If a teacher wants to truly evaluate a students understanding of a topic, this rubric would be extremely helpful. Later on in the day, I enjoy just relaxing and having fun which makes for a well-balanced day. Giving them the sort of programs that were described in the text is awesome and I think all schools should adopt some sort of approach like that. Send your questions to lferlazzo@epe.org. It would be very useful in the classroom when students must read material that is beyond their level. As far as filtering software, I think that in a school or public setting, it can give a teacher a false sense of security. The terms reflective learning and reflective practicerefer to similar concepts, and because their definitions vary and even overlap in some cases, they are sometimes used interchangeably. For example, you can give students a worksheet a day after an important exam, which has questions that guide them through the reflective-learning process. This web site was intriguing and something I bookmarked to look over more closely later. When doing all this, you can use various questions to guide your reflection, as shown in the examples above, and the following are some specific questions that you might benefit from using: Keep in mind that its often more difficult to engage in reflective learning than it is to simply move forward without reflection, especially in the short term. My two years of teaching were very isolated and frustrating. An example of reflective learning is a person who starts a new hobby, and asks themself how well theyre learning the new information that comes with the hobby, whether there are any gaps in their knowledge, and which learning strategies they enjoy using the most. I found free ear training software online. I would love to have online learning integrated into the natural high school environment, seeing as I am getting so much more done in such a shorter time, and I feel like Im actually learning the material and not just grazing over it like I would in a standard classroom. I miss my teacher! http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/fiftyways.html. Upon some internet research, I could not find evidence that the state of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools or libraries. Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning. I do not like that it doesnt give the correct answer and this may be frustrating for some students. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. The four study strategies that I found to be the most important and helpful to me academically were making a weekly schedule for time management, learning more about the SQ4R reading system for better annotations, learning all the different choices I have for note-taking and which one works best for me (two-column), and learning the SAVE CRIB FOTO acronym and what it means for better studying that is more personalized than just reading notes., Although I have a habit of checking my Facebook and instagram frequently, this week I tried keeping this minimum and prioritized my study first. It almost seems too good to be true.Modeling and enforcing cyber ethics in my classroom would be simple and probably only take a few extra minutes when I am doing lesson plans. You can see Part One here.). A con about this site is that it may prohibit teachers from getting creative with their assessments, because it is so easy to just give students a pencil and paper! I found it very interesting that special education referrals decreased in looping classrooms. Not really any fit into the music classroom itself, but there were some that I could use as a teacher. Im doing the same things. Gibbs (1988) modal of reflection consists of six stages to complete one cycle which is description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. 895 Words 4 Pages Better Essays Miss In this assignment I will be using the Gibbs model of reflection (1988). Mara (Freshman) loves to read and spend time with her friends. I have also had my students create power point presentations. Not being in the pressurized environment of a classroom gives me the opportunity to learn at my own pace, whether that be faster or slower than the original classroom, and if clarification is needed, I can simply rewind the lecture videos my teachers are putting out, or send an email to my teacher quickly and efficiently. Reading information directed by the course professors is a great start but it is not the whole story and will rarely lead to a compelling case or any growth, it is because of this we must take more responsibility for our own. I have seen many students in computer labs surfing the internet unsupervised. It covers an extensive amount: intervals, chords, scales, etc. I like that the information on the home page changes, so there will be new and current information as time progresses. It also serves to give teachers ideas for new projects as well. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. This is an awesome site for kids, especially in science class. Login every day It is easy to forget about things buried under a wall of tabs but I will endeavour to log on and at least look around and keep myself abreast of everything on a daily basis. Are there any changes that I can make to my learning process to make it better for me? Stress is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body. I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column. This site is a nice reference to avoid the research paper/book report blahs. The reading pen would cost money and has some flaws, but it would be an awesome tool to have in the classroom. Many students started their own online fundraisers for Covid-19 first responders, and others launched online actions to support Black Lives Matter. For example, this means that if you generally use reflective writing as a technique for promoting reflection, but someone feels much more comfortable engaging in reflection through sketching and drawing, then you should consider letting them do so, as long as its appropriate given the circumstances. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/. They give us ideas for things we probably would not have thought of on our own, and lets admit it, some of us just arent that creative! The list doesnt include ones from this current year, but you can find those by clicking on the answers category found in the sidebar. However, we only got 3 classes in this semester and I already realised that there is still so much about educational . This shows how having study skill is vital. You can encourage and guide reflective learning by asking relevant questions, such as which parts of the material do I struggle with?, which learning techniques work well for me?, and is there anything I can do to make my learning process more effective?. 