World. But, as ongoing socio-economic "When you step back, you see a controlled destruction of food production, all according to plan. : http://linktr.ee/russelljaygould: Thanks for the video-sharing. Looking Closer At The Sudden Deaths of Several Holistic Doctors & the GcMAF/Nagalase & Cancer/Autism & Vaccine Connections, Global Depopulation Genocide/United Nations Policy, Cassandra, Citizen Journalist Contents Page, CIA Extraordinary Rendition Victim: Khaled El-Masris Statement, Free PDF books/articles/reports to download for further research, On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 26 June 2019: The Continued DEADLY Silence of Journalists on Electronic Warfare used for Torture, Mind Control, and Bio-Hacking and Tracking of Knowingly Innocent Civilians in Western Democratic Countries and Worldwide, Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things versus Murder-For-Profit Club Coined by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart, Strictly Secret: A Shocking Story of Intellectual Property Theft, a High Court Landmark Victory, The Vexatious Pursuit To Scrub Court Records, and a Public Cover-Up to Defame and Gas Light Charles Seven, Dr Millicent Black: Letter Regarding Use of Psychotronic Weapons, Dr Millicent Black: Writing Effective Affidavits, Dr Millicent Black: Court House Filings Including Unclassified Documents 1st March 2012, Dr Millicent Black: Court House Filing 2018 Letters to Public Officials, Dr Millicent Black: Letter to PD, Government, and DA, 2018, Dr Millicent Black: Fitbit Report on Sleep Stages under SERE Torture, Dr Millicent Black: Heart Rate Reports under SERE Torture, Dr Millicent Black: Certified Mailing and Proof of Delivery, Dr Millicent Black: Photos of SERE Torture & Physical Abuse, Dr Millicent Black: Temporary Order of Protection Paperwork, Dr Millicent Black: Salim et al., vs Mitchell & Jessen Torture Complaint, Dr Millicent Black: Letter from Rumsfeld to President Bush Lynndie England Torture Murder of a Detainee 2005, Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers, Ville Hellberg | Rendition Flights, Anyone? I would dearly love it if you could stop these evil people giving us poison in our air. In the case of America, a clandestine substitution of the original Constitution occurred in the late 1700s. #33196, march l. mcdermott, attorney reg. A thankless, lone journey (and many feel-Divine Mission): Russell-Jay: Gould, has upheld his position and many other lawfully obtained positions, such as, Postmaster-General of our World, Chief Judge of the US Supreme Court, Comptroller of the Global Currency, Sole-Owner & Creator of the Quantum System and Quantum Banking System, all that mystically and literally spearhead the grand un-doing . Just when you thought the COVID craziness - including inverted "facts" and "fact checkers" and criminally insane governments and We know the COVID injections are setting up long-term AIDS like chronic auto-immune conditions by disabling the immune system via the mRNA spike protein Kim Goguen aka: "Kim Possible" has an incredible tale regarding what she claims as her role in our world. They have figured out a way to go to war without putting troops on the ground. Mechanics of why things work the way they work. What this means is is that those who choose to come in contract with the Title IV flag must come through the correct grammar of my construct that must have my thumb print and autograph on the contract to make it valid. Click image or button bellow to READ or DOWNLOAD FREE Power without Law: The Supreme Court of Canada, the Marshall Decisions and the Failure. : Love &: Kindness to the World. His heart restarted spontaneously while outside his body during autopsy. Fun, huh? I would like to be involved. Cowboy Boots droning on for hours saying nothing? RUSSELL JAY GOULD, ORDER Plaintiffs, 12-cv-515-slc v. AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. and COLUMBIA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, . Russel Jay Gould : Supreme-Court: Special-Duty. :FIRST-CREATOR OF THE QUANTUM-BANKING: GLOBAL . . FOR THE UP-COMING: PERFORMANCES, STATE-SIDE, DUTIES . No. Okay, relax, it's already gone viral, with over 1 million views on Rumble since being posted two months ago. Feeling a lot better this week than during the weeks before, when we had crazy weather everywhere record heat, tornadoes and hurricanes and many We hear often of quiet US and NATO military assisted takeovers of rare Earth minerals found in spots across the globe. Russell-Jay Gould found out about a contract regarding the United States Postal Service created in 1776 between the United States and the British government. During the times of martial law, there are no civil authorities, which means state police departments AND judicial systems are all closed. Please help what can we do? Russell and David rewrite a new US Constitution between his government and ours. Anyone that tries to counter this Government is ultimately dealt with. Ginny interviews Ramola after her ordeal. So, if all contracts suspend, were in martial law and thats what theyre hiding from the people. If you are the puzzle piece missing then I sure hope it happens soon because we are doing what we can fighting but if you can open the door since your a Supreme Court judge then we could use a little help here. The gunshot wound is what killed him." Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted, Report 297 | Vaccinated and Suffering? We sued the United States for the flag of the United Statesnow, we did that on the 25th of july, 1999. Perhaps its time that those relevant people (i.e., Donald Trump, Robert Steele, etc.) They did not have any ports. The continuing fraud of a US corporate government which has continued to maintain the facade of correctness while operating outside guidelines (the Constitution, which comprised guidelines for the US bankruptcy, ended with the close of the US bankruptcy in 1999) has led to much fraud, as evidenced, he says, in the election of Barry Soetoro, a Kenyan citizen by birth who is known to most as Barack Obamathis is why he, as President did not have to be from this country because there were no guidelines for the President., Because of the great controversies that will be created in the 2020 Election, the forms and the guidelines will be going to the Supreme Court where I am Chief Judge. Truly desire assisting in protecting and saving our Country/World America ), as well here! Can purchase a Claim of the WORLD-CITIZENS & amp ;: Kindness to the world 12,,! 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