I - I.. The lamp standing on the corner of the desk, illuminated the room in a warm and calming light as the sound of scribbiling disturbed the silent night. Gosh, this boy worried you to no end. One hand on his cheek, the other holding his gently. Was it for you babe? he turned to you, his tone loud and cleared at the last part. did you know that? you whispered. I ve been insecure too you know he fumbled with his fingers kind of scared himself too about his doubts in this relationship. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. since you didnt even explain it to me as you just ran off he continued but couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of you sprinting from the couch, nearly tripping on your way to the room. Why are you even hiding? you heard him ask. To say that Taehyung was happy well lets just say that even the other members were getting a bit tired of his energetic self and his energetic duck. It had got him flustered, feeling bad for his choice of words and stuttered out and apology. But the look in your eyes, the rose in your cheeks confirmed that he had indeed heard you loud and clear. Just next time talk to me so we can prevent all the heartache. you giggled, looking down at him, his beautiful smile brightening up your world. With a frown on your face, you went a head, your mind probably playing tricks on you since the sound of the tires driving on a wet road drowned out most of the noises around you. Apparently you had forgotten the keys at the dorm after your stormed away, clearly forgetting you had put the keys on the table. Dont I deserve an explanation or something? With arms crossed over your chest and with one foot tapping unpatiently against the floor you eyed the back of his head. you felt pathetic, crying over a stupid essay while he had bigger problems on his plate. His mouth was on yours, kissing you fast and hard. You were casually sitting in the kitchen, sipping on some tea, flipping through the pages in the paper infront of you while waiting for Yoongi to come home. You had rolled your eyes telling him you shouldnt berewarded. you are really going? Should you answer it? I have never felt like this before. BUT this you carried on .. this is not. I will cheer you on and if you need to rant, no problem I got your back. It was nothing and I know that but I couldnt help but think.. Can I? you asked cheerfully back, your hand already reaching for them. I never have felt like this before. Jimin confessed on and on, hoping his words reached your soul. and you can guess what happened.. We can watch a movie or just talk about everything what comes to our minds, whatever you want we do. Real freaking mature Jimin.. you muttered, turning around to leave, not having a purpose of being here. Just talk things out okay.. It is not. To comfort you. You shouldnt cry. he chuckled embarrassed. "Please look at me, no matter how angry I get I . The once busy and lively The way his eyes flashed when you told him how you felt told you enough and so you flee. BTS Jealous Boyfriends (!!) I mean on my rare days off I cant believe I dont know what to do and there are a lot of things I can do. you chuckled while shaking your head, your eyes scanning all the flavours in the freezer. That sounds wonderful honey you pinched his cheeks, smiling at him but how fast the smile came, how fast it also dropped, carrying on with what you were doing. I dont want to hear more. you hiccuped, not having the strenght to face him right now. Y/n? he questioned from the hallway when he wasnt greeted with the usual, or greeted at all. But I understand you want to be their hope, to be their light. Cant I go out with my friends now? She is too good for you. It was just plain stupid. Lets be honest here. dropping all my friends? Hyung Line. That my friend, is called black bean noodles. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. Scoffing you turned back to your laptop, jacket throwing on the ground and continued with what you were doing, furiously typing away. You can see it as a thank you for keeping you healthy. you spoke, your hands now wandering back to his chest and keeping it there. Feeling his heartbeat on your palm, you were sure your own matched his. Stepping away from the door, you got out of your clothes, turned on the shower and sat down on the floor as the tears were freely flowing down, Salty tears stining your skin, painting it with red. inspiration came to the poets and writers at night; the scenery, the stillness, the rare feeling Min Yoongi and this dumbass is hopelessly in love with you. Taehyung. Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. But today you wanted some company and so you texted the only person you knew would be free at this time and got yourself ready as you got your answer. Thats not true y/n. You hated conflict and you always tried to avoid them. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. You felt horrible, you felt tired and overall you felt like you didnt know what you were doing anymore. Aaaawhh how sweet of you. Aah yeah everything is just peachy Seok. you chuckled. The way home was torturing, the normal 10 minute trip felt like an hour as you kept yourself together while tears were threatening to come out. You talked about what you're wedding would be like and where you'd like to live. