By the way, I am 72 years of age presently and had glasses for the first time at age 42, at first for near-sightedness and about 10 years later for reading up close. Your password has been sent to the specified email address. az oo pv Whether the suit will become a class action is determined once you have filed the lawsuit. My best friend is a retina specialist MD PHD at Johns Hopkins and he told me to stay away from Crystallens but I was too optimistic. Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players. I have spend $8000 out of pocket and my insurance paid more than me and still I have problems and afraid to go back to the Dr. Office and still have to buy those expensive eye drops. I regret using the crystalens. ( Id.) !Oh yeah I was the perfect candidate for it, now after a second Advance Laser Correction to correct his mistake and miscalculations, and a 3rd Yag it is still the same.! I would be willing to go through all again forever just to get the************** out of my eye's. It was OK to see far for just a bit could not read at all but then I ended up losing eye sight completely one day when I woke up to nothing but fog. I wish I got non accommodating lenses as these don't work anyway. Also, the advent of accommodative IOLs, mainly the Crystalens in the United States, introduced yet another possible scenario for explantation. I have an appointment this week to see what, if anything, can be done to resolve the situation. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes 15 months ago. What the heck was that plan when they were supposed to "accommodate"?? I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in 2012. I wish I had never gotten these lenses. Because they operate by being attached to the muscle, and if the muscle isn't working right, the lens isn't either, and my vision has been horrid. I'm disappointed in my opthalmologist whom has now turned me over to "the best" as he referred him. An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like how your eye's feel blurry when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. On the other and, I arrived home feeling excruciating pain in the eye he worked on. dc. My right eye is blurry & night driving is not good. Very disappointed. First eye surgery was very painful - I could see to read immediately but anything 3 ft or more out is horrible. I always had 20/20 aside from a cataract. My depth perception is so bad that I have to be careful with everything I do. Doc said I had some debris or scar tissue floating about, so wanted to do laser. It did not help my problem! Hi Sue, I live in California and have Health Net Insurance, which is Medicare Advantage Program. Yet I "was a good candidate" I paid $6, 000 because my insurance would not pay anything on the lens if I chose anything other than the standard. This doctor, however, is highly regarded in the ophthalmology field. He has no bed side manner and acts as though he is insulted when I tell him my problems, he doesn't display any compassion or concern and acts like it is something I'm just going to have to live with he already has my money! (he had looked at all the eye tests I hade IN HIS OFFICE-- I told him my vision was blurry in my left eye and I thought I needed cataract surgery. I do see halos and feel like I have I contact lenses on. I'm 54 and never wore glasses until I bought a pair of reading glasses at 48. It has made my life so miserable. I regret it to this day! I too was sold a pack of lies. Have you priced ********, it did not help my problem! Right eye was successful but nothing but problems with the left. She found a new eye doctor that helped her report her old one. Maybe that is the way to gofalse advertising! My vision has black floats like small bugs flying, clouds that blocks my vision, halos, stars and unable to see at night. 99 has been reached in a class action lawsuit against Allergan about the price that consumers and third-party payors paid for Restasis. The doctor told me I was seeing well even after I complained during every visit. 4 months and my eyesite contuines to deteriorate. Bausch and Lomb tells you that you are a candidate even if you have an astigmatism. which was visualized using an angled beam from a slit lamp during the post-operative She suffered with poor vision at all distances and was so light sensitive that she had to sit in a dark room with sunglasses and could not go outside except on very cloudy days. I have done everything this Dr. told me to do, trust me I was excited to have the procedure and would have loved not having to go back to Dr. *! I had the procedure by a renowned eye specialist doctor ******** ************ of Randolph Rd. You may want to checkout the FDa recall website, there is a list of Crystallens, Bausch and lomb, the list are actual serial numbers that were defective, letters should have been sent to patients. I filled the prescription for about $130. Both eye's feel irritated with slight pain! I go in the grocery stores or any store with florescent lights and it's almost unbearable as far as irritation and slight pain in my eyes! The Doctor said everything was ok with my eye and can't figure out why my left eye (for near vision) wont focus. mother had