2. This would help get parents into the school, allow them to network with other parents, and let parents see what their students classroom life looks like. I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and its content. And by intentionally building documentation and structure into your process, you will create content that can easily be scaled, modified, adapted, and transformed . The paper presents the importance of using modules in the language classroom to effect autonomous learning among the language learners. Just a reminder, you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email or RSS Reader. The instructional methods site allows a teacher to evaluate different teaching methods at a glance, enabling them to add strength and variety to their lesson plans. Some have died. What should you do if you suspect you have a virus?Run your antivirus program ASAP. Students know exactly where they need to end up, and there are hundreds of ways they could get there. Modular design is the answer. Whether we are in physical, virtual, or hybrid classes this fall, I plan to be intentionally connecting with students and to the world even more. It gives plenty of ideas I can use in my classroom in place of the typical writing assignment, yet the students still learn quality information. Students will research a famous musician and write a historical report. The benefits of using these resources are well worth the extra time and planning that they would require. Many teachers taught to the test in order to boost students scores.I like how Urban used real projects to demonstrate students proficiency. My teacher is doing Zoom meetings to teach us. 2023 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. Reflection about learning modular in new normal? I never really considered analyzing web sites a skill before. Concluding from the experience -Theorist Stage 4? First was the great benefits of project-based learning. There were 120 students in my graduating class, so we did not have the individualized attention like Urban students did, but I am glad we were not given multiple choice tests like the HSQE! The next area that needs to be addressed for all aspiring teachers, is the ability to show compassion and firm control of the classroom. It is becoming increasingly obvious that what worked in classrooms 20 years ago is no longer successful, or in some cases, practical. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what youre learning and how youre learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. Sometimes, I have assumed that students already know what I breeze over. Alternatively, in other cases, you might decide to write down a list of all the learning techniques that youre using, and then rank them based on how effective they are for you. My experience with filtering software in schools was fairly limited. This site is a very good tool that I added to my favorites list. It can bring you to forgetting important dates or deadlines. The software, known as My Reflection Mobile App was developed based on the Reflection Focusing on Pedagogical Content . If a site passes the first test, checking to see if there is a date of when the site was last updated is important. The module 9 scavenger hunts links to the computer basics quizzes would be useful to go over with students when just beginning the year. An athlete whos preparing for a competition can think about which learning strategies arent working well for them and why, and then either improve the way they use those strategies, or replacing those strategies with better ones. This core group of individuals is valuable to a teacher because it gives the teacher a support group and a feeling of support. To talk about one without the other implies that they are unrelated. Every month I will read one publication that will help me become a better teacher. I have also liked that it is shorter time than at school. Explain why reflective learning can be beneficial. By taking this day by day approach, I will put less strain on my, In order for you to get traction on your goals, you 're going to need to take the time to really plan and track the progress of them. I also found that the filter worked differently for teacher accounts versus student accounts. My administrators were always talking about integrating disciplines, and I am sure this unit would have made them happy. This web site described a reading pen, which allowed students to scan words and have them read aloud. 2. Modular learning can be in printed or digital format. This year, were doing all of our classes via Zoom, and thats greatly impacted my views on online learning. Overall, reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. The module provided detail Information In regards to the history and the organizations of the courts. This is why I believe few people have the ability to be a successful mentor, especially in the high school age. Students can be transported to a different place and see things that they would never be able to see in the regular classroom, and perhaps see history in the making as new things are discovered. What any school needs to keep in mind is that no matter what sort of technology exists, teachers should be well-informed in how to effectively use it in their classrooms. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. Last, I like to use the computer. Which parts of the material do I struggle with? Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? A few students cited teacher mini-lectures as a driver of learning this year, and There There became a favorite text for a handful. Reading information directed by the course professors is a great start but it is not the whole story and will rarely lead to a compelling case or any growth, it is because of this we must take more responsibility for our own learning and growth, especially with distance learning. It would be possible to do so in band and choir, but it would be much more difficult since we are usually preparing for concerts. By the middle of their seventh grade year my students were very familiar with power point, so I was able to give them simple directions regarding the project and let them loose. I also liked how it had different formats to choose from. These tests were very high stress. The various lessons on this page are like gold to a teacher. It has a few key tips that could be lifesavers, like giving students a list of web sites for research. I have also learned that getting a perfect grade is not the most important thing while at college, but instead it is essential to learn the material; if that means I learn from the mistakes I make on a test or a paper then that is okay because I will develop greater skills in the long, 1.0 Introduction Note: when engaging in reflective learning, you can also benefit from focusing on knowledge-building, an approach to learning and teaching that involves relatively deep engagement with the study material. In a larger context, researchers believe it is a worthy endeavor to investigate the thinking that underlies any term or phrase that is used to initiate and frame change. It is something I want to look into further so that I can teach students the dos and donts, especially when it comes to music. Before the final week of school, I met my departing homeroom of seniors over Zoom, and we talked about their plans, their favorite shows, their jobs. It argues that diverse student groups of Overall, though, access and use of technology was fairly limited. I also had access to a computer connected to an overhead projector, which was shared with other teachers. Overall, there is no clear distinction between reflective practice and reflective learning, and these terms are sometimes used interchangeably. After debate among our staff about the merits of synchronous versus asynchronous instruction, I turned the question to my classes in a Google Form, asking about what they preferred. This site is cool because it links to different sound files. 1 See answer Advertisement jescahernandez9 Answer: My reflection on it is way to long i hope you have time to read it hehe. http://www.ascapfoundation.org/grants.html. Since I am not currently teaching, I will have to wait until my next job to see what that specific school looks like. Students realize this, and schools can support young people to go into the world with greater understanding of structures that shape us, not keep them from it. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. I am learning to quickscope sniping nowadays and this the clip of my first game after a practice of around 3 hours ..#Quickscoping #Quickscope #dlq33 in Ca. What has your online learning experience been as a student? As we move into what is likely a hybrid learning model this fall and cant check in as easily by noticing a facial expression or posture, I realize that the success of learning depends on consciously building in opportunities for connection, particularly when showing up is literally rolling out of bed and clicking a post. It would show students that everyone borrows ideas once in a while and that it is okay if you do it the right way. These programs seem like they will take a lot of dedication. I could use it to talk about the water cycle and find some music-related activities and songs to go with it. While we were learning from home, we were also alert to events outside our school that prompted students and teachers to engage in a deeper way than the previous flow of the school day provided. This site is a clear example of how technology can allow students and teachers to learn at the same time. Key Cognitive Strategies is another area on the chart I scored low on. This is nice because in a school it is almost impossible to download programs to computers because of all of the logistics. Time is so important to teachers and not having to reinvent the wheel for every little thing is invaluable. The text referred to teaching as a sink or swim profession, and that is so true! My son joined briefly to talk about a recent Avator obsession; our class felt almost like a family. According to Mark Antony Llego (2020), modular distance learning is learners learning at their own pace, in their own way and using self-learning modules (SLMs). It would be much easier to do so in a music appreciation class. Although I would be teaching music, many of the writing resources would be helpful to me as well, because writing is not just for English class! If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. If so, why? My other concern would be how the filtering software at the school would affect some of the resources I would like to use, such as online notation programs. Sydni Buckner is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 7: What I like about remote learning. I also got to see how the kindergarten teacher integrated the smart board into her daily routines. Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. I know that it is possible to beam assignments back and forth, so perhaps there would be a way for students to beam compositions to each other? You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo. It is becoming increasingly obvious that what worked in classrooms 20 years ago is no longer successful, or in some cases, practical. We have all been through (at least) two major historical ruptures together: a pandemic and a reckoning on racial inequality. Modular learning gives them an extra strain on the family. (With parental permission, of course.) One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . However, that doesnt mean that I would be opposed to doing assignments online; I just want the instruction to be in a classroom, because its nice to know that youre truly not the only one who may be lost. I recorded myself giving a mini-lesson focused on sexism in the 1950s and 1960s, used ads and photos from the time as visuals, and then foregrounded the problems in a way that students could linger with and use later in short papers. "Learn at my own pace" Jay Walker is a junior at Smithville High School in Smithville, Mo. Furthermore, if you do this, you can also ask yourself what all the techniques that work well for you have in common. This specific area is similar to the Learning Skills section. However, in the long term, reflective learning can be better, both when it comes directly to your learning outcomes, as well as when it comes to related benefits, such as your general ability to learn and your motivation to do so. I can make to my learning process to make it better for me realised there! Is invaluable the various lessons on this page are like gold to a teacher to... To forgetting important dates or deadlines is by offering them the chance to take a pause to make better. 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