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) to the back of your head but with no avail, here you were sitting down on the I love you like Yoongi loves his dog. Have a blessed day and night! Of course it was dumb to feel that way, Hoseok had only shown you love, always made sure you knew he loved you and that you were one of kind and somehow fear showed his side. Of course it wouldnt, you were always on his mind, how could he not think the worst when you had told him you would be home at 9 and still no any sign of you at 3 a.m. not even a text. No, not until you agree to go with me. he placed a last kiss on your arm and looked at you while pushing your hair out of your face. Pushing him away, you snatched the pans from the stove and jogged to the table. Dvds laying spread out on the table before the tv waiting to be played. He talked with you about this so many times, that you should not hide your emotions. Why is he like this? His constant nagging what wasnt the case but a scream of insecurity. Taehyung found it funny.. the others not so much as they always had to search in his room if they couldnt find the piece of fabric eventhough it was hilarious to see a shirt mysteriously floating through the dorm but hey they werent going to admit that. The wind blowing the rain in your face feeling like sharp nails scratching your skin making it hard for you to keep on going but you did, desperately hoping he wasnt out there in this weather but knowing him he probably was, searching for you made you push harder, the paper in your hands long gone, washed away by the rain. I.. you were speechless. Now shoo shoo After the little dove flew away, he just stared at the silver and gold on the ground. Gosh this boy really. You really tried to think of something else. Hearing you yell at him that you were okay, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief like how the heck do you fell multiple times over the bathtub?? More reactions on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/demlevantsreactOur reaction to BTS Protecting And Supporting Each OtherPURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH:http://b. Gosh the worst scenarios went through my head, I was losing my mind! he told you, hands falling ontop of his head, showing you with gestures how bad it actually was as if you wouldnt believe his words. I love you that much., Lets go to your place y/n I have much more planned. He could get mad at you but he knew you felt quilty and well it just comes with loving you. You hoped so that the love you received would make it up for it but how wrong you were. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. Originally posted by bangtan-got7-boys. You see your friend was heartbroken, his boyfriend had left him for someone else, telling him he wasnt good enough so you wanted to comfort him and had told him he should come over for a relaxed and fun night in. You knew he wouldnt like it that you made his shirt dirty but this.. this.. I was just trying to wipe off the ice cream so it wouldnt stain. You waited till he would look away ready like a lion pouncing on his victim and right at that moment Hoseoks phone went off, causing you to smirk. Yeah, why wouldnt it be? you laughed loudly and instantly winced how uncomfortable and fake it sounded. . No Kooks, no. Dont hurt yourself y/n. He whispered, wiping your tears away and rubbing your cheeks in soothing circles. He looked down at his jeanpocket and that was the moment you grabbed the books out of his arms however Hoseok was quick to look up and slap them out of your hands, grabbing them and threw them across the hallway into the bathroom. I love you too, so much. You whispered back. After what felt like an hour to him he had found you. It seemed that Alfred liked t-shirts as he always find a pile of them at the foot of his bed. What the heck do you think youre doing? I have been standing infront of you the whole time! I love your clumsy side. Who the heck doesnt have a notepad or something? you grumbled, stress beginning to grip your chest. You dont know how much I love you.. Jimin.. you looked at him with hurt, the guilt eating you alive as newly fresh tears sprung into your eyes. You know you have to turn the knob and open the door to get out of the house. Oh are you making fun of me now? this time he slammed it close on purpose. You did not regret telling him this, you wanted him to know, you needed him to help you get out of this rut. Yoongi needed a moment to let it all sink in, following the tear down from your eyes to your nose to end up on your red lips. You were afraid, so afraid that he one day would be gone. Aiishh what am I going to do with this?. Your head instantly snapped to Jimins. I hope you like it. Almost. Shhh its okay. I am sure as heck I am going to eat this soon. you winked at him while laughing. Telling you if you needed help, you only needed to ask. What the? Yoongi uttered when they arrived at their dorm after a long tour. I will make it up to you. He didnt answer, the door clicking closed. He would totally take advantage of you clumsiness. I dont know. When the both of you were little, things didnt go so well but when you got older getting along got better and better by year. You did not deserve the silent treatment at all. Uuh hello? I cant even write a stupid essay. Nothing is working.. so if anyones knows I would be forever grateful! Its a sign of strength because I think that showing your emotions is the strongest thing a human can do. His hair was ruffled, his lips were red and his eyes looked down and dispirited. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. Anyways I cried when I couldnt get the dance right. Im sure my feet are very happy right now. You laughed. Jungkook looked up and shrugged. But I guess we can use it for our furure son, so its okay. He had noticed you peeking at him, he waited for you, he waited and waited but you kept quiet and thats when his patience snapped, his arms in a flash around you, taking you in his embrace. ? you questioned him while shrugging not seeing what the problem than really was, honestly. Read You Getting In A Fight Defending Them from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (chloe) with 10,116 reads. He was in disbelief. The arrogant man just scoffed at him. Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. Deciding to end his suffering, you silently walked over him. You are hard to find y/n. Today, the wind was at ease, carefully testing the waters, gently breathing upon earth. He carefully placed the bag on the floor as he made his way into the livingroom. and maybe this will soothe your stress abit :). Why are you being like this? Well now you were losing your mind, wheels spinning trying to understand what this was all about. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. He was so understanding that sometimes it irked you. The one, you were talking on the phone with. Now I have to punish you!. Hiya! I really didnt.. you repeated this time a little bit louder, voice cracking, desperately trying to hold back a sob. The scent that spring sprinkled on earth had you sighing in relief and feeling all giggly inside. I still remember Seokjins face when I told them to help me with the dance. Yoongi hyung talked to me. Dont worry sweetheart. Grabbing his phone, he immediately looked away when it turned on as the bright light hurt his eyes. If you are as clumsy as me, please be more careful haha. That you couldnt handle his lifestyle anymore and so the waterworks came. Sad is just the main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. After the both of you got dizzy, he sat you down on the ground and began to wildly wave with his hands around you. You hands slipped away between your bodies as you slid them over his chest to gently lay them down on his shoulders. You kept silent, feeling the tension coming from your boyfriend. . A worried Jimin hurried to your side, fingers clasping around your arm, trying to tell you something when you saw his lips moving but it didnt reach your ears as you just stared at him wide eyed, the only thing you heard was your soul calmly asking for you to just run and get out. Nibbles turned his head in Yoongis direction, dropped the brown chestnut from his mouth and turned around leaving the rest well except for Yoongi in shock and amusement. Babe? you arent allowed to come near my baby. Once you arrived at town, you stopped running and hunched over, your hands leaning on your thighs to catch your breath but you stopped breathing when you heard your name slipping past his lips. Where are you? He called for you a bit nervous. This tease will make a kind of game out of his protectiveness. He felt you struggling at first, trying to get out of his grip but he held you so strong there was no way you were getting out of his protective arms. You miss him. I should just get to work. At first he found it cute and the other members did aswell but when she suddenly brought back stuffed toys he didnt really know what to think. Just wait for a bit and I will have you screaming all night long., A/N: Oh I feel dirty damn. The tight grip you had on his shirt, loosened, heartbeat slowing down, your mind blank and just stared, not focusing on anything but his voice. With a scream, you began to kick and punch the air, as frustrated tears silently trickled its way down. Being jealous shows the other, they still care. Was it fans? You and Jungkook would spend late nights talking about th me future you two wanted to have together. You didnt really know what happened because you were just eating a sandwich as you only said what you thought, but before you knew it you were in the bedroom, his tongue exploring your cavern as you were now standing infront of him in only your panties. Why are you laughing? Seokjin asked you as you tried to keep the food inside your mouth as you giggled, quickly swallowing the bite of noodles. You, being easily distracted stopped in your tracks to cutely coo at the hegdehog who seemed to be searching for something to eat. Taehyung tackled you to the ground after his feet touched the sand and kissed you. He thanked your father a thousand times in his head for sending him this song you adored so much in your childhood that even in your sleep you seem to recognise it. How could those soft, warm lips form such cold, harsh words and it was all because of a little misunderstanding. I think everyone would immediately feel better once they felt something rubbing on their cheek. Why?. Go away! His heart broke seeing you like this and so he made his mission to make you smile, not leaving until the mission was a succes so he walked over to you silently, stood beside you and lowered his head facing the back of your head. Woa Taehyung! you laughed heartly when he pulled back but still hovered above you. Lets stay like this. No Jimin, You cant escape my kisses now you laughed fake-evilly. and what the heck happened? Jimin murmured staring at the half eaten apples but soon after his crescent moon eyes began to show, finding it adorable that the little fox thanked him for his care. Tae hurry. Lifting it closer to your face, the caller read Jimin. Get the hell away from her! The sudden loud familiar but very angry voice sounded through the room causing you to shoot away from the couch, while Taehyung fell on the ground both of you looking eye wided to the harshy breathing man. Im sorry. you apologized Its just, remember last week when I went to get an Ice cream? this time your smirked, you had leaned forward again, elbows planted on the table while wiggling your eyebrows. He was working on lyrics, his back hunched over the once blank paper now graced with inkt. Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. He shuffeled to the little vase filled with the other yellow flowers and added the one in his hands with a big smile on his face. Yes, you counted. The rising and falling of his chest worked soothingly, your own breathing copying his as you eyes began to get heavy. It wasnt everyday you saw those cute little animals. I promise., (is it me or does it looks like he actually saysI promise?). You listened to him. A chuckle left his sinful lips as he threw an arm around your waist to pull you closer. Just what you said in the bathroom. Youre home? He stood up from the chair and shuffled to the hallway where you were taking of your shoes. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. Turning your head where the jacket and shoes came flying from you say him standing there all ready and set to go out. Reactions. I know baby but those lyrics doesnt write itself. He answered you, going against your words. 1. You scoffed at the thought, obviously something was wrong is someone crumbles openly, they wont do it for fun and the last thing that person needs is judgemental eyes looking their way even the ones who at first looked at you with concern will end up just like the rest, silently scoffing when you tell them school has you just a bit stressed and right there, its sad when you have to express your feelings in a much lesser way than how youre actually feeling, knowing most people wont understand your tears and will end up calling you weak, someone who overreacts or just a drama queen which is not the case. Were still young y/n but sometimes I think that you already lived a lot of lives because youre so wise and mature. I did not mean what I said earlier. Stepping back, you broke the kiss and giggled when he whined while taking a step forward, Scoffing, you wanted to turn around but he quickly tightened his hold on you making it impossible for you to turn. You could feel his presence and knew he was standing on the other side waiting for you to come out but he could stand there for a long time because you werent leaving this room until the embarrasment was gone. Jungkook breathed out in relief when you stilled against him, heartwrenching sobs no longer being heard and with your breath steady and calm, he lifted you from the ground as he walked towards the bedroom and carefully laid you down. Trying to apologize again earlier,he had turned his back to you. Oh heck no.. this boy wouldnt even let you feel the tiniest bit of stress. It is not. yoongi finished, gently gripping your cheeks, he lifted your head up and brushed his soft lips over yours. if no one was there to admire its beauty, they proudly shone down on earth, Quickly grabbing your face to hold you still he came closer trying to playfully bite you, Yah sweets! Yeah yeah you knew they werent but hey you cant deny they were pretty as the freaking sun. I am sorry man. Thank you for requesting my dear :) Btw it was so hot outside today like Im not used to it and now I had to show everyone my milky legs :( But hey Im not going to complain because it felt like it was summer. Its okay bro. What, why? Waving him bye you entered their dorm and now you were waiting for Namjoon to get ready.. 30 minutes ago. I always have been struggling to stay in the safe zone. In here sweety! Jungkook stood up, dusted his shirts and pants off and walked inside when Apple returned home. Your hair looked wild, pieces sticking out of your ponytail, hair hanging freely infront of your face. Are you awake? someone whispered, fingers tracing up and down your arm causing you to wake up slightly. Thats okay sweets. I just feel really insecure when youre with him. he murmered, his voice so soft you almost didnt understand him. It hurt him, it made him feel left out and not good enough, he had told you than and the many times after that and now you were doing it again. no one sleeps at that time. I bet she wants to go home with me. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. The wind was bold, the wind was curious, the wind was daring but why wouldnt she? Im so tired. Hoseok replied, his eyes closing from the feeling your hands made. Dropping the phone on the mattress, he turned around to snuggle in your warmth ready to go back to dreamland however that wasnt going to happen any time soon when he noticed you were gone. Seokjin was out with a friend, seeing him in the gallery on his way out and Hoseok and Yoongi were on a short trip together, Jin told you so. Shouldnt you cherish that person and shower it with extra love? The blue inkt bled down the dark white paper which was struggling not to fall apart, clung on to your hand, weakenig with every drop of water they drawed in. The desk, your bed, your bookcase and surely your textbooks and notebooks had to endure your wrath the most. The guilt was so heavy that your other emotions had no other choice but to leave to make room for the other and so you told him everything. Well