Crystalenses PUSHED off on her in cataract removal procedure. When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! They gave me the run around until the statute of limitations ran out. Post-op follow up was turned over to an optometrist. I am 'WARNING' anyone that is considering this 'STOP' DO NOT have this procedure done! There needs to be a law suite on the Crystal Lens! I am really tired of taking time off from work to hear the same thing over and over, that everything looks good, and I can't expect it to be perfect, which is what the surgeon says when I tell him it's worse than before the surgery. So many complaints about Crystalens and nothing is being done by the FDA. You may hear Dr. Santamaria on this radio interview: how many times is this goign to happen Is it just Bausch and Lomb? PMAs with Product Code = NAA and Original Applicant = Bausch & Lomb, Inc. WebIn general, prosecuting attorneys involved in class action lawsuits will receive payment for legal work upon conclusion of a victorious case.. 1 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold defective earplugs, but this only reimbursed the government.. A group of people that has suffered the same or similar injuries can collectively file one lawsuit I've lived with it for 5 years, as I'm horrified worrying about losing even more vision . I am crossing my fingers for the October appointment but have my doubts. Wish I knew someone that could help me! my vision is worse then before the lens placement. I cannot see near and distance vision is blurry. In fact, she said, my dad is getting his done next week. At first computer distance was perfect and near vision was acceptable but far was still myopic. They pretty much talked me into these crystalens, promising that I would be able to focus in and out, see far away as well as near and mid-range without the need of glasses or reading glasses, so I paid an extra $3500 for it, but it was much more than that in total, considering what my insurance paid. I have had 7 surgeries on it now and he does not want to touch it anymore. For months, it felt as though my eyeball was in a barrel, and I could see a black rim around my eye. I still need the same reading glasses! Contact Bausch + Lomb at 949-521-7895 for questions regarding this recall.. By Consider The Consumer on 10/18/2018. The only thing that works is closing my eyes for 15 minutes and then don't look at you phone and all is well. I need to were sunglasses at work and all the time outside as the light will make my eyes burn. Since the vision is not all that bad I can't seem to get anyone to understand the issue. I think the doctors are excellent surgeons but I don't believe that the diagnostic processes are sophisticated enough to identify patients who will benefit from an accommodating lens. He gave me a sample of eye drops and told me I should return to the optometrist I was seeing before. Dr. had rep from Bausch and Lomb come to his office to see my eye and I was told it was Z-Syndrome which meant the lens popped out of place and it is in the shape as a Z and that is why I could not see. My eyes were very dry after my LASIK surgery. So am I just to live my life as I go blind because of the horrible lenses that should NEVER have been put on the market????? After lots of visits and Im sorry you had your expectations too high, from the eye dr, I eventually went to a cornea expert because I was having such issues with my eyes-not only did I believe I saw better BEFORE the surgery, but my vision at night was horrible, with stars around all lights, lack of depth perception, and my eyes felt awful each day-painful, red, and uncomfortable. CRYSTALENS /// JUST SAY NO ! $8000 lesson that I will pay to Care One for years. I got mono vision(recommended by doctor) and it sucks just as bad as what you all are saying. I had the Crystal Lens put in during cataract removal about a year & a half ago. The nightmare is not over, but the new eye doctor at least got the ball rolling for me to get a minute refund for the Crystalens. WebThere should be a class action lawsuit against the Crystal lens company, they need to be held accountable. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars, gone to every eye specialist, done everything recommended - no fixing the major problems that this product has caused in my eyesight. Also, eye technology is still growing, and a few mishaps may be a required step for research to go forward, and try to develop better products for the far future. They did not fit well, did not maintain their shape and were always falling off my nose. Soooo much can go wrong trying to fix this including LASIK which is much like the liar ### who do Crystalens! I have had six surgeries to try and correct my left eye - the lens is no longer in, but the problems remain. My vision is either out of focus most of the time or blurry due to inflammation. Left eye just as bad. Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. I wanted the new Restor multi focal he said they were crap and did this to me now night vision is bad the one they set closer blurs the one thats set far. : Expiration Date:11-699865 to 11-699951 01/14/201611-699952 to 11-700027 01/14/2016. If I knew it would be worse, I wouldn't have got the surgery done in the first place! BOYCOTT Bosch & Lomb - -BEST ADVISE TO PASS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW - - I couldn't focus, and my eye (dominant eye) felt as though it was pulling outward. He believes her body rejected or was allergic to the material in the Crystalens. This new implant, approved by the FDA in 2009, uses diffractive rings on its posterior surface to maximize clear images at all ranges of vision. She has been unable to sleep since the implants were put in. I did it and nothing has changed! Back to Walgreens for readers and continue to pay my $8000 bill? 2015 I would do anything to have my God given lenses back. The letter described the product, problem, and actions to be taken by the customers. WebLast week a class action lawsuit was filed alleging that realtors are colluding to fix real estate commissions. After getting the first eye done I had 20x20 distance vision but very poor accommodation for close up reading. I have had two doctors tell me since surgery that I never should have been told that I was a candidate. My periferal vision is bad. is a rip from the start. Has anyone else had this? Her new doc thinks the crystalens should be removed as it does not perform as it claims and is no better than any other lens. Letters were supposed to be sent to patients that the lot may or were defective. Next was Lasik for both eyes: a little better for distance but nothing for close-up but, alas, there were complications from that as well. Thanks doctor your an idiot! Class action lawsuits are found in every state, but states like California, New York, Florida, New Jersey and Texas tend to have the highest number of class action complaints filed in America. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. I've had a visceral tear, which I was told is common with Crystalense, and have floaters all the time in one eyes. Cross or cockeyed, which I had trouble with my eye pulling outward my whole life, isn't a good candidate (since the muscle tends to weaken as you age, and the muscle is what your lens adheres to to make then lens work properly). Unfortunately, it has popped out again and again and still is not correct. My eyes have adapted to the lens and Im able to focus, distant or near just like with my young eyes. One of the worst decisions in my life. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. I use special drops in the morning and before bed. When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! 2:19-cv-10658-DSF-SK, in the U.S. District Court for the I had both eyes done as an optional remedy for cataracts. I am so fed up with doctors his response to me was well lets try 2 diff types of glasses and if that doesn't work try a contact lens in one because I have a semi-dilated pupil now. Cost is $2500 for two eyes. She cares for my father who has had three strokes, and all of this has complicated things. Nothing I can do about it now. I had good reading vision for about 6 months did all the eye exercises. I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. Did you get message just now re: the fact that I learned of recall and class action. It felt like he pulled out the sliver that was stuck in my eye for several days, which was the pain I was feeling. The doctor stated that the lenses "popped right out" and were not adhered to her eye at all, which he found strange since they had been in for over a year. A 45-year-old female patient was diagnosed with cataracts OU and underwent an uncomplicated cataract surgery OD with placement of a Crystalens. you can add me to list, horrible results from the crystalens. My doctor said he had success story with his other patients. Obviously not covered by insurance and each surgery is more out of pocket expense. Bausch and Lomb takes no responsibility. After talking with the doctor about my lifestyle, outdoor enthusiasts, private pilot, this lens appeared to be the best choice (good midrange and distant vision with some decrease in very close vision). Most people in this page complain about implants inserted via surgery; a class-action lawsuit requires a few more issues than 10 or 20 bad stories over the world; and it would also require deep investigations to proove that the problem comes from the implant, and that the doctor putting the implant in the eye did his job 100% perfectly. Her vision degraded to 20/200. Now I can't drive at night and it is difficult to work because of my vision. I was promised by my ophthalmologist that the Crystal lens would self adjust so I can see both near and far on my right eye. My decreased peripheal vision is quite noticeable, also. Left eye first, right second. I was never ever told the crystal lens cannot be removed after 1 month, even though I complained constantly. I would be interested in a class action lawsuit against Bausch & LombPissed! Sadly, I did not look up Complaints on Crystalens before making my decision. !..Now they messed up my distance visionleft eye same discomfort every frigging day, vision near, intermediate, and distance fluctuates in and out of focusit's amazing that he actually wrotr in medical report perfect 20/20 vision..Biggest lie!!
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