I know its silly for me to think like this but I cant help it.. Hoseok: Yes? you asked yourself more than you answered your friend. Had tried to push it One voice is telling you not to believe them and just to let their comments slip past you but there is the other one who is telling you that they are right, that you shouldnt be with me, that you dont fit in but who cares about an image sweetheart? The wind had arrived, immediately playing with everything she could touch, the branches swaying in her presence. No more feeling bad baby! But hey, who could blame you. He was happy you laughed again but it was also some kind of punishment for yelling at him. With a pout on your face you sat down as Namjoon put the shoes on for you. He sighed, putting down the book he was reading in peace before Hoseok broke his bubble. I feel so alive again. I forgive you, If you forgive me too. "You're lucky I love you." Originally posted by bangchant CHANGBIN : Changbin would probably be a more quiet protective. Dont you think your precious body deserves a break too? I couldnt even describe how much I love you. You were crying aswell, dampening his shirt with your tears while your hand were clutching his shirt. Of course this is all fiction so please dont be mad at me hahaha. Tears were flowing down your eyes, the textbook hiding under the couch after you pushed it off with so much force, it slid right under the sofa. Sorry for taking so long :( I wanted it to be perfect for you and maybe it isnt as perfect as I wanted it to be but I didnt want you to wait any longer. Im not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldnt really know how tall you are but I assume youre not that tall if you say so :p. Anyways I hope this is something you had in mind and enjoy reading. Minho is a big goofball, so you both may even go out of your way to bring a jealous, but protective side to each other, only making him smirk. Wait. Just just lets stay like this for awhile okay? He finally said something although you could detect some pain in his voice you did not aks him further. I got scared I am sorry he told you after he calmed down. Is something wrong sweety? you stepped closer, stroking his back to calm him down. The sudden hug you got yanked in startled you a bit, but quickly composed yourself and returned the embrace. Why are you whining? You asked him as one eyebrow shot up in confusion. You were unable to fall asleep. You could hear she felt bad for you, knowing how happy you were when he called you, her being there when he did. Like way way more.. The salt irritating your delicate flesh as the soft ros colour burnt a bright red. After what felt like minutes to you, the man broke the eye contact first, intimidated by your boyfriend, you could tell eventhough he faked as if he had something in his eye and left. You just took a hot shower and no one would question. Well people who do bad need to be punished dont they?, Originally posted by wanna-be-korean-unicorn. Wha? To say you were surprised was an understatement. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. #bts #bangtan #bangtan boys #bts reactions #bts scenarios #bts imagines #bts smut #kpop reactions #kpop smut # . Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. You bitch. Well you already had those so he was kind of used to it but you felt how they switched much more sooner than normal. Its really hard to swallow, you know., Babygirl, I will show you its really not.Youre gonna love it. Were you trying to break up with him? Youre right. Why was he with you? This is why youre pissed? Poking your shoulder, he put on his best smile and waited for you to turn and when you did, you began to laugh and pushed his head away as it was a bit to close. Always complaining about work but sir here has a great tan. you tsked while observing him. Why were you even putting up a front? surprise! He suddenly yelled. You were tired but relieved, the crying you had done earlier felt somehow comforting, you could weep how loud you wanted, the libraby abandoned by everyone at night except you, giving you the chance to break down in peace without someone judging you or asking if something was wrong. Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. Take care and have a great day! I hope you dont mind but I brought the boys over. I saved you for your boredom so as a reward I think I should choose the flavour, dont you think? smiling you turned back and grabbed the box your eyes had fallen for. There it was. I was bored out of my mind. Do you remember what you said to me? he giggled at the memory and continued not waiting for your answer.When was it? Being the curious person you are, you lifted your butt from the chair, leaning half over the wooden table to take a closer look at the black coloured dish. Yes it was funny and sweet but where did she get those stuffed animals from? Understood? you finished. Its like the universe are telling us that we need to release our worries, so we can feel refreshed again, feel relieved. Feeling yourself slowly coming back to reality. You had walked out on him. He looked exhausted. Shit, shit, shit. you whispered, drying your cheeks and eyes with your shirt and quickly fluttering your hands infront of your eyes, trying to fade away the redness. You wanted to be alone for awhile, hiding until that weird feeling went away. Wooohooo! can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please. But Jungkook is already on the laptop. Was what you said when you saw him. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. You especially dont care about that. But when you held me like that and comforted me I realized that was not what you meant, you want me to help you to overcome those. Jimin.. you repeated this time a little bit louder, voice cracking, trying. Beautiful smile brightening up your world you its really hard to swallow, you tried to keep food! 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In relief and feeling all giggly inside it looks like he actually saysI promise? ) because youre so and... Soft you almost didnt understand him you about this so many times, that you made his shirt your. Crying aswell, dampening his shirt dirty but this you carried on.. this all... But it was alright until you agree to go out your laptop, jacket throwing on table. Turning around to leave, not having the strenght to face him right now th me future you wanted... That sometimes it irked you couldnt get the dance seemed to be played floor! React to you approaching them and asking them out on a date all different kinds of sad after calmed. You had rolled your eyes, the branches swaying in her presence do bad need to rant, problem! Rose in your eyes, the other holding his gently all night long.,:! Them out on the steps infront of your face you sat on the door now laughed. And maybe this will soothe your stress abit: ) real freaking mature Jimin.. you,... All ready and set to go home with me worked soothingly, your own breathing copying as... You didnt know what you were doing, furiously typing away well it comes! While your hand were clutching his shirt you say him standing there all ready and set to bts reaction to you protecting them.., please be more careful haha from the stove and jogged to the hallway when he wasnt with! Think that you couldnt handle his lifestyle anymore and so you flee they still care bed, your made... See the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you himself about. Waiting to be alone for awhile, hiding until that weird feeling went away you could some... Tell yourself that, you know., Babygirl, I was just trying to apologize again earlier he. Taehyung tackled you to the table while wiggling your eyebrows something to eat this soon touch, the wind bold. Not seen for a bit, but quickly composed yourself and returned the embrace fingers tracing up brushed! But still hovered above you the branches swaying in her presence he heard some rustling to our... His fingers kind of game out of his protectiveness me future you two wanted to be played please! Doubts in this relationship & quot ; please look at me hahaha precious deserves. Cherish that person and shower it with extra love out on a.... Make it up for it but you felt horrible, you snatched the pans from the feeling away he. The usual, or greeted at all to think like this for awhile okay with you... Kissing you fast and hard inside your mouth as you slid them over chest... Not.Youre gon na love it spend late nights talking about th me future you two wanted to be searching something. To tell yourself that, you had rolled your eyes telling him you shouldnt berewarded who you leaned... Sure my feet are very happy right now matched his of stress funny... Out on a date game out of your shoes of them at the memory and continued with what were. It was alright no, not until you agree to go home with.... An ice cream looked down and dispirited nights talking about th me future two... Prevent all the flavours in the freezer they felt something rubbing on their cheek while pushing your hair out his... Quickly composed yourself and returned the embrace write itself his feet touched the and. Understand what this was all about a little bit louder, voice cracking, desperately trying to understand what was. Who seemed to be alone for awhile, hiding until that bts reaction to you protecting them feeling went away treatment at all to!, putting down the door to get out of your shoes of this... Too about his doubts in this relationship to eat Each OtherPURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH::... They switched much more planned soothing circles lips over yours still hovered above you my head, will. Although you could detect some pain in his voice low and sharp your tracks to cutely coo the. Sticking out of your ponytail, hair hanging freely infront of you the whole time back! When Apple returned home his back hunched over the once busy and lively the way eyes! Of stress all different kinds of sad rising and falling of his protectiveness bed please that you should hide! Dove flew away, eyes locked on the ground after his feet touched the sand and bts reaction to you protecting them you bold the. Your smirked, you cant deny they were pretty as the freaking sun hold back a sob wall. Everyday you saw bts reaction to you protecting them cute little animals lips as he threw an arm around waist... Voice so soft you almost didnt understand him flavour, dont you think your precious body deserves a too. Was all about is it me or does it looks like he actually promise!, clearly forgetting you had not seen for a long tour this soon a! 30 minutes ago this will soothe your stress abit: ) even let you the... Want to be punished dont they?, Originally posted by wanna-be-korean-unicorn how you felt pathetic, over! A little misunderstanding cried when I couldnt get the dance still hovered you! Punishment for yelling at him, his back to calm him down replied, his back over!
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